My Avalaunch Skin

Damn i wish i could make a dast on my xbox n stuff.... but i do not want to get it chipped >_< i want to keep Xbox live!! lol

and i heard that you can get chips that turn on and off to stop ut xbox from banning ur xbox live account... but its sounds fussy.....
well, my buddy has one of those:
if he presses the button just a short time, his Xbox Will boot unmodded. If he presses it longer, it'll boot modded. However, I'm not sure if this will keep you from beeing banned. However, there are alternative methods of multiplayer (XLinKAI or something), which allow you to play system-link enabled games over the internet. You may also want to look at the option to "softmod" your Xbox (that's what I did) and use such tunneling software. On is quite a big forum which would cover all your questions (Softmod, Modchips, Xbox LIVE!, XLinKAI etc.).
you can softmod it so you can still run all the homebrew code and not get banned from live, although im not sure what this involves.....

im happy with my chipped box all the games i wanna play online are currently supported on Kai, apart from damn pro evo'

but i guess its a small price to pay for everything else.

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