The only thing I think of when I hear Apple (the old apple machines that is) is those Apple IIc computers that we used in elementary school, in the computer lab, and all of the classrooms. Except those select few rooms that had the MUCH better Apple IIgs computers. All the same, I never really did anything noteworthy on those computers, except word processors, and really crappy basic programs. Other than that, we only had elementary school-level games and stuff, not exciting.
There's probably WAY more to the old OLD Apple computers than that, but I certainly don't know about it.
Come to think of it, I'm not sure what makes the ZX Spectrum a very good computer either, except for maybe games. Then again, I've never seen one in real life before, ever. And then there's the Amstrad. When I ran my Amstrad emulator, I immediately got an image in my mind that made me think that this computer would probably be in older schools, some years ago.
Now, I have some fond memories of the C64, because we own a C128. Originally it was a computer for my brother to use for school stuff, so the only c128 software we had was word processors and other stuff like that. Every game we had was for the c64 part of the c128, so that's close enough. At this time, I owned a Apple IIgs (and I was VERY young), and all I'd do on it was use software to doodle around, and make greeting cards, and print them out. That's all I used it for, up until the disks crapped out.

Later we did the computer cycle and we all switched computers when my brother got an ibm. Now, loads later, we didn't have room for the c128 anymore (which is hard to believe, since it's a pretty small computer...

), so it was at my grandparent's house, up until 2 years ago when I took it back home with me.

I like playing one game on it: The Music Studio.

(ok ok, Jumpman Junior is kinda fun too). I went online to find a d64 file of The Music Studio, and I found it, but it's really weird, the only version I could find has VERY different demo music, and graphics. The version I actually own had more rock music on it, and slightly different graphics... maybe I have a later version? I'd copy it into a d64 file, but I don't have any way to read those huge disks. Oh well, maybe later.
Whoo, sorry about my nostolgia.
Well anyway, I really don't mind that there isn't a Apple emulator...
We have an Intellivision at my grandparents house (same story, except I didn't bring it back home 2 years ago.

), of which my cousin and my grandpa like to verse each other in this one baseball game.

The only games we had were sports games, so I don't know.
We also have a coleco vision, with TONS of cool games, but I don't have the right TV or converter to hook it up anymore.

I should probably get one at radio shack or something... just for fun.
Yay, past fun!