Uae (amiga) *is* Doable...


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
It would seam that UAE could be feasible on the GP32; we've got a Palm OS port that seams to have potential; ie: It works pretty well at 400MHz, and for games that dont' update the whole screen each frame (non-scrollers), some of them work okay at 200MHz. (I did some testing on Pocket PC at 200MHz and it wa sjust awful, but perhaps it was just that port. or perhaps the OS was being goofy, since it *is* Pocket PC..)

One thing to note is that this version has a lot of things disabled in the Amiga, and audio should be off to get any speed at all.. so a lot of games just are ruled out due ot missing things.

But it works. At 200MHz. Some games playable.

Makes you think :)


(I did start screwing around with a GP32 one months back, but didn't get anywhere before running out of time; but perhaps someone now will give it a shot.. I'm still out of time mostly, so only doing a few things here or there..)
my god this is un-thinkable, speed wouldnt be an issue for me to begin with as the only game i'd like to play was swos and i could quite easily just use the result function :) only can go up to 156 though :(

good luck, is it me or recently the gp32 scene has been turned upside down with all the great stuff happening for it.
I imagine it only barely runs well at 200 (ie: Some games run well), so running well at 133 would always be tough; ie: Theres more than just a cpu, so dropping cyclone in would help, but not enormously I'd imagine. Still hard to say :P

mmm...What I mean is that if a straight C version barely runs on a 200mhz machine surely an ASM optimised version could easily run on a 133 or 166 machine? Especially with cyclone.

I'm no coder so just tell me to shut up if I'm wrong :)
sensible GP32 posted on Mar 5 2005 at 02:02 AM said:
my god this is un-thinkable, speed wouldnt be an issue for me to begin with as the only game i'd like to play was swos and i could quite easily just use the result function :) only can go up to 156 though :(

good luck, is it me or recently the gp32 scene has been turned upside down with all the great stuff happening for it.

I think it is just you. I have been thinking that the GP32 scene has been slowing down lately, well compared to Palm that is. Yoyo has been all over Palm stuff lately porting Quake, Doom, As well as the SNES etc. It seems like Palm OS stuff is really exploding. Pocket PC has some cool stuff too, to bad about the controls though.

As for Amiga forget it at a decent speed. Skeezix said it ran "pretty well" at 400 MHz, and OK with no sound at 200 Mhz. The problem is no GP32 can run at 400 MHZ, and 200 MHz is rare. The result is that is would run like ass on the GP32 for most of us. Atari ST is close enough for me and it runs really well (thanks Skeezix :) ).
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2. Conversion of assembly code to C code

The emulation core of Fellow was mainly written in assembly code. This made it hard to fix bugs and hard to add features. It also makes WinFellow dependent on x86 compatible CPU's. We started conversion of all assembly code. Already more then 45% of this code has been converted to C code. Almost all chipset related assembly has been converted and mainly the 68k (cpu) emulation needs to be done. If correctly done, the end user should not see any difference, it is a future investement into Fellow (the emulation core of WinFellow). It will make Fellow portable to other platforms (PowerPC G5 (Apple), Samsung ARM Processor (HP iPAQ) and the Intel PXA270 processor (PalmOne Zire 72)) and make it easier to add features and fix bugs.

I'ts not UAE but it is the next best thing... :)
Vimacs posted on Mar 5 2005 at 03:51 AM said:
moments where you wish cyclone wouldnt have thats nasty bugs :-(

Could you imagine CaSTaway with Cyclone? Talk about FAST !
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DaveC -- talk about.. not working at all ;)

I've checked Cyclone a couple times, and it had enough issues left that the ST always got messed up when you tried to do anything (some ROMs wouldn't boot at all, others might get through and then wedge up son after, etc.)

Cyclone is nearly there, but not yet there, and I've no time to be debugging it myself. It worries me that its been dropped :(

skeezix posted on Mar 5 2005 at 05:07 AM said:
DaveC -- talk about.. not working at all ;)

I've checked Cyclone a couple times, and it had enough issues left that the ST always got messed up when you tried to do anything (some ROMs wouldn't boot at all, others might get through and then wedge up son after, etc.)

Cyclone is nearly there, but not yet there, and I've no time to be debugging it myself. It worries me that its been dropped :(


:( :(
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I think a WinFellow port is the best option. Winfellow is a lot faster than UAE and when the programmers finish to convert the asm to C code, it'll be portable:

2. Conversion of assembly code to C code

The emulation core of Fellow was mainly written in assembly code. This made it hard to fix bugs and hard to add features. It also makes WinFellow dependent on x86 compatible CPU's. We started conversion of all assembly code. Already more then 45% of this code has been converted to C code. Almost all chipset related assembly has been converted and mainly the 68k (cpu) emulation needs to be done. If correctly done, the end user should not see any difference, it is a future investement into Fellow (the emulation core of WinFellow). It will make Fellow portable to other platforms (PowerPC G5 (Apple), Samsung ARM Processor (HP iPAQ) and the Intel PXA270 processor (PalmOne Zire 72)) and make it easier to add features and fix bugs.
