Kill Bill one Kicked ass
Kill Bill 2 Wasted 2 hours of my life!!!!!!!!!!
Kill Bill 2 Sucks so much balls, the best part was when she ripped that persons eye out.. Damn I wish I set the DVD Player to play at 2x speed with sound then It would have only lasted 1 hour

You expect a Big Fight scene at the end of Kill Bill 2 that will last 5 - 10 minutes.. INSTEAD you get about 20 minutes of talking and 15 seconds Fighting. The Fighting was balls as well at the end, - "ooooooo i'll just prod you 5 times around the heart" "Now go walk 5 steps and u will die" , what a load of SHIT!!!
BUY KILL BILL (The First One)!!! (Dont get the 2nd one) Instead Ill save you the hassle of wasting 2 hours of your life -
Film Starts
Lots of talking
Bills brother goes to work and gets told to go home
Uma goes to kill his brotehr
his borther shoots her with salt pellets
then he burries her alive
she goes "aarrrr aaaarrrgghhhh," then hhhmmm and remembers she learnt how to punch threw wood.
She punches through the coffin an ddigs her way out
goes to a bar and asks for some water
goes back to kill bills brother
that woman with the missing eye is there to buy Uma's sword from bills brother
missing eye woman kills bills brother with snake.
Uma Rips the missing eye womans other eye out. she screams in pain
then she goes to this pimp (I think)
says wheres bill, he say's over there
She goes to kill bill
When she gets there, OMG Her daughters there with bill
Bill and Uma have a good old chin wag (talk) for 30 mins which bores the hell out of you
Bill and Uma have a 15 second sword fling
Uma hits bill around the heart 5 times
Bill walks 5 steps and dies
The End
(Biggest pile of shit Ive ever saw

, At least the first Kill Bill had lots blood in it

, Kill Bill 2 had just a drop of blood compaired to 1)