Der Hexenmeister Vom Flammenden Berg

lubidog posted on May 31 2005 at 08:47 PM said:
Blimey, now I'm scared :D

But I'm up in the cold North of Bremerhaven!

I am reading Kiddies books at the Mo. Die Funf Freude! Sie sind toll!!!! Aber, warum ist es 'Richard'? Es sollte 'Dick' sein....? :)

Because Dick in german means fat.
Alle würden über Dick lachen :D

Genau! es muss komisch sein!!!

Die funf Freunde sind "The Famous Five" Jeder aus England hat diese Buecher gelesen

Edit-ist 'jeder' richtig hier...?
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Ja, "jeder" in dem Fall in Ordnung.

And do you really think they changed the name "Dick" because it means "fat" in German? You know what it means as an English colloquialism, right? ;)
Ich mag Deutsch sprechen, schreiben, und lesen... Sie machen viel Spaß!
Horscht posted on May 30 2005 at 01:22 PM said:
well at Reaper is supossed to be the Grim reaper at which is the death at right? If so at something like "Sensenmann" oder "Tod" would fit better. However, the translation you made (oh my god, you killed kenny! You bastards!) was gramaticaly totaly right and would be the proper translation. However, on TV they say "Schweine" instead of "Schufte", as "Schweine" is mor of an insult than "Schufte".

Doesn't "Schweine" mean pig?

I mean, "Schweinefleisch" means pork, so it would have to, wouldn't it?

(I just finished my second year of highschool German.)
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Horscht posted on May 30 2005 at 01:22 PM said:
well at Reaper is supossed to be the Grim reaper at which is the death at right? If so at something like "Sensenmann" oder "Tod" would fit better. However, the translation you made (oh my god, you killed kenny! You bastards!) was gramaticaly totaly right and would be the proper translation. However, on TV they say "Schweine" instead of "Schufte", as "Schweine" is mor of an insult than "Schufte".

Doesn't "Schweine" mean pig?

I mean, "Schweinefleisch" means pork, so it would have to, wouldn't it?

(I just finished my second year of highschool German.)

Yes, but do you like being called a 'Pig'?

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(I just finished my second year of highschool German.)

Ich mag Deutsch sprechen, schreiben, und lesen... Sie machen viel Spaß!

Sorry, that sentence is wrong!
I think you mean "Ich mag Deutsch sprechen, schreiben und lesen.. Es macht viel Spaß! (But im always writing Spaß with 2 ss).

P.S. Someone want to practice german via Skype?
My name is DeRuKu.

I love Skype, just started using it! I live in Germany, but have a London phone number, how cool is that?!
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I suppose I'm lubidog...

I only downloaded it yesterday, been ringing mates up all around the world with Skypeout!

Might even be able to loose my SO expensive t-com tarif... How they can keep charging me hundreds of euros a month, just cos I don't really understand the bill :(

But skype seems amazing! Too good to be true. My uk mates can phone this london number, and I answer here (Germany!)

I just love the internet..... :rolleyes:
i use skype only when people want me to, but you may be lucky :P
yopowa <--dumbest nick ever, but who cares
Some Status-Upgrade on "Der Hexenmeister vom Flammenden Berg":

Halfway through part one :)
Looking good :)
Finally I found some more time continuing this project...

Here is the current translation status (2005-07-17)

Manual: Not started. Will do last :)
Pictures: Finished.
Part 1: 68% finished
Part 2: Haven't started.