Future Drmd Release?

@look: Sorry mate I read you email but forgot to send you the Musashi version of DrMD when I got home. I'll try and sort something out for you later.


I've added a field to the report already for it.

Mushashi core

Same problems or No problems

obviously the games will be slooooooower.
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Reesy, did you see my DrMD thread (link)?

I posted a few suggestions and a list of working and non-working games with details, there might be some useful info there, I dunno.


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I only lists of broken games to test any changes I make to the cyclone core to see if the changes I make fix anything. Trying to debug each individual game is something I'm hoping to avoid.

So to answer your question, Yes your list will be useful. Its also a lot easier to read your list than to read the list on look's system which I'm finding abit overly complicated.
I only lists of broken games to test any changes I make to the cyclone core to see if the changes I make fix anything. Trying to debug each individual game is something I'm hoping to avoid.

So to answer your question, Yes your list will be useful. Its also a lot easier to read your list than to read the list on look's system which I'm finding abit overly complicated.

Does the Musashi version of DrMD cause any trouble with saves from the Cyclone version?
If not, could I have a Musashi version beta, then I could maybe post some info on which games work with the Musashi core and don't with the Cyclone one?

I'm assuming that would help you locate Cyclone bugs, correct me if I'm wrong.

Any chance of 6 button pad emulation then? :D

ThanX Reesy, BYEEEEE!!
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I'm going to re-compile a musashi version tonight so the save states should be okay. I'll send it to all of the beta testers so you'll get it then.

I'm not too sure whats involved in 6 button emulation but I'll add it to me list.
I only lists of broken games to test any changes I make to the cyclone core to see if the changes I make fix anything. Trying to debug each individual game is something I'm hoping to avoid.

So to answer your question, Yes your list will be useful. Its also a lot easier to read your list than to read the list on look's system which I'm finding abit overly complicated.

To make things less complicated I added some filters.

rather than looking at a list of 52 games

choose the filter for games that crash.

This then lists the 13 games that crash

same with reboots and the other categories.

there is also a quite useful summary page which lets you break things down per problem.
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Seriously I think everybody should go download the Motorola 68000 Cpu manual, read up and then get debuging the cyclone core. If we can just get rid of the very few remaining bugs, will be able to stick it in Castaway, Mame and any other system that uses the M68000 cpu. Castaway with the cyclone core will be amazing, trust me. I've used the cpu core from Castaway in DrMD it was faster than Musashi but still very slow compared to Cyclone.

Using stuff from a site like this for example? Honestly, if I could help you (as in know how to) I would!
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Seriously I think everybody should go download the Motorola 68000 Cpu manual, read up and then get debuging the cyclone core.  If we can just get rid of the very few remaining bugs, will be able to stick it in Castaway, Mame and any other system that uses the M68000 cpu.  Castaway with the cyclone core will be amazing, trust me.  I've used the cpu core from Castaway in DrMD it was faster than Musashi but still very slow compared to Cyclone.

..I love Cyclone :)

Sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately most of use have no clue of how to code, read and/or debug ASM code (hell I have a hard time de-bugging BASIC) :( Even the guy that made it originally was stumped by the bugs. Maybe if you and fDave got together, and discussed things, and heated up those guru brain cells white hot, maybe you could squash those pesky bugs. I hate to say it but I think you guys may be our only hope. Thankfully you are pretty good at this sort of thing. If anyone will pull it off I think it will be you.

Thanks for all you have done :)
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About pressing the B button to cancel, shouldn't it be A to cancel as the A and B buttons on the GP32 are reversed compared to the Megadrive.
Please ignore him, Reesy. :P (sorry, but let's not make it more confusing than it already is...)

Yeah all of these ideas are getting out of hand. After adding all of these options it could slow down the emulator or just make it confusing, and take time away from the important thing which is getting the emu to run well with everything.

Forget taking stuff like sound and interrupts out, adding 6 buttons that like 2 games use, all of these configurations etc.

To me the thing that would be best here is to just concentrate on:

Compatibility and finding the cyclone bugs, getting the emu to run as smooth as it can WITH full sound. That is about it.
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About pressing the B button to cancel, shouldn't it be A to cancel as the A and B buttons on the GP32 are reversed compared to the Megadrive.
Please ignore him, Reesy. :P (sorry, but let's not make it more confusing than it already is...)

Yeah all of these ideas are getting out of hand. After adding all of these options it could slow down the emulator or just make it confusing, and take time away from the important thing which is getting the emu to run well with everything.

Forget taking stuff like sound and interrupts out, adding 6 buttons that like 2 games use, all of these configurations etc.

