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Virtual Boy
Jan 23, 2004
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Other would include none or Phamtom or something.
I'm going with Xbox 2.
Can't wait to see when modchips come out for it and good emulators come out.
The new Nintendo machine is codenamed presently as "Revolution" and is expected to be nonstandard (nontypical?) like the DS. (I am impressed with the direction of the DS).

I expect the video hardware to be not that different form the XBOX2, so that won't be a factor; and I am most impressed with the offbeat GC titles such as Animal Crossing, Cubivore, Pikmin.

Am enjoying Katamari Damacy right now too though...
I just wanna see something different, since there probably will be an Xbox2, PS3, and the "Revolution" :lol: :lol: :lol: . I'd like to see a new company stomp all of them [but leaving Nintendo with enough money to still make consoles].

P.S.: The "Revolution"!!! HAHAHA!!!

...wait... am I the only one that finds that amusing??? Well, it is just a codename... :unsure:
how can you allready ask this? thats a plain fanboy question, not even the specs are known.
well, i go for the next sega console :-)
my PC still will kick the next gens ass, however, if I can find the xbox2 for as good a deal as what I got my Xbox , ill get one

( 60 bucks for a Xbox, DVD kit, 5 games, 3 controllers, and a year Xbox Live )

I'm still waiting for Sega to release something new and destroy them all!
I thought Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony caused Sega to lose too much money to ever make a new console, during the Dreamcast thing....

...but maybe they gained enough back on second thought... :unsure:

Who knows :rolleyes:. But I think they could just increase the price of their arcade machines by a few bucks and crap one out. But they may have given up on home consoles forever :( .
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Yeah, Sega said they were out of the soncole market now. Though I wouldn't bank on their staying that way in 10 years' time.
sega's games will still be on all consoles, for now though..

if you ask me the Dreamcast wasnt their biggest problem, it was mainly the Mega cd, i bet they lost a fortune from that.. the Saturn wasnt all that good either.
Aren't Xbox 2 and GC 2 going to use similar PowerPC chips and similar video chipsets? Actually, I thought I heard that PS3 will use a similar video chipset as well. I don't really see any difference between them at this point, except first-party titles.

Oh, and PS3 is going to use HD-DVD? or Bluray?
im going for the Revolution all the way , the past few generations of consoles have been to set in there ways improving graphics , and ONLY improving graphics , i mean geazus christ the ps2 still only has 2 controller ports XD.

Nintendo have quite plainly pointed out that photo realistic graphics are now possible , so whats the need to put super jumped up power into a console , i can see them putting in the hardware to keep the junkies happy , but the revolution is gonna have something special about it ..... something very special ......

personally one thing i like to see all of the consoles do is have built in inferred for the pads

and then just use a toggle on the pad somewhere to set between 1, 2, 3 ,4 , then they cud do away with pad slots and have the console in funky shapes XD

my 2 pennys
whats HD-DVD and bluray???

and ya, next gen are goona be similar, but the xbox will be best because its using the same type of chips and set up as a g5
On a site they said this:
The specifications of the new Xbox console have been leaked to the internet, if the document is - as many experts believe - genuine. If true the machine will be hugely powerful, being driven by three 3.5Ghz PowerPC G5 CPUs - similar chips to the dual 2Ghz G5 Macs that Apple claim are the fastest computers around.
how much would that cost, as much as a PC ? LOL
I am pretty certain that I read that Sony stated the PS3 will use Blu-Ray.

I read something about the XBOX2 processors being multiple but not clocked at 3.5 Ghz; more like 2'ish GHz.

Regardless, it will have fantastic graphics, but I expect all the systems will.