What Groups Of Tech Fans That Scare/worry You?

Leet speakers/typers. They are one of the most irritating species i have ever had the displeasure of meeting (via the web that is). Ok, So your an idiot and you can`t spell, But for fuck sake, you don`t have to advertise the fact.

girl-geeks that send round a seemingly infinite version of spam emails, especially ones that end with "if you don't send this onto 10 people in 5 minutes you'll have bad luck" and shit like that....
frolik posted on Apr 19 2005 at 10:54 PM said:
girl-geeks that send round a seemingly infinite version of spam emails, especially ones that end with "if you don't send this onto 10 people in 5 minutes you'll have bad luck" and shit like that....

i've had several that say a child eating monster will ravage upon my children

I am scared by Jaguar fans, it worries me that they exist
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stoners.. wait they aren't tech ppl but i still dislike them greatly. "dude look at this bud I got its so awesome aww smell it" just to tell you weed smells horrible...

but tech ppl I hate hmm.... I dunno probably the majority of the ppl that play counter-strike that always acuse ppl of hacking
DemonStar55 posted on Apr 20 2005 at 11:43 PM said:
stoners.. wait they aren't tech ppl but i still dislike them greatly. "dude look at this bud I got its so awesome aww smell it" just to tell you weed smells horrible...
I don't hate all stoners as I've found out a lot of intelligent people do it, and if it's done in moderation they seem to remain unscathed (as in they don't turn stupid).

But some people seriously base their life around weed and alcohol, and trust me you can see the effects.
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I hate iPods fanatics...
who cares, everyone and their mom have one.

Once I found an iPod in a snowbank once, it made me laugh. I though some poor guy is out of a lot of money. The thing was just crushed and soaked through.

I used to be a windows all the way fanboy until I started to use Macs now I have both (an iMac and a PC), but I prefer to use windows still... My experimenting with linux was limited to live CDs.

ummmmmmm Maybe intel nuts because ummmmmmmm I own AMD computers :) ummmmmmmmmmm ok I am done...
trooper posted on Apr 19 2005 at 10:42 PM said:
Leet speakers/typers. They are one of the most irritating species i have ever had the displeasure of meeting (via the web that is). Ok, So your an idiot and you can`t spell, But for fuck sake, you don`t have to advertise the fact.


wh47 i$ wr0ng w l337 $p34k3rz? r u n07 l337?

Sorry couldn't resist :P

Nintendo fanbois , and Mac nuts are scary.
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DaveC posted on Apr 22 2005 at 05:34 AM said:
trooper posted on Apr 19 2005 at 10:42 PM said:
Leet speakers/typers. They are one of the most irritating species i have ever had the displeasure of meeting (via the web that is). Ok, So your an idiot and you can`t spell, But for fuck sake, you don`t have to advertise the fact.


wh47 i$ wr0ng w l337 $p34k3rz? r u n07 l337?

Sorry couldn't resist :P

Nintendo fanbois , and Mac nuts are scary.

LOL, I suppose part of the fact of me being irritated by leet speakers, Other than them appearing like complete idiots, Is the fact that i can not understand a single word they say/type. :rolleyes:

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markusdragon posted on Apr 19 2005 at 09:36 PM said:
Mac obsessives (I've used a Mac, they're nowhere near perfect. Theres a reason Douglas Adams is referred to as a 'Mac apologist', yaknow :-P)
Linux obsessives (are you REALLY willing to lose that much compatability just to say 'Up yours' to Bill Gates? :blink: )
Windows obsessives (It's a fault-filled mess at times! If you haven't had any errors, then you haven't been using it enough!)
Amiga obsessives (It's redundant already! Get a PC! Emulate! It's fun!)
Nintendo Fanboys (No, the Gamecube doesn't have better graphics than the Xbox <_<)
Sony Fanboys (No, just because you have the largest userbase doesn't mean that everything else automatically sucks.)
Xbox Fanboys (It's a piece of technology, not a deity, no matter how big it may be. Stop worshipping it like one.)
GP32 Fanboys (Okay, it's a nice piece of kit, but it's not going to compete against the DS or PSP.)
Zodiac Fanboys (Same to you, guys. Also; get some decent emulators.)
Game.com Fanboys (I'm assuming I'll meet him someday, at which point I'll have to clobber him with a Tiger 'Lights out' game.
IMDB Trolls (It's a great film, go see it and quit bitching.)
42ists (You missed the entire point of HHGTTG, didn't you <_<)
Slashdotters (Dammit, stop causing sites to collapse! Don't you know theres too many of you for the internet to handle?!?)
LUEsers (Same for you lot. You really tend to cause a lot of damage, yaknow.)
People who make bad flash animations (Oh gods, not you lot again. Only about 1 in 1000 Flash animations are even vaguely amusing, and 8/10 of those are made by Weebl.)

You just have some kind of hate problem, what was it? abused by Micheal Jakson? never listended to Queen in you youth? perhaps you're a communist but afraid to come out for it?

trooper posted on Apr 19 2005 at 11:42 PM said:
Leet speakers/typers. They are one of the most irritating species i have ever had the displeasure of meeting (via the web that is). Ok, So your an idiot and you can`t spell, But for fuck sake, you don`t have to advertise the fact.


Dyslexia about 10% of today's population has it in some way, about 2% of the internet population has it in the retarded way that they replace letters with numbers.

(I'm just having the normal kind)
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