Crazy Idea, Metal Replacement Cases For Handhelds


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
If we could get the exact C.A.D specs of a handheld's caseing, Anyone with a bit of coin, knowledge, and connections could get a nice metal caseing done for it. (And plexiglass screen cover, if you can break that, I fear you :P )

It's gimmicky, probably useless, but damn this would be a fun thing to try at the machine works places.
not a crazy idea at all! it would cost a pretty penny, though, right?
Dunno, I heard the factory here just tosses out scrap blocks of material if it's not big enough to suit their needs, I THINK a block or two would yield a case or two case halves. Could be true, could be false. either way it's not much out of pocket for me. However a C.A.D scanner (scans an object, converts data to C.A.D) or a C.A.D file of the exact specs of say... a Gp32 or GBA:SP case would be a bit hard to come by.