Atari ST or Atari 2600

Atari ST or Atari 2600

  • Atari ST

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atari 2600

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Atari ST, easily! 16 bit games, amazing emulator with the most features ever (save states!); which somehow gets updated many times a week...100's of quality games

this is easily the best emulator on the GP32 to date (in my opinion) followed very closely by GPEngine (which would be greater if it had a working save state option)

ideally however, get EVERY EMULATOR and test them all out ;)
i dont wanna outstep the boundries here, but.

i really need some ST roms ive been looking for ages and i have only found speed ball 2

where do u find st roms.
im stuck as stuck could get.

if somone wants to tell me via PM thats fine, i but im real stuck and the ST emulator is pretty neat :(
dooodie-I dont believe u started a poll about which emu to try.Can't u make your own choices?If you dont know about either system then do some reserch-Thats what ther net is all about.Dont want to diss u but at least ask something worthwhile.
I just found out that there´s Civilization for the ST. Now I really have to buy me a GP32.
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2600 all the way not in emus its about the consoles. u cant beet the classics i mean come on. pac man pitfall tapper spy hunter oh the good old day
I vote 2600, because i own that one. All the games are classics, so simple yet so so fun. This is back in the day where gaming used to be fun to play, not just drooling at jaw dropping good graphics (halflife2) but then again, halflife2 kicks all the ass in the world.

ST is 16 bit like an Amiga or SNES.

In fact, ST and Amiga are 32bit computers. Unfortunatelly the 68000 is often called 16bit or 16/32bit CPU, however, it´s a true 32bit CPU.

Really? I thought the 68000 was a 16 bit chip and the 68020 was the 32 bit version (Amiga 1200 and CD32)

Where did you read this? any links please?
here is info on it;|17658
I vote 2600, because i own that one. All the games are classics, so simple yet so so fun. This is back in the day where gaming used to be fun to play, not just drooling at jaw dropping good graphics (halflife2) but then again, halflife2 kicks all the ass in the world.
You playing some unrelased beta? or are you just buying into all the hype around the game ?
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JDUK, have you downloaded the gameplay movie for HL2?

If not, get it and youll see WHY it is hyped so much.
If so.. your an idiot! :P
NO the real idiots are the ppl who sit around blurting out crap like "OMG!!!! ******* is amazing!!" when it hasn't even been released. Remember Black & White ???? Pure Horse Shit ! Unreal 2 SUPER Horse shit! they looked great, ppl trumpeted on about them, then they were released and where ... well, u know... equine excrement. Have your own damn opinion for once don't buy into what the media tells you.

Play the game then tell me what u think!
I vote 2600, because i own that one. All the games are classics, so simple yet so so fun. This is back in the day where gaming used to be fun to play, not just drooling at jaw dropping good graphics (halflife2) but then again, halflife2 kicks all the ass in the world.
You playing some unrelased beta? or are you just buying into all the hype around the game ?
i have the gamespy movie of it, 9 demos and some extra stuff you dont see normally, plus it is high quality divx. ive played doom3 and it is as incredible as it looked, but halflife2 just looks too good to explain. plus it comes with hammer editor that is capable of making mods easier than any editor for halflife. the source engine alone is worth buying halflife2 for.
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That was all said about unreal 2! engine .... this and that, the editor is gods own, etc , etc. Play the game don't let the hype own you. Be a gamer not a marketing statistic.

Don't be hardcore, softcore, retro, mainstream .... be a gamer! and judge from that point of view. Be free! never let an add or web site or pre-release tech demo tell you what to think
I have my own opinion and it is thus:

Half-Life 2 is going to revolutionize the FPS as Half-Life did before it.

The End
Always love comments like this when the people are saying it on hype alone, like JDUK says, all these games that come out recently have claimed this, and they didnt, HL2 does look fantastic, but 'revolutionize'.... thats a big claim

Ill play it first before making my judgement.

p.s. while as fantastic the first HL was, i dont think it 'revolutionized' the genre in the same way as Duex Ex did. HL was just the same old shit, just that shit was done very very well :P
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