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Jan 29, 2004
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Well, the topic says it all..

Is really the GP32 good for emulation? I want to buy a GP32 BLU 166mhz, but I would really like to know if its any point at all since I want to emulate GB, NES and hopefully GBC, SNES and GBA when those mature..

I have tried some emulators on the GeePee32, and it seems like all of them are slow or the games look sort of strange.

Does anyone use the GP32 for Nintendo-specific emulation? And is it ANY good at all??

Thanks in advance
ConneX posted on Mar 16 2005 at 11:09 PM said:
Well, the topic says it all..

Is really the GP32 good for emulation? I want to buy a GP32 BLU 166mhz, but I would really like to know if its any point at all since I want to emulate GB, NES and hopefully GBC, SNES and GBA when those mature..

I have tried some emulators on the GeePee32, and it seems like all of them are slow or the games look sort of strange.

Does anyone use the GP32 for Nintendo-specific emulation? And is it ANY good at all??

Thanks in advance

yes its great but gba will never work. the snes is 99% perfect with out sound at 166.
GBC is 100% with sound. nes is 100% with sound
thats nintendo consoles sorted
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It will be terrible when you run an emulator through an emulator like that...

Yes, emulation is great. Full speed on most stuff with sound, SNES depends. Just have a search around.

You'll love it though. Not many people regret taking the plunge.
Nova posted on Mar 16 2005 at 04:13 PM said:
ConneX posted on Mar 16 2005 at 11:09 PM said:
Well, the topic says it all..

Is really the GP32 good for emulation? I want to buy a GP32 BLU 166mhz, but I would really like to know if its any point at all since I want to emulate GB, NES and hopefully GBC, SNES and GBA when those mature..

I have tried some emulators on the GeePee32, and it seems like all of them are slow or the games look sort of strange.

Does anyone use the GP32 for Nintendo-specific emulation? And is it ANY good at all??

Thanks in advance

the snes is 99% perfect with out sound at 166.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't even say that. It's more like ~75-90% for most games (SMW isn't the best test for things like this), and roughly 65% when you consider sound.
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Thats great to hear. I have done some emulation on the GBA itself (PocketNES and Goomba), and I love it - so it would be really great to emulate it on the GP32 as well.

One more thing; does any of these emulators support link-transfer of games? like, sending games into another GP32s RAM so you could play games with mulitplayer?

Does any of the emulators support link at all?
Gba- forget about it, not possible to have decent speed
Snes-fullspeed without sound at 166 mhz
Nes- fullspeed with sound at 133 mhz
Gb (Classic gb, gameboy colour)- full speed with sound

Sega master system/Game gear- full speed with sound
Sega genesis- Fullspeed with sound on most games, but some games dont run(yet..)

Pc engine- full speed with sound, no saves though, some games dont work...

Thats my experience with my gp32 so far. There are also other systems that ive never played before that apparently run fullspeed too... :)

Plus there's great homebrew games like Smashgp, Lacuna, Drunken frogger, Bolkxian, Nazca dreams, and much much more that i dont really feel like listing out...
And you can play mp3s and movies...

As long as you dont expect fullspeed with sound snes, or gba emulation of any kind, you wont be dissapointed...

Plus when you factor in that the emulators are free, its really not that expensive because you arent shelling out $30 a game... You dont have to pay anything except the initial cost of the gp32 and a smc and some batteries.. Of course donating the devvers is always a good idea.... But overall fairly cheap compared to getting a gba and 10 games...
Gp32 is quite a little machine... :D
I'm not aware of any emulator with rf-link, it usually isnt bothered with because it is rare to have people close to you to have a gp32...
onionfrog posted on Mar 16 2005 at 11:26 PM said:
I'm not aware of any emulator with rf-link, it usually isnt bothered with because it is rare to have people close to you to have a gp32...

I understand. Its not probably any problem since i know none which own a GP32.

Thanks for the usefull info everyone!
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fSMS32 (A Sega Master System emulator) supports RF-Link, although it goes out of sync quite easily.

