GP32 A plan to get the GP32 popular......


That's the way I like it
Apr 26, 2003
What we need is a plan to get a GP32 into more peoples homes, thus increasing the community, resulting in more software (commercial and homebrew).

Now, the main problem is not that people don't want to buy the GP32, it is that they don't even know a that it exists. What I suggest is that everyone here joins a couple of gaming forums and promotes the GP32 on these forums. This would result in greater knowledge of the product. An idea would be to link to or to link to the review that was done over at retrogames.

What do you guys think?
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I'm doing a pretty good job i think (with the help of others of course!) :) FHM, Face, CVG, GamesTM, The Guardian news paper(!), b3ta (very very nice b3ta) + at least another 6 major magazines to come...

Oh, i seem to have fixed the doom saves too. Horay, now onto some other PC ports.

what is b3ta, is it a website? I bet I'm the only one who's never heard of it :unsure:
I heard about the GP32 on an old TV text service called Digitiser in the UK. I decided that I had to find out more so I trawled the web finding out all the info I could. I then had it ordered within a couple of days.
yeah nice job craig, I had heard about the gp32 before it even came out but all i had seen where the old old prototypes. At the time it looked like it would be neat but I figured that it would probably be one of those things that comes out and just flops in a few months and you never hear of it again. I read some times which posts major updates and releases when they come put for the gp32 some times. I had seen listings for the snes emulators and what not but thought little of it. Vg-network posted a link to craigs review as soon as it came out and that is when I relized that people had accutally given thos system some thought and had really programed some great things for it. From there I read this site and scoured the message board just trying to get info on it that next week I caved in and bought one and havn't looked back. Keep up the good work craig game park must love you for doing so much promotion for them.
What we need is a plan to get a GP32 into more peoples homes, thus increasing the community, resulting in more software (commercial and homebrew).

Now, the main problem is not that people don't want to buy the GP32, it is that they don't even know a that it exists. What I suggest is that everyone here joins a couple of gaming forums and promotes the GP32 on these forums. This would result in greater knowledge of the product. An idea would be to link to or to link to the review that was done over at retrogames.

What do you guys think?

but then again, if it werent for lik-sang or gbax, i wouldnt have a gp32 right now....hmm, i have no idea how to get people to buy something.
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The only way ive been successful is actually showing it to people. When people say "Oh thats a GBA.. but it looks different" I usually explain to em what it is. =D
b3ta (very very nice b3ta)
ahh how i found out about this wonderful machine
Me too :). Whoever it was who got the GP32 into the newsletter did the console a great service!

They also hurt my bank account, but luckily the gameplay more than makes up for it...

Do we have loads of B3tans on this board then? I usually log on as "Not very much Gravitas at all", but haven't been very active the last few wekks 'cos of exams
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I heard about the GP32 due to the fact that Craigx lives about 10 minutes down the road from me and a friend had bought his GP32 direct from him by visiting his house (I feel like I indirectly know someone famous!)......small world....
its not stupid, some games are good.
i used to make movies all the time and im going
to make a few flash games if it comes out for gp32...
there is a small mention of it in the latest issue of pcformat (UK) reads :

Bluetooth gadgets, so new we have to use spy pictures.

GP32 began with a USB connection to a PC but by linking wirelessly to your cellphone, the GP32 will be able to download new games over the air as well as join multiplayer games and post hig scores to league tables. You can also use it to listen to music and watch movies

Not much, but better than nothing ! apart from the fact it has been out for over 1 year <_<