sounds good (although I couldn't take part

Perhaps a tutorial competition might be a good one? As in rather than simply submitting a program of truly leet quality, its rather a demo and a tutorial of how you did it, and its marked on both quality... I say demo on the basis that its prolly harder to write a reasonably comprehensive tut for an emu or a game. And on the fact that there've been nearly none released for GP32, and I just *know* there's some good demo coders out there
Not sure of the feasability (how *do* you spell that?) of that idea, or how it'd go down among dev'rs (I know of 2 definite demo coders out there - doesn't mean there aren't more, but that's not really enough to start a compo on). Plus which it might end up with the entries being rather more simple and les impressive but more accessible for newbie coders, which isn't always the point in doing the things - maybe best to get round with a winner for best demo and best tutorial?
Perhaps if the idea is interesting to anyone, 3 categories for each or something...
- Sheer impressiveness, pushing GP32 to limits (or preferably just looking as though it is

- Innovation (any extra tricks in the code)
- Source accessibility (not if its simple, just if its well commented and such)
- Simplicity/Ease of use
- Functionality (by following it to the letter, who can actually end up producing the same demo - only another dev'r, someone who's just dabbled, or absolutely anyone)
- Presentation (perhaps - not sure about that one...)
Tutorial-wise, you'd have to let them reference other ones or they'd just be too long; a reference to, say, Rico's excellent set would save time and make it more plausible....
What do people think of this as an idea for a compo (not that I could run it, but just another idea on the pile)?