Considering Another Gp32


Still Fresh
Mar 19, 2005
Hi guys,

I used to have a GP32 FLU (the wife still has her GP32 non-flu)

anyway mine developed a fault with the joystick and had to be sent back to gbax to be fixed. It didn't happen, so the nice people there gave me my money back.

Today I've been trying the new and excellent mame out on the wife's non-flu. WOW!! mame is the main thing I dreamed of, for my gp32, now I'm VERY tempted to order a new one this instant.

But... (saw it coming huh ;))

I've heard a few odd comments about the blu and how its got faults and its not as good as the old flu. I need you to inform me of the facts. honestly :)

My choice is between another gp32 or a DS. I'm a huge retro fan so I'm leaning towards the gp32.. only the blu worries prevent me from ordering one now.

Blu... good and bad points?


The number of emails we are getting about the blu+ is getting ridiculous, most customers are under the impression it is usless:

Eg email from today: 'Is the GP32 BLU the first BLU-Unit or the terrible BLU+ Unit?'

Yet the build quality and screen are easily the best ever in the GP32's lifespan, the new screen is a proper VGA brightness screen, that is you don't have to adjust brightness in games such as doom, it looks perfect in PC mode.

Also the 'dead shoulder buttons / dead joypad' issue is fixed, it comes with the RF link for free and an SMC.

Another rumour constantly said in emails is that 'Nothing works on the blu+, so I won't buy it if thats all you have'

Aside from one version of opensnes, does anything else (of importance to a new gp32 owner) still not work?

This whole fuss about nothing seems to be killing the GP32, and the funny thing is its only been happening here at gbax for the last 3 weeks or so, like some strange delayed reaction. Laggy search engines maybe?

FACT: Most emulators/games/apps that you need either aren't effected by the White Line problem of the new BLU+'s, are most likely fixed by now, or are being fixed at the moment. The only notable thing that you can't do is play Numo ;)

:EDIT: Forgot that GPLinux Micro2 doesn't work properly either :(
Nope, the scanline simply is that the top line gets displayed at the bottom (never prevented me from having fun with my GP though).
The white line is a big white line on top of the screen.

I like my BLU+, only sad things:

- Pinball Dreams unplayable (VERY annoying crackling sound!)
- Numo not yet fixed
- Gianas Return has scrolling bug and won't be fixed soon
- OpenSNES9x not yet fixed (runs too slow for me anyways ;))
- Seems to need more power than BLU (didn't test that, but I AFAIR the same rechargables did last longer in my normal BLU than in my BLU+)

Apart from that, it's fine and perfectly working :)
ZenGP32 posted on Mar 19 2005 at 04:03 PM said:
Hi guys,

I used to have a GP32 FLU (the wife still has her GP32 non-flu)

anyway mine developed a fault with the joystick and had to be sent back to gbax to be fixed. It didn't happen, so the nice people there gave me my money back.

Today I've been trying the new and excellent mame out on the wife's non-flu. WOW!! mame is the main thing I dreamed of, for my gp32, now I'm VERY tempted to order a new one this instant.

But... (saw it coming huh ;))

I've heard a few odd comments about the blu and how its got faults and its not as good as the old flu. I need you to inform me of the facts. honestly :)

My choice is between another gp32 or a DS. I'm a huge retro fan so I'm leaning towards the gp32.. only the blu worries prevent me from ordering one now.

Blu... good and bad points?


I would say get a BLU, even if it is BLU+. The DS doesn't have any emus for it and the screen is small and doesn't have enough resolution to properly emulate many systems even if it had emus.
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I tried to play the DS on display at Wal-Mart, and the touch screen seemed to be broken... I realize people aren't very kind to those display systems, but still... :unsure:

As for the whole BLU+ thing, buy one. I am certain that we'll see a BLU+ compatible SNES emu sometime. Yoyofr, who made OpenSNES, has been showing interest in buying a BLU+ himself, so it's only a matter of time, I think. Until then, there are thousands of games for other emulated consoles that you can enjoy. :)
has anyone figured out a fix to the wrapped scanline? (where the topmost scanline appears at the bottom) If you add or subtract the framebuffer address by 1, will it be corrected? (because of the way the pixels are stored in the ram. Does that make any sense?) If so, I know something that can be added to BLU framebuffer init code. :)

Also, what can be done about the select button light switch? It'd get in the way of games that use the select button a lot. There HAS to be something you can cut that will disable the select button light toggle (BLU is useless without the light, just about... it doesn't reflect very well), but won't break the select button (what I mean by "won't break" is that if it's broken, the GP32 won't 'see' when you press select).

