Favourite Street Fighter Out Of Allllll Of Them

yeah, the gba vers of alpha 3 was really handicapped
and MUGEN..i found out about it very late so i had the hardest time tracking down levels and characters. too bad the project dissapeared.

anyone know what happened to the guys that made it?

yeah, nude rogue and some snk girlies is what i remember!
I LOVE SF Alpha 3 on GBA and felt that it actually played VERY well, I had no problems executing combos, specials or supers while playing it the only problem I had was my hand would cramp playing it on the tiny SP. It looked good as could be expected for the handheld and sounded good as well... I was actually very surprised how well it came out I was expecting much less.... anyone played the GBC version of SF Alpha???
Yes, the hand-crampening is bad enough playing it on a normal GBA, I can only imagine the SP ;) . And yes I have played the GBC alpha but I played it before I had gotten into fighting games at all so I really don't remember it.. may be worth checking out on fGB.. actually if your GP's diagonals work ok then it should be pretty non-hand-cramping..