Gp32warez UPDATE!!!


Lolita Porn Star
Mar 19, 2003
Well, all the gp32 news sites have been doing pretty good keeping up with the news, but I think gp32warez just got some news that none of the news sites will have for months. Check it out


*edit* I alreadly changed the link to new the server
"The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information."
wow, looks like your site got too many hits, you better slow down.
I was looking for some gp32 warez and I couldnt find any. I did find a few beta releases. One beta I found was sonic 3d blast by sega. The readme that came with it says that they didnt release it because they signed a contract with nintendo right before the release of this game.

It freezes sometimes, but the graphics are great and the speed is perfect.



I was looking for some gp32 warez and I couldnt find any.
I found some after a few quick searches using certain applications. I don´t own a gp32 yet so there´s no point in dl any, I don´t intend to anyways. The commercial games are of no interest to me.

But the warez is there, you just have to know where to look.
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lol, i waz only joking. i dont even have any emus on mine right now, just doom windups and some pitchshifter...
i put up that sonic thing cause i want eviler to put it on his page with a fake download, and make it more serious and less serious at the same time.