The New Pope Is Creepy.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
Instead of having some harmless senile grandfatherly quality, this guy would legitly make me afraid to sleep at night. That is all. :P


//spam (sorry)

///it's early and is slow with my book.
Not to start anything, but electing a german pope with that kind of background on the 50th anniversary of the holocaust seems a bit......dis-tasteful? And i'm normally the anti-PC types who openly makes jokes about his own heritages (and friend's who are comfortable with it and joke back).

Anyways, pope is STILL creepy, But I can perfectly picture him saying "I'm-a Da freakin' pope!"
I don't know much about all this but I think the fact that he was a Hitler Youth member hardly brands him as evil, it was as normal as the boy scouts back then.
I'm sure he's cool, he can't help his looks now he is 78, (neither can any one). Its not like he is going to be the next face of L'Oreal, he has to be worth it for representing 1 billion catholics.
finty posted on Apr 20 2005 at 05:16 PM said:
It wasn't as normal as the boy scouts, it was compulsuary.
Not at the beginning. But yes that's also true. Hitler's ideas were also taught in schools. For example maths was working out angles for dropping bombs and how much the German economy would improve with the extermination of the Jews. Kids even dobbed in their own parents.

Again back to my other point, the country was brainwashed, that was one of the main Nazi ideals of leadership. So I don't think this bloke can be blamed for something out of his control at an age when anything tought to you, you assume is right.
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kknd_cf posted on Apr 20 2005 at 05:33 PM said:
the country was brainwashed, that was one of the main Nazi ideals of leadership. So I don't think this bloke can be blamed for something out of his control at an age when anything tought to you, you assume is right.

i'm afraid you can't sweepingly explain the power of the nazi's as brainwashing.

Germany remains one of the primary hotbeds of anti-semetic activity around the world.
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oh no, it isn't. France has always been anti-semitistic, even more than Germany. The problem is: France never had one of those anti-semitics as their leader, but we had.

And the Nazis really had brainwashing power. The Reichstagsbrand is a good example. The SA burned down the Reichstag, and said that jews did it. And I mean: you can't just go to the Reichstag and burn it without someone seeing so people must have seen it, but still believed it was the jews, just because they wanted to and the Nazis told them what tehy wanted to hear. Life in the times after teh first world war was very hard for the Germans. They got blamed for starting the first World war (which was a drastical change in military ways, before WW 1 wars were more or less something to "show of" what one can do), but they actually didn't (we started the second, tho). It was something that had to happen one day or another, so people in that time weren't to happy for beeing blamed without a reason, but they were happy that they got a scapegoat for their own missery. And who's better to blame than some random group of minorities that is quite wealthy and very educated?

*rant off*


Well, I'm not proud that Razinger has become the new pope, as he has proven himself very conservatie, even outdatet in his point of views. He was a Cardinal (is that the english word, too?) that believed in exorcism. Let's just hope he won't act the same way now that he is pope.
infact, hitler was no german xD he came from austria xD

and well germany WAS antisemitic, america was against the black people, in other countries they did other things :unsure:
mankind is BAD xD
exept humans with a gp32_console :lol:

back to topic:
i think the italians will be pissed that there is no pope from their country :P