Cheapo Xbox

I'd do it but I cant take paypal (well I couldnt send an ebayer there money getting me a shite rating :(... sob) so it would be cash/ electronic transfer (Lloyds online banking) only.

I'd however go for it in two two weeks today (if you can wait - if not go for trooper).

edit: might as well give it to trooper - paypal is easier.
nah, modding it will be easy. if you don't plan on going on xbox live, then you can't go wrong with softmodding.
you'll see that the xbox is very much like a computer :D ide cables, hdd, fat dvdrom, small mobo, etc..
check out the newbie guides at the xbox-scene forums.
hes right, you can now run damb small linux and windows 98 on it. I f you have an action replay that plugs into ur pc you could do it with ease.
I am game for that Xbox meandu229 :D
If you live anywhere in K ent I collect it for cash :D

Time to start a bidding war :P

edit: thanks finity
junker posted on Apr 16 2005 at 04:09 AM said:
nah, modding it will be easy. if you don't plan on going on xbox live, then you can't go wrong with softmodding.
you'll see that the xbox is very much like a computer :D  ide cables, hdd, fat dvdrom, small mobo, etc..
check out the newbie guides at the xbox-scene forums.
excellent - Im not willing to pay cash ontop of my broadband to play online anyways!

Also Ive been invited out tonight and tommorow so looks like its gonna take me an extra two weeks to get - sob.
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I just installed evoX on my box, ooohhhhhhhhhh. But I can't ftp for some reason meaning I can't finish the uber xbe exploit (or actually put anything on my box either). I can however play copied games, which is a start but not really why I want to soft mod the bitch.

btw, soft modding might look a little intimidating but its a piece of piss reall, just make sure you have all the files you need BEFORE you start and that you can get ftp access and you'll have np.
Well, try softmod installer deluxe. It's even easier. You just load the hacked savegame with your game and you get a menu which is easy to handle. It has a "create MS Backup" option which creates a backup (Doh!), and it allows you to later restore it. All you have to do to instas the softmod is to select the "install Softmod" option, then you can patch your original MS Dash (only the latest one). Now you have a choice on which Dash to install. You can either use UnleashX or EvoX (both by just selecting a simple option). I REALLY suggest you to use UnleashX. It's way better than EvoX (the only thing I use EvoX for is Trainers).
Horscht posted on Apr 15 2005 at 08:38 PM said:
well at but you have to pay attention to that game. There are version of that game that are "soft-moddable" and versions that are not

I was told that the platinum version of Splinter Cell wouldn't work by the person that made the friggin hack and he was wrong, wrong wrong. It worked fine.

PinkSpider posted on Apr 15 2005 at 09:07 PM said:
Unfortunately the only person I know with an Xbox thats modded lives in London - Which is miles away.. sob.

get an action replay. They're twenty quid and other than a cross over cable thats all you need.

Well, try softmod installer deluxe

Thats what I used, and it worked perfect. However its not the full Uber xbe exploit. Which means the clock loop bug is a possibility. I used softmod deluxe to install EvolutionX and then ftp bert and ernie across.

this is the best way to softmod. But instead of doing step one, use softmod installer deluxe to install the save game hack and fololw the guide from step 2
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c0ncept posted on Apr 16 2005 at 11:05 PM said:
Well, try softmod installer deluxe

Thats what I used, and it worked perfect. However its not the full Uber xbe exploit. Which means the clock loop bug is a possibility. I used softmod deluxe to install EvolutionX and then ftp bert and ernie across.

this is the best way to softmod. But instead of doing step one, use softmod installer deluxe to install the save game hack and fololw the guide from step 2

hm, thanks. Will do. I always thought SID was UDE based and didn't have that "clock bug"
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I'm a n00b really but thats what I read. I could of course be totally wrong, I'd be stoked if I was because then I wouldn't have to bother doing anything else with it!


[edit] i have digital dyslexia I can spell fine, but I can't type for shit!
Actaully do, because if I DON'T have to worry about the clock loop, then I can continue with the uber xbe exploit at my lesiure now. And I can unplug my xbox, and seeing as I'm moving house in a few weeks, that would be quite useful!
Hehe, you did unneccesary things. SID is UXE based, therefore not affected by the clock loop if the clock is not set correctly.
actually, no. I've installed evoX using deluxe but that was as far as I got. I thought I had to follow the rest of the guide but it seems I don't, which is nice. Thanks dude!

*grumbles* Now I just have to figure out why ftp doesn't work...