GP32 Thesus and Minoutar Maze


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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I am making a Thesus and Minoutaur Maze (Click here and then click on Thesus and Minoutaur Mazes for info and a java game of it) And I would like a maze designer, and someone that can draw the mazes. If you want to do it, tell me and I'll tell you more info :)

I don't know if I can be much use to you as I haven't started coding for the GP32 yet. However, having looked at the java build of your maze it seems like too good a concept to be allowed to dissapear... the lack of replies to this thread so far is worrying.

I am intending to start learning C and going throught the coding tutorials on this site over the next few months, but I realise this is unlikely to be in time to help you in this way.

You did mention help with level design and drawing levels. If you could give me a more detailed idea of what would be required, I'd be very happy to do what I can to help with this project.

Have fun,
Well, you don't need to do any coding, because I am about 99% fiishesd with the engine, and all that I need to fix is some strange flickering of your player, and the controls sometimes are too responsive and sometimes not responsive enough. Desigining mazes is like this, first you make a grid which is 6 high and 8 long, and on each square draw walls around it, in the places you need the walls to be to make the maze (don't make a maze that woun't fit on the 8x6 because I think that is as high as I am going to go) then make 4 grids of 1s and 0s that are 8x6, the first shows if there is a wall on top (1 is yes and 0 is no), then one for bottom, then one for left, then one for right (remember that 1 wall will usually count on 2, one on the left of a square and one on the right of another). And the artist draws a 320x240 maze (each square on the grid including walls is 40px tall and 40px wide). I'd like it to be something like the first one is a dungeon (minoutaur gaurding), then a jail (person guarding), then a hi-tech jail (robot gaurding), and about 5 levels of each. Tell me if you understand this all ;)
Is noone noticing/liking this?? This post is for a bump (not that it needs any with 4 discussions in this place) and asking if I actually should make this because noone seems interested <_<
Hi, sorry about the delay in my reply... I've been busy revising for / sitting the last of my exams over the last few days.

It is a bit odd that noone is replying, but I get the impression that some of the developers' pages are quite slow normally. Possibly it's just ordinary apathy - people won't enthuse about a new idea until it's finished and tested :(.

I do think it's a great idea though - I like the concept of the minoutar maze and think it will map well as a game on GP32 (Although I suspect some sort of saving option / level code would be essential to keep people playing - I imagine you've already covered this though).

I do understand the ideas in your previous post... just to make sure I'm clear about making the number grids describing the mazes, I'll write one for one of the mazes on your site later. To be honest I'm not sure where I'd start designing a maze for this game, but I'll definately have a look at it - with luck it will begin to make sense with a little practice.

Do you want the maze backgrounds / player pieces to be animated? I can produce animated .gifs (or maybe a sequence of frames in any other format), but have no idea what you would need to do to incorporate these into your engine.

EDIT: Grids for Maze 1 on the java version on your site:

Top line:



It would be easy to make the BG/Sprites animated, but if it went over ~10 frames it would be hard. Also, I would like it if we created our own mazes, not use the ones already there. The "grids" are only for collision detection with walls, so you do have to make the BG, too (I think you do understand, but I want to make sure).
I understand that you want to use new mazes. Just posted the grid above to make sure that I've understood your instrucitons for describing the maze layout in grid form. Thought I'd better check by writing one out for a maze you already know the layout to so you can confirm I have it right. That way, when I send a maze design accross the grid shouldn't be gibberish!
I understand that you want to use new mazes. Just posted the grid above to make sure that I've understood your instrucitons for describing the maze layout in grid form. Thought I'd better check by writing one out for a maze you already know the layout to so you can confirm I have it right. That way, when I send a maze design accross the grid shouldn't be gibberish!
You were right except for one thing, the grids HAVE to be 8 width and 6 height, you can just add 0s if you need to, oh, and you don't add a 0 for where the exit is, you just make another 3 #s that are ExitX, ExitY, and ExitDir (1 for Up, 2 for Left, 3 for Down, 4 for Right), also add the #s ThesusStartX, ThesusStartY, MinoutaurStartX, MinoutaurStartY :) And sorry for 4getting these things, since I made the engine, I take it for granted that everyone knows how it works :) Tell me anything else you think I 4got.
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Well im a newbie to GP32, (had it about a month :D)

Well I can do pixel art, such as tiles, and I am currently working on some RPG games as tile artist. after i've done them (and improved my skills) maybe i could help you out :P