Half-life 2 Is Finally Released

with steam you can just get a CD-key and put it in and it will install it and thats about it

and you can only have it to one account

so if you registered it on one comp to use it on another comp all you need to do is log in and it will dl it... well thats how it works w/ CS on steam
O, so I can put it on the network ( each comp thats capable ) and just log into steam for authorization over the net using the same accout?
Our IP is static if that matters
and I dont need a crack at all for multi same house computers?
well, Ill proboly get it this or next weekend ( got another Halo 2 party woot! )
and to the guy who said warez sucks, I hope ya wernt talkin to me, I was just trying to find out If I could go multi computer with one copy, Im not used to this new anti-pirate method
I hope Doom 3 works on my computers cause Im gettin it in a few hours ( 40 bucks, o ya, Walmart SUPER CENTER!!! 24hr )
thx all for clearin up my questions
well, one more actually, whats all your computer specs and what settings do ya play on?

Game companies are so stupid about anit-piracy. Crackers will always crack the software no matter what. So why waste time, and money, plus annoy customers who have never downloaded warez in their life. Makes no fucking sense. :angry:
well, got another question
should I get the normal HL2 or the collecters edition for 80$??
or better yet, is there anwhere I can get HL1:Source besides just the collecter's?
ANd finnally, How many CD's is HL2? normal version

You can get Half-Life Source in the Silver and Gold Steam packages.

The retail Half-Life 2 includes 5 CDs with HL2 and CS:S on them.

When you buy any HL2 package on steam, you dont get a CD key but it ties the games to your account.

About Half-Life Source, it Isn't much of an upgrade but there is a mod team that is improving it with new graphics and physics. http://forum.leakfree.org/viewforum.php?f=33
Hmm well my half-life 2 came yesterday and i got the Collectors Edition. and to day i was sportying my spiffy shirt off that i got :D . This game is awesome though the only part i don't like is Ravenholm i just finished it today and I'm on Highway 17 the begining, went into the buggy but quit soon after. The vehicles are a nice edition too i especially like the airboat... gamespot said it was kinda buggy but i didn't find anything wrong with it.

Just to mention Vampires: The Masquerade Bloodlines (mentioning it because it uses the half-life 2 engine) isn't all that it's cut out to be. <_<
the first or the second? you can only get the first one because you don't have enough memory for the second... i don't have enough barely and i have 512MB but runs at 200 somthin' normaly and i need 384MB *sigh* :(
Does anyone know why I can't get my Geforce 4mx 400 out of direct x 7 mode? I'm not too fussed seeing as I have a FX5700 on the way but in the mean time its bugging me, I've tried updating drivers and forcing it via mat_directx XX to 8.0 and 8.1 but I get an error back about and occlusion renderer.

Anyone have the same issue?
Well after so many problems of trying to install an actual bought version of the game, I turned to bittorrent to get myself a copy to test out see if my computer could handle it. Well the 2 days of downloading was a waste of my time, because even with all settings on low, it ran at an average of 3 frames per second. Even when I went off into the corner with only 1 poly on the screen, the speech of the characters was still jittery. Here's my current system:

Intel Pentium 3 733mhz (overclockable to 933, but windows doesn't boot when overclocked)
1gb SD-Ram
ATI Rage Pro
Windows XP, running lowest system requirements (even task-killed explorer for extra memory and cpu) with lowest directx and lowest sound settings. Ran like a cat without any whiskers.

Well, after messing with it it for an hour, I got sick of being in a strobe light and shut it off. I'll try it again when I get my 1.2ghz emachines back up and running. (yeah I know i'm a poor bastard, shut yer face)

Also, i'd like to add that I heard over 20,000 steam accounts were disabled because of people playing halflife2 for free. I'm glad i'm not one of those 20,000, because I still play tfc time to time.
Mofokubik posted on Dec 2 2004 at 04:35 AM said:
Even when I went off into the corner with only 1 poly on the screen, the speech of the characters was still jittery.

Sounds like a problem with drivers or the game itself...I ran it on a PC with similar specs (+ 1gig Athlon) and it ran smoothly in all but the most hectic situations. And this was with most of the settings on medium, a couple on low.
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