Call Of Duty 2 Running On My Computer?


It Is Your Birthday.
Aug 31, 2005
Ok, so basically I have a shitty video card. I never really thought about the problem until last X-mas when I got Half Life 2 and the grafix were all crappy and it was basically unplayable. To say the very least, I was devastated.

Call of Duty ran fine 3 years ago when I got that game for Xmas, and after the HL2 incident I never had any hope of anything playing that was worthwhile. Psymastr told me it was my video card and called my computer shit. Whatever.

I downloaded the demo of Call of Duty 2, and IT RAN! I would say with VERY little lag (if any). My question is, before I go and buy the game, does the fact that the demo runs mean that the retail game will run? I would be so happy if it would :)

Thanks guys
If the demo runs the game should run just as well,
But be warned, cod2 is nothing like cod funwise, it gets boreing pretty fast and gives you absulutely no "war feeling" like the original did,
For example you often have a infinity number of enemys running at you and they only stop when you rush them, yeah very realistic...
Also the missing healthbar/wierd health system puts me off.
I sort of liked the health system and lack of savestates because it stops me from hitting F5 all the time and reloading if I take too much damage ;) on higher difficulties this is.

Agreed with the infinite soldiers thing, you basically need to move forward before everyone else will, then they give you cover so it's pretty easy after that.
Awesome vimacs thank you! I was so pissed when HL2 wouldnt run. You know to this date, i still wonder if it wasnt my computer that gave me the strange graphics, but the potentially defective game?? I enjoyed cod1 so ill go buy he sequel. Ill also try battlefield and some other game demos before i buy them to be sure they run OK. Thanks for the response guys, im going back to the mall today to pick that up + a charger for my ipod :rolleyes: