I'm making a Sonic game for the PC






Screenshots of a nearly complete Kintobors lab...still needs texture work, but almost there...I solved my transparency problem so the Emerald chamber should be the next completed map.

Stay Tuned
This is looking very good, and you're making good progress. I hope you're actually covering the gameplay too though ;) Also no offence on your own skills, but your work is getting to the level where you could send some screens to Sonic websites and get some texturers, scripters or modellers recruited to help.
Rico posted on Apr 11 2005 said:
This is looking very good, and you're making good progress. I hope you're actually covering the gameplay too though ;) Also no offence on your own skills, but your work is getting to the level where you could send some screens to Sonic websites and get some texturers, scripters or modellers recruited to help.

Non taken, I could use some help with textures (I'm using anything free off the net at the moment, can't really be bothered to make my own yet unless I absolutely have to.)

I would have shown it to the Sonic fan games HQ, but they sadly and somewhat hilariously closed down for a temp amount of time.

As for the gameplay.....I've decided to make all of the key locations 1st and then create most of the gameplay in areas devised from my own imagination, which will be closer to the original Sonic games but in 3D.

I'm very worried about it becoming a 3D interactive guide to the comics. :ph34r:
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I was playing Sonic Adventure 2 and was amazed at it... it's actually fun, but it is no way related to the Sonics of old. I don't consider them the same series either. The Knuckles levels are very fun, as you can glide and climb around 3D environments, but you're hunting for emeralds in a tiny little arena with a handful of enemies. Really, the levels should be gigantic, and you should be traversing them start -> finish like the Mega Drive games, with enemies and power ups thrown in. I have no idea why they decided to make it less fun.

Ditto with Sonic, apart from a few sections you are generally just zooming around long areas. This is kind of accurate if we're talking about the first couple of levels of Sonic 3 but let's face it, later levels weren't completely about speed. Lots of enemy dodging, traversing and multiple routes. None of this is in Sonic Adventure and even if it was the 3D wouldn't give you enough precision to do it properly.

And I'm not even going into the Tails/Robotnik mech levels.

I was really disappointed, so I hope you can get together something truer to the original but in 3D. 'Course, I'd kill for a 2D remake with new levels, but nobody seems to be working on that at the moment.
I've completley and deliberately alienated myself from anything after Sonic Jam, I bought Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 on release and was appalled at how confused the series had become.

These days kids are relying on the Sonic X cartoon as a base story, which to put frankly is a big pile of wank.

Seeing as the comics tend to run along side most of the megadrive games, this is in a sense a remake with a thicker and more in depth look at the story line (which believe it or not in the games was left up to the interpreters creating the manuals....essentially a bunch of monkeys in a packaging plant, as there was no actual plot intended it was entirely visual...,many debates about the planet the games are set on, still remain hot in many a forum.)


I did consider a 2D remake but I'm abitious and at the moment I feel quite rewarded by the results I'm producing in 3D.

There's two new screenshots to see if people haven't seen 'em already. Check my sig.
Twimfy posted on Apr 11 2005 said:
I've completley and deliberately alienated myself from anything after Sonic Jam, I bought Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 on release and was appalled at how confused the series had become.

These days kids are relying on the Sonic X cartoon as a base story, which to put frankly is a big pile of wank.

Seeing as the comics tend to run along side most of the megadrive games, this is in a sense a remake with a thicker and more in depth look at the story line (which believe it or not in the games was left up to the interpreters creating the manuals....essentially a bunch of monkeys in a packaging plant, as there was no actual plot intended it was entirely visual...,many debates about the planet the games are set on, still remain hot in many a forum.)


I did consider a 2D remake but I'm abitious and at the moment I feel quite rewarded by the results I'm producing in 3D.

There's two new screenshots to see if people haven't seen 'em already. Check my sig.

Mobius 4 Eva.
have you ever read the sonic the hedgehog books, theyre cool and they come close to being explicit- for instance tails says "fug-king hell" in one of them :o
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Which books, there are quite a few different variaties? I have read quite a few but can't think of the names off the top of my head, I think one of them was something to do with robotniks lab....they were quite dark, sonic gets shot in one of them.
I did read a couple of the UK comics. I also had some book which had a couple of comics and the traditional storyline laid out (Kintobor turns evil, makes machines out of animals, not much else) I guess they were completely seperate. I also watched two seperate Sonic TV shows, one was more cartoony with Tails and these two bumbling robot villains, the other was some dramatic where Sonic gets off with a squirrel. I believe she was called Sally Acorn.

Is the latter the plot for the comics? No Amy? One annoying thing that sticks to this day was Sally and Sonic kissing and forming this bubble thing which blew up Robotnik's lab in a gigantic explosion. That was I think the first and only episode of that series I watched, because it was so ridiculous. And the whole furry thing.
Sonic with bumbling robots = The Adventures of Sonic the Hedghog, personally my fave of the cartoons it was derived from Dr Robotniks mean bean machine as it contains the same characters with the same names and designs.

Sonic with Sally Acorn = Whats known as Sonic SAT AM, based closely on the american archie comics (damn them with their higher funding). These are no relation to the games.The archie series skew the Sonic universe massively out of control, but tend to lead the way in terms of sonic plot in the US, personally I find it very hard to imagine a world of Sonic without the UK comics to provide running commentary, after all I did buy issue 1 before I even played a Sonic game

Amy is (sadly) in the UK editions, the books you refer to are most likely to be either compilations of eary Sonic the comic or the yearly annuals (which were embarrasingly written, but nicely drawn).

I should get out more.
Yeah, I always preferred the first of those. And I thought those robots looked familiar. But what's wrong with Amy? She's Sonic CD canon after all... :)
i had roughly one hundred and fifty sonic the comics (uk)

the storylines of the main comics were generally good, the branch out ones were usually crap, i remember amy and that weird green bird coming to earth once.

the knuckles and chaotix stories were good.

i stopped buying it when the lead stories were just repeats, but i read on the net that new stories were eventually published incorporating chaos things from sonic adventure 1, and jonny lightfoot died!
spray posted on Apr 12 2005 said:
i had roughly one hundred and fifty sonic the comics (uk)

the storylines of the main comics were generally good, the branch out ones were usually crap, i remember amy and that weird green bird coming to earth once.

the knuckles and chaotix stories were good.

i stopped buying it when the lead stories were just repeats, but i read on the net that new stories were eventually published incorporating chaos things from sonic adventure 1, and jonny lightfoot died!

Yeah, the weird green bird is Tekno, I stopped paying attention after issue 140 (or round abouts) as the drawing quality got bad as well as the stories.

As for Amy...I hate annoying, whinning characters.
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Rico posted on Apr 12 2005 said:
Nova posted on Apr 12 2005 said:
about this chronotrigger 3d game.

1) you can see screenshots and movies of it Here

2) You can download it for playing Here
Off topic but isn't the download for a seperate remake that looks like shit? According to their website it is.

Remake 1 = http://www.opcoder.com/projects/chrono/HouseUpstairs1.jpg
Remake 2 = http://www.uct2.net/Images/UCT2-5.jpg
yeah oops, just downloaded the link i directed you to and your right, sorry evvyone
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