Jet Lag Sucks


I'm gonna turn it back and run it again
Sep 28, 2004
Wisconsin, USA
Man I left chicago today on my way to Bangkok Thailand via seoul Korean and let me tell you I am very tired... So the plane ride was like 14 hours and let me tellyou it was the best plane ride I have ever been on (Korea Air) they were super nice and had geat service! I am just tooling around for 3 hours until I can get on an other flight to thailand via Korean Air! I'm sort of excited I hope I get to go on a 747 again! Oh man.... I need some caffine :-)

Gp32 has been a lifesaver thus far on this trip! I've played Sailor Moon another Story (snes), ballon Fight (Nes), and mario brothers 2 and 3!

alright well that was my rant :)
have u seen that new North Korean law where they want all men to have there hair shaved short on the sides???
i hear ya buddy

xmas/new years 2002-3 i was in thailand for the scout jamboree, flew heathrow to south korea, 11 hour odd flight, then souel to bangkok, another six or so hours.

we left england xmas eve eve (23rd) and landed in bangkok about three in the morning on xmas day, i honestly have no idea where the interveening hours went!

oh, and korea was the first place i laid eyes on the gp32!
Korea? Have you seen any GP32's/Communists yet?
Ahhhh.... Dontcha just love communism.
Better than Anarchy.

Best flight I ever had was to America with Virgin Air, they had a TV and SNES on every seat, it was like heaven.
True, fair do's if that happened I'd hide in a bin with a stolen laptop. It would have to be centrino though because otherwise a cable would be coming out the bin and people would know I'd be in there.

I apologise for the above, I went to far.
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Yeah, try going on a 23 hour plane ride to Australia. ;) It wan't that bad though, the service was great and friendly which helped make everything go a lot quicker and easier.
well I was only in the airport in Seoul now I am in Bangkok!

I feel a lot better I'm not so tired! I haven't seen any other gp32s besides mine or any communitsts :-P

Talk to you'll later
well in mine you don't have to. Anyone can say for example? Where does ym grandma come from. Then they say Bangkok and then it happens.

now just to use ebay to buy 90000 crotch protecting products. This idiot who is gay but won't admit it did it to a girl once. :lol: