Favourite Street Fighter Out Of Allllll Of Them


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Oct 1, 2003
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Sorry can't be bothered making a poll. Theres just too many street fighters and spinoffs.
My favourite of all time is X-men VS Streetfighter. Ah I had it on my Sega Saturn with the 4mb ram cart upgrade. Arcade perfect :)
Alpha 3 by FAR! Have it on DC, PSX, GBA, and most recently playing it on MAME on Xbox (AMAZED that it runs 100% perfect!).

Blanka is my favorite character... I was overjoyed when he returned in Alpha 3, along with almost every other SF character EVER! I like just about all of the SF games though, including the Vs. games (both the Marvel based ones and the SNK ones). The couple recent Capcom fighters have sucked though :(
Street fighter 2, I can instantly tell it's street fighter when I see it in action, whether at an arcade or home.

Dunno about alpha 3, havn't played.
yeah bad news for all capcom 2D fighting fans is that Capcom has fired its 2D programming employees (Or they have left willingly) and will probably not produce any more 2D stuff at all (unless you count porting as new material).

I'm suprised 2D died. If they made them look as good as an anime or cartoon than they could easily compete with 3D games. Oh well.
sf3 3rd strike on DC. in love with character animations.

also there was this wicked arcade version of sf2 championship edition i used to play on the arcades here in istanbul. i think it was unofficially hacked or something. you can toggle between fighters by pressing 1P or 2P start buttons. also you can do moves in the air and then jump again then move in the air then jump again you can dissappear from the screen and come again from the bottom! oh also every character can throw hadoukens with their special moves. it was fun.
i'm a KOF fan so.....................SNK vs Capcom: Chaos :rolleyes:

my favourite Capcom fighter is Marvel vs Capcom 2

my favourite SF game is 3rd Strike
SF Alpha II on the Saturn is my fav. but fav fighter with SF chars is Marvel vs. Capcom and then, here's a suprise.....Capcom vs SNK MOTM for Neo geo pocket..thats a great pocket fighter.
Well KOF fans can get f@#$ed :P this is a street fighter thread.
PS Kof 97 is my favourite :D
I think they went over the top with marvel vs capcom 2. 3 on 3 was too much, well I didn't like it.
street fighter III 3rd strike!

you KNOW it's the best! if you have this for xbox and play online, hit me up for some matches! this SF is the best to play since it's so deep and just plain fun. other SF games may be more memorable and all, but this is the best street fighter.

next in line(preference), alpha 3, cvs2, xmenvssf, marvelvsupervsf, sf2x, .............

now when will Capcom give us a new SF instead of another vs crap with old sprites?!

btw, groove, that was one of them hacked sf2 machines haha
i would love to see one
Street Fighter Alpha 2 on the Saturn was my favourite. I never did get round to buying a universal adapter and getting Street Fighter Alpha 3. I have the Street Fighter Anniversary collection on the Xbox, which brings back fond memories. I still preferred the Mega Drive 6 button and Sega Saturn pads for playing it though. These new fangled pads of the current generation of machines just don't cut it!
Actually the dreamcast had it's own really good 6 button pad, which I think was made by capcom though I'm not sure, I only ever saw import ones from Japan and snatched one up when I got Alpha 3. Saturn pads control well but they always felt too cheap... too light I dunno.
here's a real surprise...

M.U.G.E.N. for windows + a shit load of SF charectors + a bazillion other fighters = Street Fighter vs. THE WORLD!!

it was always good fun when I had over 400+ charectors downloaded for it.. if only I still had them.. the 2 vs 2 co-op with a friend was always great, especially if yoiu have a good gamepad for it!

otherwise the only SF game I own is alpha 3 for GBA but niether the GBA or the SP's pads are very good for combos..