OMG 3 years here!

Screenshots of a nearly complete Kintobors lab...still needs texture work, but almost there...I solved my transparency problem so the Emerald chamber should be the next completed map.
Stay Tuned
Rico posted on Apr 11 2005 said:This is looking very good, and you're making good progress. I hope you're actually covering the gameplay too thoughAlso no offence on your own skills, but your work is getting to the level where you could send some screens to Sonic websites and get some texturers, scripters or modellers recruited to help.
Twimfy posted on Apr 11 2005 said:I've completley and deliberately alienated myself from anything after Sonic Jam, I bought Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 on release and was appalled at how confused the series had become.
These days kids are relying on the Sonic X cartoon as a base story, which to put frankly is a big pile of wank.
Seeing as the comics tend to run along side most of the megadrive games, this is in a sense a remake with a thicker and more in depth look at the story line (which believe it or not in the games was left up to the interpreters creating the manuals....essentially a bunch of monkeys in a packaging plant, as there was no actual plot intended it was entirely visual...,many debates about the planet the games are set on, still remain hot in many a forum.)
I did consider a 2D remake but I'm abitious and at the moment I feel quite rewarded by the results I'm producing in 3D.
There's two new screenshots to see if people haven't seen 'em already. Check my sig.
spray posted on Apr 12 2005 said:i had roughly one hundred and fifty sonic the comics (uk)
the storylines of the main comics were generally good, the branch out ones were usually crap, i remember amy and that weird green bird coming to earth once.
the knuckles and chaotix stories were good.
i stopped buying it when the lead stories were just repeats, but i read on the net that new stories were eventually published incorporating chaos things from sonic adventure 1, and jonny lightfoot died!
Off topic but isn't the download for a seperate remake that looks like shit? According to their website it is.Nova posted on Apr 12 2005 said:
yeah oops, just downloaded the link i directed you to and your right, sorry evvyoneRico posted on Apr 12 2005 said:Off topic but isn't the download for a seperate remake that looks like shit? According to their website it is.Nova posted on Apr 12 2005 said:
Remake 1 =
Remake 2 =