What Can I Do With A Gba Flash Card? Mp3?


Apr 5, 2004
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I want to buy a gba flash card. (maybe the f2a or ezfa)
but at first i want to know what i can do with it! ;) :P


-play mp3
-view pics
-play homebrew games
-play commercial games (attention: that's illegal!!
but if i load e.g. zelda on my flash card ( i have the original)
because i want to use the quicksave funktion of the f2a ultra card then i can do it??)
-play games from other consoles with emus

is that all? or is something wrong with the list? then please help me.
i have just read that somewhere.
can i play mp3 without having load a mp3 program on the flash card? is there a program on them which can do all these things? :huh: or do i have to load pogeshell on them?
i have a flash advance extreme with 64m cartridge that i can sell you for like 50 bucks(shipping free if you want the cheapest)
hey shenflare! :P

Hmm... i think 64mbits is a bit to small. (you can't put much games on them)
i think about a 256m card. that is better.
but do you know somethink about flash cards? can't you help me with my questions?
IMHO, it's better to use your gp32_console for viewing images, playing MP3s, etc.

I have one of the first 256Mb F2A carts, printer-port version (yeah yeah .. laugh it up :lol: it still works ...), and I only use it for GBA piracy.

-play mp3
-view pics
-play homebrew games
-play commercial games (attention: that's illegal!!
but if i load e.g. zelda on my flash card ( i have the original)
because i want to use the quicksave funktion of the f2a ultra card then i can do it??)
-play games from other consoles with emus

1. If you find a software MP3 player. Haven't looked for it, but there could be one.
2. Same as 1. Although I'm PRETTY sure there is one.
3. Yep, doing this all the tine :)
4. It's not illegal if you use games you own ;) I also use the flashcard to put
more than one game on the cartridge. More comfy :)
Don't know if this works with the latest Zelda, it says on the package the game
is copy protected... haven't tried copying, just playing my original right now :)
(But Quicksave would be great for the treasure hunt game :))
5. Yeah, sure. Most emulators are not as advanced or nice as on the GP32, so I only use goomba (GB emulator) as it plays better than on the GP.

I have XG2Flash Turbo Plus... the driver has A LOT of USB problems, it doesn't work on my computer at home, I need to use the one at work.
When I flash the cart, it creates a menu to select the game.
So no shell is needed.

Don't know if this is the same using other flashcards, too.
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there are mp3 players, but 1) its very hard to convert them (takes time) 2) they sound shite compared to gp32 3) they take away much space so you feel like you wasted your space where you could have stored games (lets say, a mp3 is 5MB big - notice most games are 8MB big, not much bigger than one song)

same with text and stuff, i only use it (when i use it, i like the gp32 more - gba sucks, even with flashcart) when i want to play some commercial games.

in emulators, you may want to check out the pc-engine emu with cd support, i havent done that, i only use it for commercial games (if i use it).

actually the only games i play on my flashcart are sword of mana, golden sun series, pkmn series, gta and a few more :rolleyes:
most time im on my gp32 :ph34r:
im not gonna lie either, i used flash cart for piracy (only 1 game at a time on cartridge though)

::cough:: that was until i found out about the gp32 though