British Tv?


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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Is it just me or has British television really gone downhill? For example itv is now doing a look back on the good old days. And Tv seems to be full of the "best 100..." and these looking back programs. And of course there's also this horrible takeover of reality TV. I'm going on the computer more and more often, TV is just getting damn sucky.

But I do have some praise for the cinema. As you know in Britain cinema's generally dominated by US Hollywood stuff; the latest comedy weird thing all based around one main actor, the latest horror movie staring some freaky little kid etc..

But today I saw a really decent British film. It's called Valiant and stars some good British actors, chatshow hosts and comedy legends. I advise seeing it, it's pretty damn funny.
I just queue up my downloads in the morning before I go to work, and watch american tv (without ads) in the evenings. I just saw last weeks Apprentice (Erin is way too fit for that show) and this weeks episode of 24 (amazing, Jack Bauer could beat Solid Snake and Sam Fisher in a bullet dodging contest).
lol. Solid Jack.

is it royal homing pigeon society


royal scoiety of homing pidgeons

edit: yes and soon seems will be the doctor travellign through time and sleepsing with a different women each week.
This is typical of a selective memory. TV in the patch was just as awful as it is now. There were a massive number of terrible shows, but the reason you don't hear about them now is that they sucked.

We have some brilliant TV now (Shameless, The Office are recent examples) but obviously you are going to remember the shit current TV more than past shit TV, but to be honest it's a bit worthless trying to work out what is worse: Big Brother of Blankety Blank. Blankety Blank was shit, and Fawlty Towers was good. What was that tell us? Some TV was good and some TV was bad. Seems fairly similar to the current situation actually.
Despite he crap reality TV stuff, the Beeb is still the best in the world. I've been all over, and nothing compares to it. Thing is, the fashion for reality TV is bound to die sooner or later. That, coupled with the pasting that the Beeb got for too much reality TV in the last review of its Charter, and it's likely you're gonna see a lot less of that sort of shite on there (Thank God!).
DemonStar55 posted on Apr 7 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
TV is just trying to copy the old shows and fail at it now a days and shows like The SImpsons just need to stop even tho they were good

You couldn't be more wrong. The Simpsons is better now, than its ever been. Have you seen the episode where Homer starts a website and then is kidnapped, taken to an island and placed in a village just like 'The Prisoner'? that episode is comedy genius and one of my favourites.
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c0ncept posted on Apr 8 2005 at 01:04 AM said:
DemonStar55 posted on Apr 7 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
TV is just trying to copy the old shows and fail at it now a days and shows like The SImpsons just need to stop even tho they were good

You couldn't be more wrong. The Simpsons is better now, than its ever been. Have you seen the episode where Homer starts a website and then is kidnapped, taken to an island and placed in a village just like 'The Prisoner'? that episode is comedy genius and one of my favourites.
Yeah, with all the animated gifs and stuff? Mr X. was it? Yeah, good episode. Then again, Demonstar's in America, it may be on more often and is boring him or somthing.
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thats the one.

When Homer pops the prisoner balloon thingy with a fork from his boat:

"What made you think a balloon could stop him?"

"shut up, thats what!"

classic episode, really really funny.
c0ncept posted on Apr 7 2005 at 08:04 PM said:
DemonStar55 posted on Apr 7 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
TV is just trying to copy the old shows and fail at it now a days and shows like The SImpsons just need to stop even tho they were good

You couldn't be more wrong. The Simpsons is better now, than its ever been. Have you seen the episode where Homer starts a website and then is kidnapped, taken to an island and placed in a village just like 'The Prisoner'? that episode is comedy genius and one of my favourites.
that was a good episode and its old

yes the simpsons did start to bore me a lot so did Family Guy and Futurama because adultswim like played like 3 diff episodes a week and yea thats boring
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The new series of Hustle is good, and Spooks rocks. That show about the paranormal is great too, all on BBC.
Axeman posted on Apr 7 2005 at 10:28 PM said:
Despite he crap reality TV stuff, the Beeb is still the best in the world. I've been all over, and nothing compares to it. Thing is, the fashion for reality TV is bound to die sooner or later. That, coupled with the pasting that the Beeb got for too much reality TV in the last review of its Charter, and it's likely you're gonna see a lot less of that sort of shite on there (Thank God!).
Goddamn that's good.
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markusdragon posted on Apr 7 2005 at 11:28 PM said:
Never been that big a fan of Fawlty Towers...
*is bricked by the great british public*
attack him!

c0ncept posted on Apr 8 2005 at 02:04 AM said:
DemonStar55 posted on Apr 7 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
TV is just trying to copy the old shows and fail at it now a days and shows like The SImpsons just need to stop even tho they were good
You couldn't be more wrong. The Simpsons is better now, than its ever been. Have you seen the episode where Homer starts a website and then is kidnapped, taken to an island and placed in a village just like 'The Prisoner'? that episode is comedy genius and one of my favourites.
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This is typical of a selective memory. TV in the patch was just as awful as it is now. There were a massive number of terrible shows, but the reason you don't hear about them now is that they sucked.

Well said LHC. About 85%* of TV just plain sucks. Always has done, always will do. But the other 15%* is just great.

* Completely fabricated figures
I don' t know if yersterday' s TV was better than nowaday' s TV, I mean, if there is all this 100 best... It' s concentrate the best of these years, but there may be as much bad programs as today, anyway let' s see if in 10 years people will be nostalgic of the early 2000...

BTW I saw in England a great program, it was a kind of military emission presented by a funny man, can' t remember the name but it was funny!
When I was younger, I watched lots of televeision - These days the only stuff I watch is Doctor Who, Six Feet Under, Nip/Tuck and a few other programmes.

That Bruce Springsteen song ('57 Channels') is quite apt...