EvilDragon Administrator Staff member Joined Mar 4, 2003 Messages 29,991 Age 47 Location Ingolstadt May 1, 2005 #1 Well, if anyone here is going to There (www.there.com), a large virtual island to chat around: I've opened up a GP32x club, so we can meet
Well, if anyone here is going to There (www.there.com), a large virtual island to chat around: I've opened up a GP32x club, so we can meet
finty what is this Joined Feb 17, 2004 Messages 4,984 Location Ireland Website Visit site May 1, 2005 #2 I tried to sign up but FF isn't supported, anyone remember the name of that plugin that makes FF disguise itself as IE?
I tried to sign up but FF isn't supported, anyone remember the name of that plugin that makes FF disguise itself as IE?
K kknd_cf La vieille dame et les pigeons Joined Mar 16, 2004 Messages 3,284 Age 36 Location North Wales, UK Website Visit site May 1, 2005 #3 That was fun EvilDragon, I still don't exactly get it but it's cool.
sam fisher Well-Known Member Joined Apr 11, 2004 Messages 9,452 Location Bristol, UK Website blog.peter-r.co.uk May 1, 2005 #4 i will sign up soon. Installing now/ Is there a way past the 3 day trial without buying?
S saintdragon Active Member Joined Feb 11, 2005 Messages 967 Age 33 Location LONDON Website Visit site May 1, 2005 #5 im sighning up for it now... dammm it takes long!!!
V Vimacs Don't be evil! Joined Oct 23, 2003 Messages 5,762 Age 38 Location Germany Website Visit site May 1, 2005 #6 Firefox User Agent Switcher https://addons.update.mozilla.org/extension...&numpg=10&id=59
finty what is this Joined Feb 17, 2004 Messages 4,984 Location Ireland Website Visit site May 1, 2005 #7 Heh, I got it just before that post. Thanks though . EDIT: How much does this thing cost?
EvilDragon Administrator Staff member Joined Mar 4, 2003 Messages 29,991 Age 47 Location Ingolstadt May 1, 2005 #8 Well, it's not very expensive. Basic stuff (walking around and chatting) is 4.95 US$ a year. If you want to voice chat you pay 20 US$ once, I don't have it yet. Don't know if I'll get it. It uses an IE Plugin, so I'm not sure if it will work with FireFox Agent
Well, it's not very expensive. Basic stuff (walking around and chatting) is 4.95 US$ a year. If you want to voice chat you pay 20 US$ once, I don't have it yet. Don't know if I'll get it. It uses an IE Plugin, so I'm not sure if it will work with FireFox Agent
finty what is this Joined Feb 17, 2004 Messages 4,984 Location Ireland Website Visit site May 1, 2005 #9 I'll give it a whirl, downloading the agent now.
M markusdragon FI5H Agent Joined Nov 22, 2004 Messages 684 Age 37 Location University of Bradford Website Visit site May 1, 2005 #10 pfft. anything that begins with a currency symbol and ends with a time denotation probably isn't worth it.
pfft. anything that begins with a currency symbol and ends with a time denotation probably isn't worth it.
L lubidog Well-Known Member Joined Feb 22, 2005 Messages 2,765 Age 39 May 2, 2005 #11 This sounds cool to me! Bring your bathers!
finty what is this Joined Feb 17, 2004 Messages 4,984 Location Ireland Website Visit site May 2, 2005 #12 I can't get past the second page of registration, the submit button doesn't lead to anywhere. Wait, is that the game?
I can't get past the second page of registration, the submit button doesn't lead to anywhere. Wait, is that the game?
EvilDragon Administrator Staff member Joined Mar 4, 2003 Messages 29,991 Age 47 Location Ingolstadt May 2, 2005 #14 BTW: I got all your club applications - but you can't join any clubs now (need to have a higher social skill status). I haven't forgotten you. And we can meet anyways
BTW: I got all your club applications - but you can't join any clubs now (need to have a higher social skill status). I haven't forgotten you. And we can meet anyways