Thew away PSP for a DS! WOOT
I got bored so i converted some anime to play it on the gp32. after i started to watch it, my front light suddenly flickered and became very weak. i thought it was my batteries and recharged it but that was not it! Tried a new pair of batteries and my gp32 came on. notice i never mentioned the problem getting solved. Now, here i am with a front light that is barely on and my $13 batteries dead... Could this get any worse?

edit: nvm the batteries work (why it works now, i dont know) i just have a weak front light
edit2: well folks, its official. i no longer have and flu gp32 (that means my front light is gone forever)
edit: nvm the batteries work (why it works now, i dont know) i just have a weak front light
edit2: well folks, its official. i no longer have and flu gp32 (that means my front light is gone forever)