Robotron Style Games For Gp32?


God I'm old.
Jun 9, 2003
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Are there any good homebrew remakes of Robotron for the GP32? I looked around but didn't find one. I faintly recall there being a compo maybe a year ago for Robotron remakes, and I know there was at least one for the GBA. But was there any for the GP32?

None spring to mind, but I do remember that game being insanely difficult to the point of not being enjoyable. I guess it's perfectly suited to a handheld system, though.

I'd also love to see a Defender clone. Another Midway game that was too hard for its own good :P
Thanks don,

Here's the results of that pdroms compo:

#1 ( 4,61 points) LLamabooost by LordGraga & DayDream _GBA
#2 ( 3,83 points) GodTron by Wub _GP32
#3 ( 3,50 points) Pocketron by Torlus _NGPC
#4 ( 3,06 points) Escape from LLama by Jum _GP32
#5 ( 2,33 points) WWartron by Gytis _GBA
#6 ( 2,11 points) Grecotron by Dave VanEe _GBC
#7 ( 1,61 points) GBamatron by Dr. Hirudo _GB
#8 ( 1,50 points) GP moron by Snesy & Illuminatus _GP32

Links to the GP32 entries:

Escape from Llama:
GP moron:

Haven't tried these just yet but will soon. Godtron sounds good and it's #2 so must be pretty decent.

***NOTE*** The word "C a m e l" keeps getting auto-replaced with "moron." WTF?!
Or you could try running Llamatron through castaway... @156mhz it's a dream... just try and get the castaway version that plays PCM samples better...

then beat my score of 660,000 level 38... (pretty crappy maybe...)
Yeah, I keep forgetting to try Castaway again. It's probably amazing now, since I haven't owned a GP32 since over a year ago, and it was already superb back then.
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Prophet posted on Dec 1 2004 at 01:42 AM said:
***NOTE*** The word "C a m e l" keeps getting auto-replaced with "moron." WTF?!

:) Yep, that's true. This word is on ban list due some stupid guy who register at least one a week and try to advertise online shop, so I banned all known brands like M.a.l.b.o.r.o. or for example C.a.m.e.l.

I hope this moron will give up after a few weeks and then I will remove those worlds (at least "C.a.m.e.l." :) from banned dictionary.

Sorry for inconvience.
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Huxley posted on Dec 1 2004 at 12:35 AM said:
None spring to mind, but I do remember that game being insanely difficult to the point of not being enjoyable. I guess it's perfectly suited to a handheld system, though.

I'd also love to see a Defender clone. Another Midway game that was too hard for its own good :P

C'mon, I think you mean Williams... and I'm not so sure about being suited to a handheld - the original game relied on having two joysticks - a fundamental part of the gameplay being that you could fire in a different direction than you were moving...
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Williams are Midway...they bought out their game division many moons ago, although Midway is the only surviving brand. And it would be suited to a handheld system because of the pick up and play gameplay, the control scheme could worked around much like Smash TV.
Gruntfuggly posted on Dec 1 2004 at 09:30 AM said:
C'mon, I think you mean Williams... and I'm not so sure about being suited to a handheld - the original game relied on having two joysticks - a fundamental part of the gameplay being that you could fire in a different direction than you were moving...

Original Defender by Midway/Williams had just one joystick but 4 buttons. 1-fire, 2-laser, 3-change dirrection for 180degrees, 4-hyperspace jump.
I'd remember that as I spent lotsa time at it in late 80's. It costed me fortune... but worth every cent :)
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jeff minter's (creator of llamatron) games were very much influenced by the old williams (and atari) games, you can get most of his old games here including the ST versions.

alothough its not emulated on the gp32, do yourself a favour and download tempest 2000 and a jaguar emulator (project tempest) to play it on. best game remake ever :D
The GP32 GBA emulator plays alot of demo games
Does it really play them at full speed?
From all reports it can play most demos at full speed, it just has problems when you get to commercial roms.
Well report this, i downloaded the zip that someone made with all the GBA homebrewn games and none of them run at any kind of playable speed.
Ok, relax, I was just going off of what I heard in previous threads. That's why I didn't state it as fact the second time by saying "From all reports". Just trying to offer a helpful alternitive in case there were no GP32 options. That's all. :P
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PiNa1971 posted on Dec 1 2004 at 10:28 AM said:
Original Defender by Midway/Williams had just one joystick but 4 buttons. 1-fire, 2-laser, 3-change dirrection for 180degrees, 4-hyperspace jump.
I'd remember that as I spent lotsa time at it in late 80's. It costed me fortune... but worth every cent :)

I actually meant Robotron having two joysticks.

The original Defender joystick only did up and down - you had a button for thrust... it would probably play OK with a four way joystick, but personally I prefer the old thrust/reverse buttons. That's why I am so desparate for a BBC emulator so we can play Planetoid, which was virtually arcade perfect...
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