16days Entries Discussion

You know it's halloween today; maybe they will just change the background to black and put a few pictures of pumpkins. That would shit on all of our bonfires.
u guys need to get out and build a bonfire with some friends.

cant believe ur anticipating this so much on halloween

i just cant wait to tonight, halloween rox
still no update :(
in germany we dont really celebrate halloween....
so im just sitting here in my room right infront of my PC..
to Tabs open in Firefox one with www.gp32x.de another one with 16days.gp32emu.com
and im getting crazy O_o :-D
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Sponge BoB posted on Oct 31 2004 at 04:39 PM said:
u guys need to get out and build a bonfire with some friends.

cant believe ur anticipating this so much on halloween

i just cant wait to tonight, halloween rox
I'm worried somebody might come round now, while I'm hope alone. Naturally I won't answer the door, but they might egg my house. I think I'll turn the lights off as a precautionary measure.
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same thing for me, sonic...mhhh, where in germany do you live? maybe you can come to my house and we make a bonfire (:
Craigs probably being attacked by trick or treaters right now, damn them stopping our competition results
halloween is good because u get to hand wit friends have a fire, let off fireworks, get free sweets and go wreckin

thats all great fun
Goity posted on Oct 31 2004 at 04:52 PM said:
we don't get them because we have big gates

Damn you, I want big gates :P hehe

OMG The Results are up

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mingus_dew posted on Oct 31 2004 at 05:36 PM said:
tahts not funnay

onionfrog posted on Oct 31 2004 at 05:38 PM said:
Damn you Steve-o!!!

Why am i so gullible? :(


Its helping to pass the time :) LOL
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