Since my birthday is coming up, I have a reason to get a BLU. I'm kinda dodgy about it too, but everyone is POSITIVE that a lot of software implements the "BLU or BLU+?" option, so I don't really have a reason to worry. (Though, I think I know of some games that haven't fixed yet... unless I'm wrong. I dunno)

If the joystick and r-button issues have been fixed, that's GREAT! :) By "better build quality", I hope that means A and B won't get 'spongy' feeling when you push them, after a lot of quality time. :)
I think we should have an official announcement across all major GP32 sites that the BLU+ "issue" is NOT a major issue.

EDIT: I'm thinking we should unpin that horrible BLU+ thread and put a copy of the said announcement in that place. Then maybe lock it...
Blah posted on Mar 19 2005 at 06:21 PM said:
I'm thinking we should unpin that horrible BLU+ thread and put a copy of the said announcement in that place. Then maybe lock it...
I agree I think that thread should be unpinned and a short post mentioning the few programs that don't work put into one post by a moderator and it should be locked. Only edited to add or delete program names to the list.
The thread currently pinned is far too long for anyone to gleen any useful information as much of it is out of date as programs have been fixed but people might not read that far.

Edit: Also people should stop refering to it as a faulty screen.
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shinneri posted on Mar 19 2005 at 06:12 PM said:
I am certain that we'll see a BLU+ compatible SNES emu sometime.

Snes9xGP 0.97f is BLU+ compatible!!!!!!!
Download Here

If you want it overclocked:
Download Here and select what Mhz you want.

Next person who says that there is no BLU+ compatible SNES emulator will get stabbed repeatedly in the face by my shadow ninja warriors :)
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firefly1201 posted on Mar 19 2005 at 07:10 PM said:
shinneri posted on Mar 19 2005 at 06:12 PM said:
I am certain that we'll see a BLU+ compatible SNES emu sometime.

Snes9xGP 0.97f is BLU+ compatible!!!!!!!
Download Here

If you want it overclocked:
Download Here and select what Mhz you want.

Next person who says that there is no BLU+ compatible SNES emulator will get stabbed repeatedly in the face by my shadow ninja warriors :)

It doesn't work on my blu+... there isn't blue line but everything what I get is "Scanning for roms... I tried to copy them almost everyvhere but it hadn't found them... so for me is only blu+ compatible SNES emulator opensnes v0.1, which is buggy :angry:
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LOOM posted on Mar 19 2005 at 07:36 PM said:
It doesn't work on my blu+... there isn't blue line but everything what I get is "Scanning for roms... I tried to copy them almost everyvhere but it hadn't found them...

What about GP:/SNES ?
This thing used to happen to me, and I can't recall how I fixed it... I think that I deleted some of the config files and got rid of all other SNES stuff except for the roms. Maybe :unsure:

:EDIT: Actually, IIRC I might of downloaded the non-overclocked version and used it, then put on the overclocked version, and I think that might of made it work. Then I deleted the non-overclocked version.
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this is the third - im buying a BLU - is it faulty??? thread in less days...

we should have a thread/faq on the front page!

spaceboygp32x posted on Mar 19 2005 at 07:58 PM said:
this is the third - im buying a BLU - is it faulty??? thread in less days...

we should have a thread/faq on the front page!


We could have it in HUGE letters like this:


And then people will click it and look at the thread.
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get a gp32... end of. :P

i'v played the ds many'o'times and in my opinion its not very good because:

too big for a console for a clamshell design,
2 really small screens,
looks cheap and tacky,
if you get angry with a game youll probable end up stabbing the touch screen which is reall really weak. :D

***gp32*** is number 1 :D
While we are working out what works and what doesn't, what about all of the different firmwares available for download at gp32x?

AFAIK, the only one's which work with the BLU+ (and which i have the balls to test on my BLU+) are slubman's firmware and multifirmware 5.01
Pinball dreams unplayable? What have I been playing all day then....?

No probs with the BLU+ at all! And GBAx is a good company IMO, I'll be ordering a PSP as soon as they answer my email.....

(Just buy it. From GBAx! All the support you need, cos Craig is always on here!)
