I Just Picked Up My Gp32. It's A Blu.


Jun 5, 2005
Buckinghamshire, UK
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I was on here yesterday asking questions on which one to get. I went to the store this morning and he had 2 versions. One was flu the other was blu. I picked up the Blu. The screen has sonic jumping up &down on the screen. it has 2 opinions Play or PC link. I got a USB with it....but heard a few people here say buy a card reader, so thats what I did.

I payed nothing for it...I traded in a few older Xbox games and got it. it was £76 with original box the system and a USB cable and a 32 meg smart card with a PC Engine emu on it. I also got a 128 meg card.....but have no idea how to put emulators on the card. I'm sure it's not that hard. I might need a little help with getting the emu's working. The PC engine emu thats on there now works pretty well. Not sure if I got a 166mhz model though?
Thats a damn good deal...
Ermmmmm.... I would buy yourself some of those 15 minute rechargeable batteries and charger that exists now. As then you don't have to worry about buying new batteries and so on...
If not standard AA batteries should do the trick (but don't expect a good life on them).
Sounds obvious but download an emulator, read the readme.txt and it'll tell you everything.

Every emulator goes in the GPMM folder

Once you are there the main .fxe file (emulator exe file) always goes in the root of GPMM.

Then the readme.txt should tell you what folder to create, eg GB or SPECTRUM and then you put all the gamefiles in there.

On my GP32 i have....

fMSX32 (Get from http://l33t.spod.org/ratx/gp32/mirrors/GBA...day-preview.zip )

Excellent MSX emulator

fZX32 (Get from http://l33t.spod.org/ratx/gp32/mirrors/GBA...ay-preview.zip)

Excellent Spectrum emulator

fGB32 (Get from http://l33t.spod.org/ratx/gp32/mirrors/GBA...ay-preview.zip)

Great Gameboy Mono and Colour emulator

fCOL32 (Get from http://l33t.spod.org/ratx/gp32/mirrors/GBA...ay-preview.zip)

Excellent Colecovision emulator

DrMD - Best Megadrive/Genesis emulator
Frodo - Best C64 emulator
Castaway - Best Atari ST emulator
GP Engine - Brilliant PC Engine emulator
LittleJohn - Great NES emulator
fSMS32 - Great Master System emulator

That should keep you going for a while !

Basically as long as you can read just open up the readme.txt's and they'll tell you everything.

Just go to downloads/emulators and try a few out. I was a complete newbie last September but its easy as anything downloading and installing emulators. Dont obviously ask for games here (!) but theres tons out there all easy to find.

You say theres so many out there and you dont know whats the best, what emulators are you interested in particular ? What computer did you have when you were younger etc ? The ones above are some of the main emulators most people use, try DrMD first of all which is a brilliant Megadrive emulator and see how easy it is to use

MAME is also brilliant on the GP32 but if i was you i would get used to using the emulators above and installing them etc before you start MAME
Dont obviously ask for games here (!) but theres tons out there all easy to find.

No problem here. I pretty much have every rom known to mankind

On emu's I would like....

Snes(If it's fast enough?)
neo geo pocket
and msx sounds good too.
batterys: i use GP batterys xD they take long to recharge but if you buy 2 pairs you can charge them while playing with the other ones.
The name has nothing to do with gamepark xD its just a coincidence ;P

if you want more smcs, i would take a look @ ebay. i saw a 128meg card for 12 Euro in german ebay :P but they charge a lot for shipping :(

Nes --- Little John
Genesis/Megadrive --- DrMD
Snes(If it's fast enough?) --- os9xgp-0.3 (good without sound ! with sound slow :( )
Gameboy --- fgb32 (gbax2005 compo)
neo geo pocket --- NEOGP32 (very old and alpha status)
and msx sounds good too. --- fmsx (gbax2005 compo)

you shold try the other emus mentioned by psj3809 too :D

also try scumm and all those nice homebrewn games + bor mods.
you can find them @ the gp32x file archive.
batterys: i use GP batterys xD they take long to recharge but if you buy 2 pairs you can charge them while playing with the other ones.
The name has nothing to do with gamepark xD its just a coincidence ;P

I saw a few rechargeable batterys, but a few of them had different outputs? I just want a good batterys recharger.

and on DrMD I got it working. The old smc had all the folders in it, so I just copy & pasted. That emu run awesome!

Woo, woo....I'm so happy with my new toy :D

Thats why I want this handheld, was for Emu's I have a ngageqd,but the screen is way too small, and a psp and that handheld is too big. gp32 is just right.

I think I'm going to like this systema lot.
you should get batterys with 2300 mA or higher. They last longer.

you could buy gp batterys with a gp charger bundled.
Also make sure when you buy NiMH batteries that you have a compatible charger (NiMH batteries are the newer one's with 1600+ mah).

And Welcome to the gp32 scene :)
If you are gonna be using it at home get a 3v 300mA (or something like that) regulated DC adaptor.
you should get batterys with 2300 mA or higher. They last longer.

Thanks. I saw some that were way lower. I'm glad I didn't get them.

Thanks again.

I would get the Rayovac 15 minute rechargeables. The others take all day to charge, kind of crappy. They are 2000 MAh so they last a fair amount of time around 4-5 hours.
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batterys: i use GP batterys xD they take long to recharge but if you buy 2 pairs you can charge them while playing with the other ones.
The name has nothing to do with gamepark xD its just a coincidence ;P

I saw a few rechargeable batterys, but a few of them had different outputs? I just want a good batterys recharger.

and on DrMD I got it working. The old smc had all the folders in it, so I just copy & pasted. That emu run awesome!

Woo, woo....I'm so happy with my new toy :D

Thats why I want this handheld, was for Emu's I have a ngageqd,but the screen is way too small, and a psp and that handheld is too big. gp32 is just right.

I think I'm going to like this systema lot.

Being from the UK and from growing up when the Speccy/C64/Amstrad ruled supreme i'm happy as anything that these machines are emulated. Plus as the file sizes are very small you can put tons on your machine !

There is also an Atari VCS emulator which isnt bad, also an Atari 800 emulator which i think is very good, old fashioned type of games, eg simple, blocky graphics but great gameplay. A lot of good titles for both of these systems as you probably know
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Use Opensnes9x version 0.2 Its so much faster than the lame v0.3 hehe.
you can get most games running at fullspeed 180 mhz fs1-2