Futura Video Games Has "all For Princess"

Their site connected very slowly on my system once, then the next time I got this:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Lost connection to MySQL server during query in /home/futura-online.com/htdocs/e-tienda/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 19
Unable to connect to database server!
I just clicked the link in the post and it worked for me, try again. Or just go to their website and go to the GP32 section.
If they still have All for the Princess in stock, I wonder if that is the original BLU they're selling... :rolleyes:

Their site connected very slowly on my system once, then the next time I got this:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Lost connection to MySQL server during query in /home/futura-online.com/htdocs/e-tienda/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 19
Unable to connect to database server!

Clear the cache and see if that solves the problem.
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I actually knew about Futura selling the game. But after I found it would cost me around $70+ (with all the fees and shipping etc.) I held off. Now I'm getting it from jr2swiss for $25 shipped, but it's only the SMC, no box or packaging. Which is fine. I'm low on money, got a fried mobo in my other PC... etc. So $25 was a nice price, I can live without the box. :)
Just in case there's anyone after it from somewhere else, I noticed Shibuya has it (called HerKnights on their site, iirc AFP and HK are identical) too, though they're charging 10 euros more for it.
Probably for about a year now; basically, it was only ever released boxed (never reached JoyGP), and of course, they didn't make that many boxed copies on account of not knowing how many would be wanted. So there's now - on many websites - a shortage, or a multitude of out of stock notices.
since when has it been hard to get? i got it with my gp32 about 1 and a half- 2 years ago.
70$ :o dear lord

I owned Her Knights too, bought it about 1.5 years ago at PlayAsia. But when I sold my FLU, I also sold the game. Damn.

Now it's impossible to find on import stores like LikSang and PlayAsia. So the only places to get it are a few European stores, which are extremely expensive due to Euros destroying the dollar lately, plus shipping and export taxes addup. I went all the way thru Futura's order system and it would be ~ $70 for me to get in the USA from them.

Same problem with the new game, Blue Angelo. I really would like to get that, but it would be ~ $100 to import it.

We really need LikSang & other more import-friendly stores to sell GP32 games. But I fear they won't. :unsure:
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since when has it been hard to get? i got it with my gp32 about 1 and a half- 2 years ago.
70$  :o dear lord

I owned Her Knights too, bought it about 1.5 years ago at PlayAsia. But when I sold my FLU, I also sold the game. Damn.

Now it's impossible to find on import stores like LikSang and PlayAsia. So the only places to get it are a few European stores, which are extremely expensive due to Euros destroying the dollar lately, plus shipping and export taxes addup. I went all the way thru Futura's order system and it would be ~ $70 for me to get in the USA from them.

Same problem with the new game, Blue Angelo. I really would like to get that, but it would be ~ $100 to import it.

We really need LikSang & other more import-friendly stores to sell GP32 games. But I fear they won't. :unsure:

Importing is usually very expensive, even worse now because of the fact that the USD is near worthless (thanks Bush :angry: ).

I remember buying an import game for the SNES at a Japanese mall in the US and paying $100 for it.

You may still want to bite the bullet and get "blue angelo" even though the price is way high. I have a feeling that once it is gone it will dissappear forever from stores and become real rare. Even though it may not be the most awesome game ever, it is kind of worth having since it is so obscure. Maybe just get real drunk as judgement is the first to go, and order it :)

It is supposed to come out for the GBA too so if you just want to play the game and don't care about the other stuff, and don't mind playing on a smaller lower res DS screen you may just want to do that.
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You may still want to bite the bullet and get "blue angelo" even though the price is way high. I have a feeling that once it is gone it will dissappear forever from stores and become real rare. Even though it may not be the most awesome game ever, it is kind of worth having since it is so obscure. Maybe just get real drunk as judgement is the first to go, and order it :)

That's the only reason I've bought it now, tbh; I'm not comfortable with forking out £40 for a game (I always buy mine second hand after they've been out for a year at Gamestation or CEX, so that brings the price aaaaaaalll the way down to say £10 usually) especially when I know I won't be able to play it for months on end. But I'm sure if I don't get it now, it won't be there to get by the time I get back and have access to my GP32 again.

Tempted to order AFP as well, but I think I can afford to leave that for the time being; WBW though I'll have to order from the other side of the world once its in English, I think...
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