My First Gp32 Is Here!!!!


Still Fresh
Dec 27, 2004

My GP32 BLU came in the post this morning, its like heaven in a little box!!!! So many games to play I dont know where to start!!! Good old Rick Dangerous took up the first full hour and i just don't know where to go from here. Any suggestions for a good old blast from the past??? Sorry about the stupid topic but this is all new to me and i'm like a little kid with a new toy (exactly like one even though i'm 27!!!)

IMHO the best next step is Sega Genesis Emulator Dr.MD - it will entertain you for a few forthcoming weeks for sure :) Also dont forget Castaway and Frodo and SCUMM VM and there wont be any spare time in your life. And if you need GP32 native production and you like RPGs, then RogueClone is a must.

Hope it helps a bit. Enjoy your new GP32 and welcome to GP32 community.
hmmmm.... lets see?

sega genesis/megadrive on drmd: sonic, golden axe, kid chameleon, shinobi, ghouls n ghosts, streets of rage.

nes on little john gp: megaman, mario, battletoads, double dragon, mighty final fight, adventures of lolo, contra and zelda.

snes on opensnes9xgp: megaman, megaman x, mario, mario kart, f-zero, zelda, captain commando.

gamboy/color on fgb32: mario, zelda, pokemon, and heaps of other shit!

that should keep ya bussy for a couple of minutes :P
Doom, old ff games on nes and snes, mario, sonic, worms, zelda, metal slug, ogre battle, asteroids, kirby,dr.mario,golden axe........

Ass loads of simpsons, family guy etc.

Thanks for those guys, I really wanna try Monkey Island but don't know where to get it from. I'm going to trawl through ebay see if its on there but most of them seem to be the CD version and I need the floppy version don't i??

You should start with th older game systems like coleco etc.

And go to newer systems in steps.
Otherwise you will be spoiled uickly.

gobie73 posted on Dec 30 2004 at 12:11 PM said:

Thanks for those guys, I really wanna try Monkey Island but don't know where to get it from. I'm going to trawl through ebay see if its on there but most of them seem to be the CD version and I need the floppy version don't i??


You only need some files from the game, so either version should be fine. CD versions are usually just "talkie" versions, and you can even extract the speech to .ogg, and play with speech. :D

Readme in ScummvmGP has more details on the files needed and such. :)

And there are few officially released/free'ed titles that work with Scummvm, I believe Beneath the Steel Sky is one, and I think it works on ScummvmGP. Available from main Scummvm site. B)

Edit: From ScummvmGP32 readme:

Game Requirements:

Game Files (the to... is the suggested directory to copy to):

Note: This list is far from complete.

* Day of the Tentacle (CD) - Copy the DOTT.000, DOTT.001 to tentacle, if you want sfx/speech, use the below section on compressing the MONSTER.SOU to MP3/OGG.
* Day of the Tentacle (Floppy) - Copy TENTACLE.000, TENTACLE.001, and MONSTER.SOU to tentacle for talk in the intro and sound effects.
* Maniac Mansion - Copy the .LFL files (yes, all of them!) and MANIAC.OVL to maniac.
* Zak McKracken (256color FM Towns) - Copy the .LFL files, ZAK.EXP and track1-23.OGG/MP3 to zak256 (use the Encoding sound to MP3/OGG, CD section lower in this document).
* Sam 'n Max (CD and Floppy) - Copy SAMNMAX.000, SAMNMAX.001 to samnmax, if you want sound turn on sfx/speech, use the below section on MONSTER.SOU to MP3/OGG.
* Simon the Sorcerer 1 (DOS non-talkie) - copy icon.dat, gamepc, all the tables?? files, TBLLIST, all the TEXT?? files, MT_FM.IBK, DISK.ID, all the .MUS files, FREEMEM.SIZ, all the .VGA files to simon1dos. (for speech and sound effects use the below Simon the Sorcerer sfx/speech encoding section).
* Simon the Sorcerer 2 (DOS) - Copy .ADD files, .ADV files, SETD.SND, ICON.DAT, GAME32, TBLLIST, SIMON2.GME, SETUP.MUS, and FREEMEM.SIZ to simon2dos. (for speech and sound effects use the below Simon the Sorcerer sfx/speech encoding section)
* Loom - Copy the .LFL files, DISK01.LEC, and Track1.ogg or Track1.mp3 (use the Encoding sound to MP3/OGG, CD section lower in this document) to loom.
* Indiana Jones 3 - Copy the .ID files, and the .LFL files to indy3.
* Indiana Jones 4 - Copy the ATLANTIS.000, ATLANTIS.001 to atlantis if you want sfx/speech, use the below section on MONSTER.SOU to MP3/OGG.
* Monkey Island 1 (CD) - Copy the MONKEY.000, MONKEY.001 and track1-track23.OGG/MP3 (use the Encoding sound to MP3/OGG, CD section lower in this document) to monkey.
* Monkey Island 2 - Copy the MONKEY2.000, MONKEY2.001 to monkey2.
* Beneath a Steel Sky (CD and Floppy) - Copy all files in the archive to a BASS folder on your SMC.
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haha screw that. jump right into gpengine + osnes, DrMD! there's nothing like seeing those high quality (good lookin) 16bit games in your hand right when you just got a brand new GP32!!

(the novelty will war off and then you'll go dig thru the older stuff, if it is your thing... most likely, if you bought this system!)
I think its just a BLU when i run DrMD and change screen type to taiwanese its all messed up but is stable when samsung is selected. So have I struck lucky??

Not having much luck finding some scumm games but suppose i'll just have to wait until they come along!!!!!

gobie73 posted on Dec 30 2004 at 12:22 PM said:
Not having much luck finding some scumm games but suppose i'll just have to wait until they come along!!!!!

Just make sure you don't download them on a p2p network. Yes that would be free, convenient and quick but... um... it's immoral?
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I got Monkley island 1 and 2 as a collection set on CD rom, it also had monkey island 3 to play on Pc and best of it was cheap if I xcan remember about 10-15 pounds. Im sure you'll find a copy somewhere :)

You just copy the game file from the CD to the gp32 SMC as it days in the scumm Readme.

I also love the Doom and Beats of rage mods, For doom, Half Life and Goldeneye are great ones :) For Beats of rage try Hyper Final fight, it rocks.

Try going down the NES route. Even if like my old GP32 yours underclocks this still works great :D
Anyway the NES was and still can be a great console. There's not to many time consuming amazing games to play on it though, a lot are simply arcade remakes. Here's a few roms that I highly recommend for you to find:

Super Mario Brothers 3
Final Fantasy
Kirby (the best in my opinion)
Manic Mansion

Have fun, most of bought our GP32's so we could emulate our favourite consoles. So think what yours is and just start playing it on the GP32. But the GP32 also introduced me into amazing consoles that I was never introduced to even in my youth since I'm to young. So just hunt around EvilDragon's amazing site:
And just play round. The first few weeks of discovery with your beloved GP32 will be great! :D