

Still Fresh
Apr 2, 2005
ive just recently bought a chiped playstation 1 does anybody know of any programs that you can get on the net to play mame or sne or gens on the ps1 saw one one ebay that was chiped and had emulated disc playing old games
Dont buy psones modded theyre pretty much useless.

They canty emu sega genesis, snes, or anything higher all they can do is nintendo and possibly gameboy.

Buy a dreamcast if you want a decient console emu since it dotn require a modchip.
yeah sorry to burst your bubble dude but I dont' think you'd ever see even halfway decent SNES, Genesis or Mame emu's on the PSX. It Might Be NES is good but last I checked there were still some games that didn't work like Castlevania 3 (which seems to be one of the harder ones to get working... don't think it worked in the last version of Nester I tried on the DC either).

Really if you want a lot of emulation on a home console you really ought to look no further than an Xbox... you can pick up used ones for close to $100, and can SOFTMOD them which basicaly means hacking into the system thru hacked software (a hacked game save to be exact) but never having to open the system up or install any kind of modchip.

I did this with mine and now my Xbox runs NES, SMS, GG, PC Engine, MegaDrive, SNES, Neo Geo, MAME (v .84), GBA and more, most of them pixel perfect at 100% speed with full sound, save states, four player support, Xbox live support... the works. The Mame port supports VERY recent games (but still doesn't handle 3d polygons very well) and the Neo Geo port has been hacked to support even the very latest of the Neo Geo roms.

All this and you can fit a TON of stuff on the stock hard drive, I have well over 1000 games on mine and have 2 GB to spare...

For $100 you simply cannot do any better in terms of emulation.
man, I really need to get round to softmodding my xbox. I've been meaning to do it for six months :D

Don't forget psx and n64 emualtion on xbox
yup psx and N64 too...

N64 runs great but I'd say maybe 1/3 of the games I've tried are not compatible, the ones that are work really well though.

PSX I've seen and it looks like it runs fantastic but I dont use this emu myself as I'd rather just play psx games on my PS 1/2.

which reminds me... I ... need..... vib ribbon!!!!
c0ncept posted on Apr 7 2005 at 10:20 PM said:
man, I really need to get round to softmodding my xbox. I've been meaning to do it for six months :D

Don't forget psx and n64 emualtion on xbox

bah, don't ruin your xbox
get a modchip

the odds are stacked against you to fuck up when soft modding
and then you can't get on xbox live unless some serious advancements in xbox modding have occured that i am not aware of
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firefly1201 posted on Apr 9 2005 at 10:32 AM said:
For ease of use I would get a Dreamcast rather than a PSX, because the DC requires no modding. And the Dreamcast is more powerful.
First part correct.
Second part yea. (thought u said xbox originally :s ).

Also Id get an xbox.
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- 80% speed SNES
- Neo Geo CD almost perfect
- Mega Drive - Illegal Emulator with full speed and crap sound (dont know about homebrew)

Everything else is pretty much the same as GP32 or atleast was.
Probably not been mentioned in the thread, but for Gamecube owners who dont want to shell out for an Xbox to get emulation, there is a way of playing SNES and Megadrive games on it using "sdload". I have it and many games are perfect @ 60fps. Including Super Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, Final Fight and others (my fave is SF2 Turbo), however the next version should be far better since its only a beta right now.

I only mention it since the money spent is not on getting it chipped, all you need is an Action Replay, SD Memory card adapter, SD Card. (about £40 total)

Look at for more info.
If you are cheap it'd be a good idea to get a dreamcast. The genesis emulator that isnt illegal is still being worked on and shopuld be perfect someday. Snes plays quite well on most of the games that i tried... It does kinda look like a gp32... :)
Plus you could get one pretty cheap, I got another one at a garage sale yesterday for $15 B) :ph34r: :D
oh lord... *sigh* still not sure why there is a group of people who feel that softmodding is *BAD*. Look... if you can READ and follow directions, the chances of f'ing it up are NONE. I have softmodded six Xbox's now, for myself and friends, of different versions, with no problems. Even when I did the first one, I was being a bonehead, in a rush and made some mistakes, but nothing I couldn't recover from easily. If you follow the instructions carefully, you wont mess it up... and anyways it's not even that difficult to do or the instructions are not that hard to understand.

And yes, advances in softmodding have been made and there are ways to play on Xbox Live with a softmodded system. However, I will say that it is definately easier to have a chipped system if you do play on live and regularly. Also, one other thing if you do ever plan on upgrading to a larger hard drive, you would have an easier time of it if you have a chipped system as well. BUT, you can still do both with softmodded if you're willing to go to a little extra trouble.

For me, I dont really play on live and dont care much about very many Xbox games in general, that I would want a bigger hard drive to fill up with Xbox games... I use it for emulation MUCH more that for playing actual Xbox games, so Xbox Live isn't a big deal for me and having the stock hard drive works out perfectly as it fits all the games I want on there.

Bottom line: Softmodding is FREE, you don't have to open up your system to do it (and for those that say there are risks, it's not like there aren't risks involved in opening up your system to install a chip?!?!), it's easy, and can be very easily undone if you ever want to return your system back to stock.