Almost Working!


Still Fresh
Nov 27, 2004
Well, I managed to get my firmware flashed over weekend, and I'm able to transfer files a lot easier with phodrive - but I still have one remaining problem.

It appears that I can only run a certain number of programs - and these seem to be the ones that I first copy across to the SMC. I have one brand new 128MB SMC that I got on Saturday, and one old 64MB one. Programs that I can run include: DumpFW, fw.fxe (obviously...) and a Clock Speed Tester program.

Problem programs are GPCinema, Rick Dangerous and the Metal Slug demo - these will work if they are the only program on the card. Often having all three on the same SMC and using the Launcher will result in the GP freezing with the 'Launching...please wait' message. This is the same for Wolfenstein and Castaway.

Any suggestions as to why some programs are running and some aren't? The only thing that I can see is that the file size has something to do with it. The problem is the same on both cards, and the same GP32.
uh, that actually sounds strange. i don't know, if i understood you completely, but i guess so.

put the new 128 SMC in your gp and format it with pc link first. (did you do that, or did you format it using a card reader in windows?).

after that, you normally can put as many .fxe files (and other files as well, of course) on your SMC using pclink or even a card reader.

.fxe files always have to be in the \gpmm folder
What fw did u flash it with? if u have pacrom on your gp32 uare able to flash it without the pc-link. ;)
Tis true!

If GPCinema, Metal Slug or Rick Dangerous are the only proggies on the card, then that only program will automatically load, bypassing the slubman menu. It's only when there is more than one program on the card that I'll get the firmware selection screen. I can only run the smaller programs, 99 times out of 100, castaway or wolfenstien or metal slug freezes on the 'launching please wait' alert.

I've formatted the card both was - using the Phodrive Mass Media Device software to format (using FAT and not FAT32) and I've tried the 'format' option on the firmware menu (both 'fast' and 'complete'). There's no difference with either. I was using my gp32 for most of last year without any hitches whatsoever, and now, suddenly, all these problems! The formatter on the GP32 is reporting that there are 4 bad blocks on the card.

One time today, when I've formatted the card using the GP32, I've managed to get CaSTaway to work, but it fails when I'm selecting a disk image (the supplied diska.stt and diskb.stt). The SMC 'became' corrupted, and I couldn't delete my ATARIST directory - I had to reformat the card.

Seriously, it's almost as if there's a Y2K-like problem, my GP32 can't handle going from 2003 to 2004...all I'm hoping is that when I get the card reader, this will solve most of my problems.
From what you ´ve described, it seems that you forget to push the [select] key after the data transfer. That usually results in corrupted or missing files. You have to push [select] after you ´ve transferred all your data. Your gp32_console will reboot then, and everything ´ll be in order. :D
From what you ´ve described, it seems that you forget to push the [select] key after the data transfer. That usually results in corrupted or missing files. You have to push [select] after you ´ve transferred all your data. Your gp32_console will reboot then, and everything ´ll be in order. :D

Yep, I'm making sure that I push select after the data transfer, data gets saved, then there's a green box with 'Done!' that appears, then the slubman firmware menu.
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And it still doesn´t work ?
Strange... :blink:

Yep. I've already bought a replacement SMC, I'm waiting for the card reader/writer to turn up, but if that dosen't work, then this GP32 is only fit for the bin.

I'm really annoyed with this right now, I've been trying for about 9-10 hours over 2 days - repeatedly formatting, reformatting, reflashing and reintalling to get this going, and it ain't going to work. :angry:
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hang on, there is an autoboot function on slubman's FW that you cay have accidentaly switched on.

When you first turn on ur gp32, hold select to go to the config menu
Does the version of Slubman's firmware you flashed have the background or is it a monotone (same color all around) background? Any other information as to what version of the firmware you're flashing maybe helpful in discovering what and when the problem arose ;)
Okay, I got my SMC reader this morning. I think there is a problem with the card reader on the GP32. I'm seeing a lot of corrupted directories and garbled filenames on the card when using the SMC reader, and the GP32 is locking up when I try a card formatted (FAT not FAT32) with my external reader.
Looks like this is a problem with the card reader in the GP32. I've been able to play Shadow Dancer on the Genesis emu today, but that's about it. I copied the other ROMS that didn't work back from my GP32 using another SMC reader, and they worked perfectly with my emu on the PC. So, what do I do now, then?
geo12 posted on Dec 1 2004 at 01:33 AM said:
then that only program will automatically load
Are you sure you didnt flash some kind of demo firmware? Could you put multiple files when you were running the euro fw?

I went back to my original firmware, and the problem is the same on whichever firmware I've tried: the last European firmware, my original firmware, Pacrom, slubman and slubman phodrive. I'm even using a SMC reader/writer, and still the problems persist. This is the same problem on two different SMC's - the GP32 is sometimes reporting that there is no SMC or no game file, but when I check with the external card/reader the files and the folders are there on the card.
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