To me the thing that would be best here is to just concentrate on:

Compatibility and finding the cyclone bugs, getting the emu to run as smooth as it can WITH full sound. That is about it.

Are you kidding, there are loads of games that use a 6 buttons pad, most fighting games practically require one and there are plenty of other games that benefit from having one.

Anyway, is DrMD open source or are there plans to make it so?

As far as adding 6 button support and redoing the control settings, etc go, I'd understand if Reesy didn't want to change anything too much if at all, but at least if I could get hold of the source I could (try to) change it to how I want.


I'm not bashing Reesy or DrMD, but as they say, there's always room for improvement, even if the improvements are minor and not really that important/necessary.
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6 button support would be nice. But its not really an urgent concern.
There are more important things to atttempt.
Like trying to fix cyclone!
Thanks Reesy! :D

Hopefully someday I will be able to enjoy shining force on my gp32
6 button support would be nice. But its not really an urgent concern.
There are more important things to atttempt.
Like trying to fix cyclone!
Thanks Reesy! :D

Hopefully someday I will be able to enjoy shining force on my gp32

Well, you could always play the Game Gear versions (2&3) with SMS32... ;)
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Are you kidding, there are loads of games that use a 6 buttons pad, most fighting games practically require one and there are plenty of other games that benefit from having one.

I'm not bashing Reesy or DrMD, but as they say, there's always room for improvement, even if the improvements are minor and not really that important/necessary.

Since a 6 button pad was not standard on MD there is almost always a way to play without. Besides fighting games are mostly a 2-player thing and they don't really lend themselves to being played solo on a handheld very much. Besides how would you map it? there really aren't enough buttons to make it good, using L&r and start /select would be awkward anyway.

If adding it slowed down the emu 1 FPS I would say it is not worth it. It is also such a low priority that there are many things that should be looked at fixing before any time should be spent on that.

Compatibility, speed, sound, are much more important now.
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About pressing the B button to cancel, shouldn't it be A to cancel as the A and B buttons on the GP32 are reversed compared to the Megadrive.
Please ignore him, Reesy. :P (sorry, but let's not make it more confusing than it already is...)

Yeah all of these ideas are getting out of hand. After adding all of these options it could slow down the emulator or just make it confusing, and take time away from the important thing which is getting the emu to run well with everything.

Forget taking stuff like sound and interrupts out, adding 6 buttons that like 2 games use, all of these configurations etc.

To me the thing that would be best here is to just concentrate on:

Compatibility and finding the cyclone bugs, getting the emu to run as smooth as it can WITH full sound. That is about it.

Thank you!!! That's EXACTLY what *I* was saying!!! Agreed I think 6 button is really low priority, mostly it is for fighting games and that's such small fraction of what you'd use DrMD to play, as well you can't do it properly on the GP anyways just like in the SNES emu. Lots of fighting games work fine on DrMD with 3 button... virtua fighter and any of the SNK fighters. I'm not even gonna touch the other options he mentioned, though I may play with the frameskip a bit.

it's so funny... we finally get one devver who really does a lot of back-and-forthing with everyone on ideas and such, and he gets CREAMED with suggestions... poor Reesy is the recipient of years of frustration as guys like us wishing we could tell guys like him "hey do you think you put THIS in your emu/app/game?"... just that Reesy is one of the first ones that would actually listen. But give us an inch and.... :D :P but can ya blame us?
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I know 6 button emulation isn't high priority, but I would assume that adding it isn't going to be that hard compared to all the other STufF.

Anyway, I'm not being ungrateful, a suggestion is a suggestion, not a demand.

Speaking of which, could we have an option to flip the stereo, so when we use earphones the sound is normal and when we use the GP32 speakers the stereo is reversed?

(Again, I know it's not that important, but it might take 3 seconds to add, so I may as well ask)

So the sound is right in the head phones currently but wrong on the speakers?

Well I'll just flip the stereo as it is now, fixing the speaker problem and you lot can just wear your headphones on the wrong ears :)
So the sound is right in the head phones currently but wrong on the speakers?

Well I'll just flip the stereo as it is now, fixing the speaker problem and you lot can just wear your headphones on the wrong ears :)

That would deffinately kill my ears... :(

But anyways, I understand it's a wiring fault in GP, whic seems to have been fixed in (atleast) BLU+.
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So the sound is right in the head phones currently but wrong on the speakers?

Well I'll just flip the stereo as it is now, fixing the speaker problem and you lot can just wear your headphones on the wrong ears :)

Yes, believe it or not the speakers were always backwards, while the headphones were ok :blink: . It is really wierd but true. Some programs like Doom have an option to "switch speakers" so you can correct the channels depending on if you are using earphones or not.
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