Also it should be known that GeePee32 emulates a gp32 clocked at 40Mhz, so obviously the speed is going to be a hell of a lot slower.
And BLU+ doesn't support snes at all! But everything else is great :D

Look, it's an amazing little thing ;) , but please someone, make blu+ work with snes........................... :rolleyes:

ConneX posted on Mar 16 2005 at 11:17 PM said:
Thats great to hear. I have done some emulation on the GBA itself (PocketNES and Goomba), and I love it - so it would be really great to emulate it on the GP32 as well.

One more thing; does any of these emulators support link-transfer of games? like, sending games into another GP32s RAM so you could play games with mulitplayer?

Does any of the emulators support link at all?

Compared to the GBA the GP32 is far nicer.

The screen is bigger, and double the resolution of the GBA. So all of those games on the GBA that are scaled and cropped show full resolution on the GP32. Plus that washed out small GBA-SP screen looks like shite compared to the backlit GP32. Even the DS has a lower resolution, smaller screen that would cause stuff to be clipped even if someday they can do an emu.

Genesis is stunning on GP32, MAME is good, PC-engine is full resolution and faster than GBA.

Snes is not good honestly, it isn't on any handheld yet except for a Pocket PC but those have dodgy controls.
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snes is good for some games i mean donkey kong country is very very good for some reason even tho i would have expected that one to be slow
i dont actually mind not having sound on snes.

i love the emulation on the gp32, its the best thing around for handheld emu's
ST emulation is fantastic........ minus those sensible games, (ill stop one day)

there is a heap of really good emulation out there not to mention the the homebrew games.

plus this great community :)
has enf65 declared gpAdvance dead then? I know it hasn't been updated for a while but that was looking ever so promising and I was under the impression it was still being worked on.
I personally find SNES emulation with sound very satisfying. Something's gotta give, of course (Frameskip 3 or 4, mono, 8 bit sound), but it's very playable and, more importantly, enjoyable. :D

The GP32 is a wonderful little machine. And I bet once you get it, you'll find there are a million (okay, maybe not a million, but a lot) uses outside of emulation that you'll be equally amazed by.
I doubt we'll ever see worthwhile GBA emmulation just because it takes so much work, Everyone eventually gives up because they arnt making any money from it.

I'd be happy if we could just get transparency taken care of in SNES emulation, I dont really care for the way the fixes work because they don't really in practice, but fullspeed with sound and frame skip on more games would be nice. I figure transparancy will be fixed eventually (apparently it already is in unreleased versions) but "w/sound" will always be a patchy area which sucks because the SNES had such great sound for it's time... and even holds up today.

My experience with GBC emulation has been far short of full speed or I'd have more games on my SMC, maybe it's improved but I never saw a news post on a new version since I last tried it.

Turbographx/PCengine..... so close yet so far away. So many games work great after fiddling around with settings.. some actually play faster than they should but on certain frameskip settings things that flash like lasers disapear completly.

Gamegear/MasterSystem/NES are the best of anything since 9.5 times out of 10 they work flawlessly.

Genesis is awsome for the the games that work... though some games pull a nice bait and switch on you, working through 90% of the game only to screw up at some important moment or have some graphic glich you werent expecting (IE. Gunstar Heroes for a time I concidered to work perfectly but it dosent in either of the two best Emus.)

Speccy and other computer based Emu's I havent bothered with because while I remember a lot of those games I'm more of a console guy.

MAME I havent tried yet but I expect to soon.

For the current price of the system and taking into account the fenix/homebrew scene and the emulations that do work, it's pretty sweet for on the go retrogaming.
DaveC posted on Mar 17 2005 at 01:10 AM said:
ConneX posted on Mar 16 2005 at 11:17 PM said:
Thats great to hear. I have done some emulation on the GBA itself (PocketNES and Goomba), and I love it - so it would be really great to emulate it on the GP32 as well.

One more thing; does any of these emulators support link-transfer of games? like, sending games into another GP32s RAM so you could play games with mulitplayer?

Does any of the emulators support link at all?

Compared to the GBA the GP32 is far nicer.

