New: Tobi Drummer 1.0.6 / Homepage


Dec 4, 2003
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A new version of Tobi Drummer (1.0.6) is available. Download it from:

Tobi Drummer Homepage

What's new:

- 50% smaller executable (Compressed FXE)
- Pattern/Track Copy implemented
- Song can be looped (Edit Pattern Queue Menu)
- Patterns are played looped now (Edit Pattern Menu)
- Smaller changes to the graphics
- Small user interface improvements
- Bugfixes

Have fun ! And read the readme-file !
Certainly the GP32 is very Funny... :-)

To me I like much to convert MIDI songs (drum and bass without guitar) to mp3 later to reproduce it in the GP32 that is as well connected to me V-Amp2 IN Aux connector as well as then guitar and I to touch with the electrical guitar upon the song... that is to say, I have a semi virtual Rock Band of 2 virtual members (Drummer and Bass) and I playing guitar and singing... X-D

Very Funny :-D

For that reason, this one type of programs I like.

Un Saludo!
Certainly the GP32 is very Funny... :-)

To me I like much to convert MIDI songs (drum and bass without guitar) to mp3 later to reproduce it in the GP32 that is as well connected to me V-Amp2 IN Aux connector as well as then guitar and I to touch with the electrical guitar upon the song... that is to say, I have a semi virtual Rock Band of 2 virtual members (Drummer and Bass) and I playing guitar and singing... X-D

Very Funny :-D

For that reason, this one type of programs I like.

Un Saludo!

It's nice to hear that people that make 'real' music have fun with my program. :) :) :)

If you like really dirty sound, use an 'overdrive' or 'distortion' effect (connect the GP32 to your guitar effect) on Tobi-Drummer. Hear how loud and noisy the BassDrum, Snaredrum and Crash-Cymb get. B) :blink: :lol:

Or how about Gate Reverb ?


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It's nice to hear that people that make 'real' music have fun with my program. :) :) :)

If you like really dirty sound, use an 'overdrive' or 'distortion' effect (connect the GP32 to your guitar effect) on Tobi-Drummer. Hear how loud and noisy the BassDrum, Snaredrum and Crash-Cymb get. B) :blink: :lol:

Or how about Gate Reverb ?


Yeah, I will prove it connecting it to the VAmp-2 with these effects... :-)

Good Luck.
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Must say, I do love this program/game/whatever and after the sequencer has been added, I'm actually also considering using it for something "real".
Despite having Reason, Cubase and loads of other programs on my computer, I'm actually planing on linking this thing up to the mixer, and have it record unto the multitrack recording program :-)

Ohh... And I have an animation-bug ;-)
Why is he banging on a drum when you use claps? He should be clapping :-)
Guess an animation of him hit the drumsticks together would be cool too. (I like to start drumsessions up with 4 clicks :-) )
Certainly the GP32 is very Funny... :-)

To me I like much to convert MIDI songs (drum and bass without guitar) to mp3 later to reproduce it in the GP32 that is as well connected to me V-Amp2 IN Aux connector as well as then guitar and I to touch with the electrical guitar upon the song... that is to say, I have a semi virtual Rock Band of 2 virtual members (Drummer and Bass) and I playing guitar and singing... X-D

Very Funny :-D

For that reason, this one type of programs I like.

Un Saludo!
hey hey hey...
Another Behringher V-Amp 2 user...
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