Annoyed Woman.


The Big Wad Bolf.
Sep 4, 2004
Hi Guys,

I was bored the other day, my fella was out and there was nothing on the goggle box, so I decided to do some browsing of the forums. Going through some of the old posts I came across something which annoyed me. A post in the Chatbox section by Finty:

WarmFluffyUK? Thats just some idiot pretending to be a girl.

Now that has annoyed me on two levels
1. I'm definitely not a guy, and I think my fella would vouch for that
2. I know computing is generally a male thing. But just coz someone knows her stuff, doesn't mean it's a guy.

I find it hard enough when someone comes to the office and asks to speak to someone who knows about computers, ignoring me completely! Mind you it's a nice reaction from them when one of the boys cannot answer the question and points them back to me...

Sorry for the gripe, but I think Finty has a unique way of keeping this a boys only club. No wonder there aren't many women here.

It is true that the majority of GP32 users are male, it's mainly a male thing (obviously it isn't unnatural for a female to like it aswell :rolleyes: ). I'm sure he didn't mean any offense to you although he could have kept his thoughts inside. :)
I post on a football website too, and you should see when a woman posts on there.

everyone is asking for photots for proof and asking loasds of questions, its like they don't believe women actually exist or are infact interested in forums.

I actually met my fiancee through a forum, as corny as it sounds, we just talked that much without knowing what we loked like that when we got on so well and both sent each other pictures and realised we were both attracted to each other physically as well as mentally.


Anyway thats enough from me.
killbarney posted on Mar 23 2005 at 09:50 AM said:
It is true that the majority of GP32 users are male, it's mainly a male thing (obviously it isn't unnatural for a female to like it aswell :rolleyes: ). I'm sure he didn't mean any offense to you although he could have kept his thoughts inside. :)
but why create a topic about this?
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aapje89 posted on Mar 23 2005 at 10:07 AM said:
killbarney posted on Mar 23 2005 at 09:50 AM said:
It is true that the majority of GP32 users are male, it's mainly a male thing (obviously it isn't unnatural for a female to like it aswell :rolleyes: ). I'm sure he didn't mean any offense to you although he could have kept his thoughts inside. :)
but why create a topic about this?

I know what you mean, done out of annoyance I suppose (must be real angry) :unsure:
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There does seem to be a lot of blokes that like to pretend to be women online though - strange but true. I used to sit near a moderator for a certain MMORPG and he was forever pointing out female characters that he knew were male in real life. My favourite was when he drew my attention to what could only be described as a virtual gangbang - or at least as close as you could get in the game (ie stripped to underwear and talking dirty). He stepped in and told the 4 or 5 male characters that the female they were surrounding was actually a male in real life. They were not amused...

WarmFluffyUK posted on Mar 23 2005 at 07:39 AM said:
Hi Guys,

I was bored the other day, my fella was out and there was nothing on the goggle box, so I decided to do some browsing of the forums. Going through some of the old posts I came across something which annoyed me. A post in the Chatbox section by Finty:

WarmFluffyUK? Thats just some idiot pretending to be a girl.

Now that has annoyed me on two levels
1. I'm definitely not a guy, and I think my fella would vouch for that 
2. I know computing is generally a male thing. But just coz someone knows her stuff, doesn't mean it's a guy.

I find it hard enough when someone comes to the office and asks to speak to someone who knows about computers, ignoring me completely! Mind you it's a nice reaction from them when one of the boys cannot answer the question and points them back to me...

Sorry for the gripe, but I think Finty has a unique way of keeping this a boys only club. No wonder there aren't many women here. 


Finty is a bit cruel and offensive sometimes, i agrre with you though. firstly you should never express your thoughts on other people unless you have hard facts, and secondly everyone , male, female, hemaphrodite :P etc, syhould be allowed to frequent any bourd they like witout being Persecuted.

Im with you on this one warmfluffy. :)
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A few years ago there was a study of the users of internet.

It found that there was a 70/30 split male to female.

Over half of the female users pretended to be male so they wouldn't receive unwanted attention.

And a tenth of the male users pretended to be female.

