Which To Buy?


Sep 30, 2003
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I really want either a psp or ds but can't decide which. So what I'm after is advice from people who own one or both machines.

So my proplem is this historicaly I'm a sony fan- wipeout(my favorite game ever),tekken,ridge racer,syphon filter,mgs etc and most the ps1's back catalog however the psp looks expensive and isn't available in the uk yet.

The ds is cheaper looks quite good and can be picked up at argos but I'm not that big a ninty fan. And a third or is it forth generation donkey,mario,zelda game dosent really do it for me.
However they have killed all oposition in the hand held market for something like 20 years albeit by selling a gazillion copies of pokemon to iccle kiddies.

And to make it worse both sides will probably have sega dev'd games so no edge there.

So which is it? I think I'm headed towards psp ownership and that it's sheer impatience pushing me towards ds
For me it would definitly be the PSP. But that's just me ;).

And yes, a sonic game is coming out for both, and I hope a Monkey Ball game too.
Oh man you are opening a BIG can of worms right here.... (puts on his helmet and readies for the next war).

I own both, and love both, and I dont care if anyone wants to call me a f'ing fanboy, I'm going to say that, RIGHT NOW, the PSP is the better choice because there are way more games and more GOOD games out right now... again, RIGHT NOW. The PSP launched with a very strong lineup of titles and I've already bought like 14 games for the thing (import and US...I bought an import one back at Christmas time) whereas I've only bought four games yet for my DS.

But, I'll say again, I do HAVE and LOVE both systems and I do know that at some point the DS will also have a lot of great games to choose from... and before anyone even dares call me a friggin fanboy, I'm gonna wave this picture around again (and also because I"m a blatant showoff who craves attention :D :P ):

Obviously the collection of a Sony Fanboy:

If that isn't proof that I"m trying to be unbiased and fair here then nothing will convince ya.
THREE nomads! wow.

anyway, you should def. go with a psp since you don't care for ninty games. price shouldn't be too high since availability is good here. as long as you don't get slammed with tax i guess.
yeah most of the duplicate systems I have are one for me and my wife... the 3 nomads thing is a bit longer of a story, and actually there are two systems missing from that picture, my white GBA and silver GBA SP which were also for my wife and which she couldn't remember where she put them when I wanted to take this pic (I went a little neurotic on here though until she finally found them). I have pondered selling two of the nomads many times but now they aren't hardly worth anything, usually go for about $20 each, while just maybe a year ago they were like $80-100 each.

Finty - that's actually a gameshark-like device. The PSX is already modchipped, but about the time the PS2 was coming out, some games got 'smart' and could actually recognize a modded system and wouldn't play. I bought an Import copy of Strider 2 and this one wouldn't work so I bought the gameshark thing cheap and used that to get the game working. The VCD thing is actually much bigger, about the whole width of the system, and sticks out from the back of the thing like 2 inches.
FRIBBLE posted on Mar 24 2005 at 10:40 PM said:
I really want either a psp or ds but can't decide which. So what I'm after is advice from people who own one or both machines.

So my proplem is this historicaly I'm a sony fan- wipeout(my favorite game ever),tekken,ridge racer,syphon filter,mgs etc and most the ps1's back catalog however the psp looks expensive and isn't available in the uk yet.

The ds is cheaper looks quite good and can be picked up at argos but I'm not that big a ninty fan. And a third or is it forth generation donkey,mario,zelda game dosent really do it for me.
However they have killed all oposition in the hand held market for something like 20 years albeit by selling a gazillion copies of pokemon to iccle kiddies.

And to make it worse both sides will probably have sega dev'd games so no edge there.

So which is it? I think I'm headed towards psp ownership and that it's sheer impatience pushing me towards ds

I'm not going to go through the pluses and minuses of each system, but just look at your own post. The only reason your really considering the DS is the convenience of going and buying it and the price. The games that will be the strongest on the DS dont do it for you and all your favourites are more or less guaranteed to come out on the PSP.

At elast one person here thinks I'm a PSP fanboy, but I ask you...just look at your own post. I think you've convinced yourself already.
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With that post I be an moron not to say PSP... but I am playing my DS more then my PSP at the moment..but my play time on my GP32 is even better :P
the preveiling logic is that you like Sony games more than Nintendo games. The problem is the DS is staring you in the face going "Buy me! I'm here and I'm cheaper!"

You could do that, or buy the PSP now and later the DS will drop in price first, to a lower price than that of the PSP and you could conceivably pay less money than if you bought the DS and waited for the PSPs price to drop.
But the one which appeals more to you. And which games you prefer. THe DS does not appeal to me in anyway simple. IF you like it than buy it!
I have a DS and I just got my PSP. In my opinion it is not even close the PSP completely blows away the DS.
DaveC posted on Mar 25 2005 at 12:36 AM said:
I have a DS and I just got my PSP. In my opinion it is not even close the PSP completely blows away the DS.
Hey no one listen's to me :P Everyone preffered the DS. I said try them both and decide.
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Buying both still the best way to go of course and really should be the ONLY way to go... but yeah you really got to go with what appeals to you the most.
kotd posted on Mar 24 2005 at 08:49 PM said:
DaveC posted on Mar 25 2005 at 12:36 AM said:
I have a DS and I just got my PSP.  In my opinion it is not even close the PSP completely blows away the DS.
Hey no one listen's to me :P Everyone preffered the DS. I said try them both and decide.

The thing is he practically said (paraphrasing)"Mario games = eh, but I real'y like playstations line up" the choice seems easy, but it's hard for him since one is right there and cheaper. I dont think you should buy something just because you cant if you dont really, really want it, so if you dont pass on it and get the thing you DO want more.
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Doesn't the PSP launch in the US very soon (if it hasn't already)? Surely an import from the US would be almost as immediate as getting a DS and not much different in price because of the current exchange rate?

This is just my thoughts.

I just tried a PSP this weekend and ofcause I was impressed and all. However it did seem it's a bit strange to hold. I doesn't seem to "fit" my hands very well.

It might be nothing in the long run - I did not try it over a longer period of time, but just my first thought.... well, that AND that it took forever to execute the game (Ridge Racer).

I'm pretty happy with my GP for now, so I'm going to wait this thing out to see what happens homebrew/emulation-wise with both of these handheld.