Halo 2, Half Life 2 Or Doom 3

Which is best?

  • Doom 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Half-Life 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Halo 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

first of all, you cant say for all time
Doom 2 could have been the most anipited FPS, or Quake, or Unreal ( 1 ), or something yet to come
Secondly, It all depends on what type of game you like
If you like solving some light puzzlesand a good bit of action, Doom 3 or Half Life 2 could win
If you like games with atmosphere that draws you in, prolly Doom 3
If you love multiplayer , Halo 2 and Half Life 2 all the way
If you love more action packed games and no/less puzzles then Halo 2
Its all in the person, because these are actually 2 or 3 of their own genres ( spelleing?? ) , not just "FPS games"
its a little more complicated than that
Its like comparing Green apples to Red apples to Yellow apples
All are apples, but each are extremley differant
that said, my opionion would be they are equal
they have strengths and weaknesses that ballanec each out in my mind

Octavious- lighten up.

They may be slightly different games, but they are all still computer games, and all still classed under the same genre.

oh, and I prefer green apples. :P
ya see, thats what I was going for, they are all good, but they are differant types
I cant say I like Halo 2 more than Doom 3 becuase I dont, i liek them all for what they are
maybe im to complex??
BTW I voted DOOM 3 because Iove how good surround and more can "pull" you into the game, but I would have voted Halo 2 if DOOM 2 wasnt there, same for Half Life 2
I like to feel like Im there ( surround sound, O YA..... )

I haven't played Halo 2 and Half Life 2 - yet. But I'll tell you now, I reckon Doom 3 is sh!te.
i was a bit dissapointed by half life 2 to be honest, its by no means a bad game, just the storyline and crappy ending ruined it for me, still better than doom 3 and halo 2 tho!
They are all quite good, but none of them touch the new GTA. Not even close.

I haven't played HL2 yet but I have played Doom3 halo 2 and I think craig is entirely right, San Andreas is the best game out of the three (and possibly the best game I've ever played...and that aint an exageration either)
I've only played Doom 3, and was severly dissapointed. It just doesn't FEEL like Doom.... It has way to much Quake-feel about it (not Arena).
Things like a 0:30 par on a level, just isn't gonna happen in Doom 3. And It's lacking wide-open spaces.... and let's not forget the dissapearing corpses... I mean - how can you have Doom without lots and lots of corpses lying around.

Haven't voted since I haven't tried them all. Don't have a X-box, so it'll be a while before I try Halo 2 (if ever). I failed to see what the big deal was about the first Halo, but I've read that Halo 2 WILL be able to impress people who were uninmpressed by Halo (that would be me)
Wow, I am suprised that Halo 2 wasn't in first. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I don't know how you can rate GTA:SA over Halo 2. That is almost Sac Religous in my book. But hey, I am a HUGE fan over HALO and HALO 2. My signature says it all. TRUST ME YOU CAN"T BEAT ME AT HALO OR HALO 2.
Oh yeah, and for anybody that lives in the Central Florida area, did anybody go to the Ocala Game Expo? I did. My team came in 3rd on the 4 on 4 Tournament. My friend and I came in 1st on the 2 on 2 Tournament. YEAH! I WON $1500! YEAH :D

EDIT: Oh yeah, I did vote for Halo 2. DOOM 3 came in second and then Half Life 2.
I've only played Doom 3, and was severly dissapointed. It just doesn't FEEL like Doom.... It has way to much Quake-feel about it (not Arena).
Things like a 0:30 par on a level, just isn't gonna happen in Doom 3. And It's lacking wide-open spaces.... and let's not forget the dissapearing corpses... I mean - how can you have Doom without lots and lots of corpses lying around.

Haven't voted since I haven't tried them all. Don't have a X-box, so it'll be a while before I try Halo 2 (if ever). I failed to see what the big deal was about the first Halo, but I've read that Halo 2 WILL be able to impress people who were uninmpressed by Halo (that would be me)

Did you every play, and beat Halo? If not, your still going to be dissapointed in it. It is ike going to a LOTR movie and not going to any of the other ones. Your just not going to get what is going on. Halo 2 plays alot like a movie. Thats what I like about it, you feel like your in a movie.

EDIT: This may seem a bit cheesy, but i'll be the first one to admit that a cried when I beat Halo 1 and Halo 2. It's just so touching. :(
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I seem to be one of the few who has all 3 and even though Halo 2 was extremely dissappointing it still beats Half Life 2 and Doom 3 due to its superior AI and pacing. It's vehicles are much better implemented that Half Life 2's although I prefer Half Life 2's pacing and storyline. Ultimately it all boils down to gameplay and Halo 2 has to win in that department.

P.S. Don't listen to that guy up there, yeah you know the one I'm talking about. The Halo's storylines are nothing special. The first one was a generic but extremely well done sci-fi romp but the sequal will leave a sour taste in your mouth. Not that it's storyline is not well done but it is blatently obvious that it was cut short. If anyone tries to convince me that was a cliffhanger I'm going to get my Extendo-Boot(tm) out. Any game that finishes with 5 or 6 major plot elements un-explaned let alone concluded is a failure and I'm sure most people would feel this way if they have played through the game.