The screen is bigger, and double the resolution of the GBA. So all of those games on the GBA that are scaled and cropped show full resolution on the GP32. Plus that washed out small GBA-SP screen looks like shite compared to the backlit GP32. Even the DS has a lower resolution, smaller screen that would cause stuff to be clipped even if someday they can do an emu.

Genesis is stunning on GP32, MAME is good, PC-engine is full resolution and faster than GBA.

Snes is not good honestly, it isn't on any handheld yet except for a Pocket PC but those have dodgy controls.

But the GBA let you play GBA-Roms when using a flashdisk. And with about 1000+ games you always got a lot of games of your choice. GP32 sucks at emulating SNES in my eyes. But I like GPCinema, NES/GBC/GENESIS-emu and some homebrew like GPSmash.

Dont compare the GBA to the GP32. The GBA SP (wich I got) got a way beter blacklight, runs longer witch the Lithium-battery, got a flip-thing to protect your screen. Dont tell me the GP32 got a lot of more power then the GBA, because you cant use that power very well.
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You're all forgetting Castaway, the Atari ST emulator. The emulator runs really well (I'll have to do a review someday... :) ) and there are some really good games for that computer:

see http://www.atarilegend.com/

BTW ConneX, you can see mine & others' reviews of emulators for the GP32 by clicking on the link in my signature ( GP32WORLD ). :)

EDIT: Kolkman, the GP32 DOES have a lot more power than the GBA. 133+Mhz vs 14Mhz? Come on! The GBA does have some hardware chips in its favour, but that the GP32 is 10 times more powerfull has got to count for something. The thing is, the commercial games field for the gp32 isn't nearly as profitable so people haven't milked that power NEARLY as much as they milked the GBA's (at least for games... emulators are another story). Oh yeah, and the GBASP is not backlit, it's frontlit just like a GP32FLU. GP32BLUs are backlit, and they look much better than a GBASP. I've seen them compared, so trust me on this.
lubidog posted on Mar 17 2005 at 12:06 AM said:
And BLU+ doesn't support snes at all! But everything else is great :D

Look, it's an amazing little thing ;) , but please someone, make blu+ work with snes........................... :rolleyes:


Snes9xGP v0.97 always has been BLU+ compatible :huh:
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ConneX posted on Mar 16 2005 at 11:09 PM said:
Well, the topic says it all..

Is really the GP32 good for emulation? I want to buy a GP32 BLU 166mhz, but I would really like to know if its any point at all since I want to emulate GB, NES and hopefully GBC, SNES and GBA when those mature..

I have tried some emulators on the GeePee32, and it seems like all of them are slow or the games look sort of strange.

Does anyone use the GP32 for Nintendo-specific emulation? And is it ANY good at all??

Thanks in advance

I seen you've had a ton of responses already but heres my view.....

The GP32 is an retro fans dream. Yes GBA doesnt work but it isnt exactly retro, SNES can be a fraction too slow but for the older machines its ideal.

Currently on my GP32 i have MAME (Just released the other week, MANY games work full speed with sound), Spectrum emulator, C64 emulator, MSX emulator, Colecovision emulator, Atari ST emulator, NES emulator, SMS emulator, Megadrive emulator, Gameboy emulator and PC Engine emulator

I think thats about it !

Considering how many many many games are available for all these systems above you have potentially 10000's of games. Plus you can put on Doom and Rise of the Triad as well to play !

Yes GBA doesnt work and i doubt if it every will but for retro gamers who love the older consoles (Megadrive and before) then its ideal.

It works very well for NES but my favourites are MAME, Spectrum and Atari ST
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firefly1201 posted on Mar 17 2005 at 07:14 AM said:
lubidog posted on Mar 17 2005 at 12:06 AM said:
And BLU+ doesn't support snes at all! But everything else is great :D

Look, it's an amazing little thing ;) , but please someone, make blu+ work with snes........................... :rolleyes:


Snes9xGP v0.97 always has been BLU+ compatible :huh:

Really? Where can I get this version...? :o

Ignore me, I've found it!
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