Kill Bill

Which film did you prefer?

  • Kill Bill Volume 1

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  • Kill Bill Volume 2

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  • I liked them both the same

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  • I thought they were both awful

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La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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I've gone with both, this is because the first one's all about style and artistic flair etc...
More just showing off how he can write and direct well.
Yet the second one is more serious and I think comes to a brilliant climax. I've only seen both recently so this may be really old news to most of you.
But I thought they were enjoyable films to be honest.
I really liked them both! I
ts a shame, I was really hoping when the box set was released that maybe there would be an option to see them end to end uncut, as I heard that it was originally meant to be one epic movie.
brilliant climax?

my arse!

to me, the first film was a brilliant piece, well edited, brilliant cinematography and some moments that were just joy to behold (think the crazy 88 fight when the lights go out)

the second one felt too tacked on in places. the legend of pi meih was great, but alot of it just seemed to float along.

and the ending was poor, i felt like i should be laughing out loud when she unleashed the exploding heart technique!
brilliant climax?

my arse!

to me, the first film was a brilliant piece, well edited, brilliant cinematography and some moments that were just joy to behold (think the crazy 88 fight when the lights go out)

the second one felt too tacked on in places. the legend of pi meih was great, but alot of it just seemed to float along.

and the ending was poor, i felt like i should be laughing out loud when she unleashed the exploding heart technique!
IT almost felt to perfect, that she just ended up with her daughter. I see what you mean. The ending to the first was brilliant though! It forced my Dad to buy the next one :D
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The Kill Bill films are interesting, because dispite originally being one big film, in the form they are now they're two VERY DIFFERENT styles of movie. One's an all out martial arts fest that plays homage to classic kung fu movies, while the other is closer to tarrantino's older stuff, with better dialogue than action. Put together, it's one damn awesome story though.
I didnt like the first one at all

it was obvious he had seen loads of martial arts movies, and was paying homage

but Volume 1 featured pretty much no character development, and imo the fight scenes were repetetive and for some reason, didnt have the magic of a scene for the real martial arts movies

Volume 2 was obviously changed slightly because of the critiscism aimed at the first one. Character development was more key to the film and they got rid of most of the incesant fighting

I could still find so many more movies id prefer to watch, and in my opinion it is the worst film Tarantino has written or directed (Yes, that means I thought Natural Born Killers was better dispite a similar level of meaningless fighting, the reason is, in NBK it is short exciting bursts, Kill Bill however, especially in the crazy 88 fight, seems to have lenghty monotonous fights)
Yeah, I have to admit, I was bored by the first one. Stylish or not, the monotonous fight scenes just didn't hold my attention. The second one had much more flair and character.

To be honest though, I think both are overrated.
Both are excellent in very different ways.
I agree there, that's why I enjoyed them so much. I was suprised at how different the second one was at first. Do you think the horny trucker on Volume 1 is just Tarantino trying to shock us ala the gimp scene in Pulp Fiction. Then again they do fit in with the plot so I'm not sure...
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Kill Bill one Kicked ass

Kill Bill 2 Wasted 2 hours of my life!!!!!!!!!!

Kill Bill 2 Sucks so much balls, the best part was when she ripped that persons eye out.. Damn I wish I set the DVD Player to play at 2x speed with sound then It would have only lasted 1 hour :P.

You expect a Big Fight scene at the end of Kill Bill 2 that will last 5 - 10 minutes.. INSTEAD you get about 20 minutes of talking and 15 seconds Fighting. The Fighting was balls as well at the end, - "ooooooo i'll just prod you 5 times around the heart" "Now go walk 5 steps and u will die" , what a load of SHIT!!! :P

BUY KILL BILL (The First One)!!! (Dont get the 2nd one) Instead Ill save you the hassle of wasting 2 hours of your life -

Film Starts

Lots of talking

Bills brother goes to work and gets told to go home

Uma goes to kill his brotehr

his borther shoots her with salt pellets

then he burries her alive

she goes "aarrrr aaaarrrgghhhh," then hhhmmm and remembers she learnt how to punch threw wood.

She punches through the coffin an ddigs her way out

goes to a bar and asks for some water

goes back to kill bills brother

that woman with the missing eye is there to buy Uma's sword from bills brother

missing eye woman kills bills brother with snake.

Uma Rips the missing eye womans other eye out. she screams in pain

then she goes to this pimp (I think)

says wheres bill, he say's over there

She goes to kill bill

When she gets there, OMG Her daughters there with bill

Bill and Uma have a good old chin wag (talk) for 30 mins which bores the hell out of you

Bill and Uma have a 15 second sword fling

Uma hits bill around the heart 5 times

Bill walks 5 steps and dies

The End

(Biggest pile of shit Ive ever saw :P, At least the first Kill Bill had lots blood in it :P, Kill Bill 2 had just a drop of blood compaired to 1)
Both Volumes of Kill Bill are awesome. However I find that I enjoyed the first one the best. Mainly because of the Crazy 88's fight scene! Along with the other excellent fights..
That was so awesome!!! :D

Even though part 2 wasnt as good, Paimei was pretty hillarious!!
I liked the plot development in the second one. And I really liked the flashback scenes with Pai Mei (even if they were almost straight rip-offs from various martial arts films). However the first film just seemed to be a more cohesive story, whereas the second one was fragmented and in places a little cliched (did anyone actually wish her daughter had died?).

edit: I really really love Pai Mei and his beard obssesion!
I appreciate that if you are a huge fan of Kung Fu movies there are multiple layers to be enjoyed in Kill Bill 1... but I'm not a huge fan of Kung Fu movies and so had to take Kill Bill 1 at face value. Sadly, at face value, I thought it was pretty duff. So duff, in fact, that I am in absolutely no rush to watch Kill Bill 2 - I may catch it when it shows up on TV but not before.

So Kill Bill goes in the same mental box as Citizen Kaine - perhaps a masterpiece but not something that I particularily enjoyed watching. I appreciate how Citizen Kaine broke new ground in cinematography and I found the documentory about the film very interesting... unfortunately the film bored me shitless. I enjoyed watching Quentin Tarantino waxing lyrical about Kill Bill when interviewed but, like Citizen Kaine, the film bored me shitless.

Then again I've always been a fan of vapid teen flicks so what would I know?
