Hi im new.


Still Fresh
Jun 10, 2003
Hi im new here and new to the GP32, I was just wondering if there are any emulators or any way at all to play Metal Slug games. Those are my favorite games. Thanks in advance.
Go away we dont need any N00bs in here.


Only joking, we're really helpful with newbies.
Hi, and welcome to the board. If you go to the main page you will see a list of emulators that are available for the GP. A neo-geo pocket emu was in development, and running farely fast- but the programmer canceled development after a someone leaked the beta. I don't think one is in development at the moment. I think that would be the only machine currently emulated that would support metal slug.
The neo geo pocket emulator should run some of those games, although that emulator is unfinished. How about the Contra games? I always preferred those.
Oh and Hello :)

Hope you enjoy your stay, and don't let Axeman's beard scare you :)
As you are new i have to introduce you to Scratch nose avatar monkey, his name is Herbert if anyone is interested.
As you are new i have to introduce you to Scratch nose avatar monkey, his name is Herbert if anyone is interested.
Looks like he is 'Sniffing his finger' to me :D

Saw a video once where a monkey up a tree scratches his arse then sniffs his finger, screws up his face and falls out of the tree :)
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Hope you enjoy your stay, and don't let Axeman's beard scare you 

It's friendly and peace-loving.... no need to fear!

its not axeman that scares me, or his beard...its that really freaky avatar art he has..who made that anyway?

Was made by my mate bobson. He's an animator, and it's a pretty good likeness...

did you know that there is antrax floating around your head, haha jk. its a nice origonal avatar, unlike mine i ripped from an anime
did you know that there is antrax floating around your head, haha jk. its a nice origonal avatar, unlike mine i ripped from an anime

Those are actually stage lights - I played in a band (guitar - hence Axeman) and it was supposed to be a cartoon of me on stage....

OH NO - the mystery is ruined!

Ah well :P
cool! what kind of guitar did you play, do you still play?

by what kind of guitar means, rock, metal, country, blues, etc...just to get an idea