I'm sure the internet and it's users has moved on since then, but sometimes old habits and beliefs die hard.
The urban myth remains.

Or it could just be that Finty was pushing your buttons like a remote control :P

The proper answer would be Pffft!
Or .. as Shakespeare wrote 'Methinks the lady doth protest too much!' :D :lol:
since when did this place become some live journal esque site?

and how the hell did you manage to stumble across that one post? seems to me that you've been searching for stuff about you, how sad.

i too think you're a bloke, i don't think any female would feel the need to try and show how feminine they are by having a pic of themselves as an avatar, having the user name "Warmfluffy" and filling all of their posts with hearts and other "warm & fluffy" things like that.

get over it, its the goddamn internet.
I know you're a chick... just look at ur avatar :rolleyes:
Hell, I'm an onion with frog legs ;)
You pretty cool most of the time WarmfluffyUK, but this topic probably should have been in off topic... :)
i think its sad that women have to put up with this kinda bollocks when they visit football, computer, car etc etc forums.

wish i knew a lady who was into emulation........

so guys just think about what you are posting, if you want to say something nasty to warm fluffy off do it for something like her saying, she really thinks that brain lara's cricket was the best game on the megadrive or that that sensible software are thee worst codeshop in the history of man.

you know the usual flaming.

sensible GP32 posted on Mar 23 2005 at 12:34 PM said:
i think its sad that women have to put up with this kinda bollocks when they visit football, computer, car etc etc forums.

wish i knew a lady who was into emulation........

so guys just think about what you are posting, if you want to say something nasty to warm fluffy off do it for something like her saying, she really thinks that brain lara's cricket was the best game on the megadrive or that that sensible software are thee worst codeshop in the history of man.

you know the usual flaming.


Hey, Brian Lara's Cricket WAS the best game on Megadrive (apart from Physic Pinball!!! B) ).

I am in touch with my female side!

I was chatting to a woman at work the other day. She was Blond, in her 30s. I was telling her how I fitted an internal hard disc in my PC. She seemed interested, out of politeness I thought (i am very handsome, the ladies just love to chat :P ), and she asked me about flashing the bios. I smiled inside, wondering which womanly journal she had read that in, and patronisingly tried to change the subject to something she would understand, like nail polishing, or combing her hair.
Later she showed me her pc. That she had built. Then she sorted out my WiFi router problems, configured my Bluetooth adapter, and told me how to encode Divx.


I'm with Warm and Fluffy!

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A couple of things i cant stand about the internet

The fact that people cant be themselves and some people have to 'pretend' to be different people is sad as anything. Used to go to a few chat rooms (when i was first on the net) and its 'amazing' how every girl says shes a model !!

We all know nowadays that hotgirlDD is really a 60 year old bloke typing with 'one hand' if you get my meaning !!!

But the worst thing i hate is the arguing on the internet. Often these dweebs would just get a kicking in real life but because theyre miles away out there in internet land suddenly King Dweeb becomes Mike Tyson

I mean the post from Spray, thats pretty stupid. Whether she is a girl or not who really cares. SO many people on the internet are fake or pretend theyre either super rich, super good looking or mr/mrs successful.

You saying shes sad just because she found an old comment so what ? Sure many people out there who dont use the net loads think we're all sad for chatting on a forum about games on a handheld machine you know ? I think its pretty sad that 'line' on your signature. I cant stand white blokes acting like Ali G and pretending to be some gangsta in England when theyre 100% middle class.

However let people be who they want to be. 'Warmandfluffy' can post / do what she wants who really cares ?
My ex used to play on my neogeo pocket colour so much that I ended up buying her one for herself! She took it with her when she left and I sold the box on ebay for £3.50 :D
psj3809 posted on Mar 23 2005 at 12:49 PM said:
I mean the post from Spray, thats pretty stupid. Whether she is a girl or not who really cares. SO many people on the internet are fake or pretend theyre either super rich, super good looking or mr/mrs successful.

You are right! I am in truth very ugly!

I feel so much better for having got that off my chest :rolleyes:

PS. Agree with every word you said, BTW
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