A Funny Thing Happend Today

sensible GP32

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2003
suburban once more
so im lying in bed, its my day off today so i was just in a blur of half sleep and car booty.

my room is at the back of my house, my bed directly under a large window.
anyways so as i was lying there, im my half awake, half asleep form (i was having some dream about going out with a young niomi cambell) a policeman apears from nowhere and knocks on my window.

it takes me about 10 seconds to realise he is real, then i think SHIT im going to get nicked, but he is here looking for a Mr rangoor or something like that they are worrying about his wellbeing he's been in hospital apprently. He used to live at my house but no-longer does so.

most bizarre thing to happen to me in a long time.
similar thing happened to me..

years ago me and my mate were having a puff in our student house

knock on the door but decided to ignore it, persistant knock on the door, nah we're ignore it, next thing banging on the window. Can hear talking outside the windows , next thing could hear walkie talkies, dogs barking a mans voice shouting this is the police your surrounded... me and my mate completely crap ourselves shit we're being raided.

Except we were on acid, and it was just me mates wondering why we wern't answering when all the light were on...
skysnapper posted on Feb 22 2005 at 02:53 PM said:
similar thing happened to me..

years ago me and my mate were having a puff in our student house

knock on the door but decided to ignore it, persistant knock on the door, nah we're ignore it, next thing banging on the window. Can hear talking outside the windows , next thing could hear walkie talkies, dogs barking a mans voice shouting this is the police your surrounded... me and my mate completely crap ourselves shit we're being raided.

Except we were on acid, and it was just me mates wondering why we wern't answering when all the light were on...
same thing happened to me, only it really *was* the cops... :o
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