The Big Video Game Own Challenge Thread

No as it’s a Nintendo Jump and Run Challenge, not only Mario, but I can try to take Donky Kong Tropical Freeze in, DK Country 3 is too divicult for me sadly..
Im only 2 Worlds away from finishing Yoshis Island, so i think i can start Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland this Weekend hopefully..
I wonder how difficult Kirby is in Comparation to Yoshi, ..
After that i will have New Super Mario Bros DS on my New 2DS XL, i hope i can pause by just close the lid
Congratulations on enduring Yoshi. How do you rate it vis a vis Mario World? Actually I'm interested in your ranking of Mario games.
I cant rank Games, but i enjoy this Game for sure,
When i have to compare it to SMW, i think its a bit better as its not this standart Mario Game, but made whit lots more cute details and whit a different mechanic, allone these Shy-Guys who are turning a mechanism in the Background that turns a trap, or dancing enemys in the levels..
Ok just finished Yoshis Island, in 9:37 according to the Library Feature of the Analogue Pocket
I ditnt made the Bonus Stages , like on the other Games, but I can make them in the future..
now I’m having Kirby’s Nightmare in Dreamland in my Cardridge Slot, but maybe tomorrow evening..
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Seems like the Library Feature Time Stamp works correct: I played Super Mario Land again today and it’s said 33 Minutes..
Now I will play New Super Mario Land as a sort of extra bevor I will begin whit Nighmare in Dreamland as last Gameboy Game of the Projemt
Seems like New Super Mario Land is unplayable on Analogue Pocket, even though the SNES Core works quite good and the Controlls for normal SNES Games work perfektly fine, on Pyra and Pandora i ditnt got issues, but on Pocket i dit failed on this Lion Mini Boss..

Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland is awesome, quite cool Moveset whit this Enemey Abillitys Copy Feature, plays good, looks fantasytic on this screen, so im Happy that i bought this Game a few Years ago used, and usually GBA Games should not have issues whit the Save Batterie..
The Only Game where the Save Feature dont work was the Metal Slug GBA but maybe this was a bad copy..
I'm trying to finish Streets of Rogue with more characters as possible... but it's very hard...

For now I finished the game with the Alien and the Doctor, with both of them I completed the big quests, and killed/chloroformed the major to take his Hat.

I tried many times with the Zombie... in the first levels is pretty easy covering the city with undeads, but in the later levels there are too many people shooting around at sight, and they can decimate easily my army...

I unlocked everything in the game except for the Comedian character... the only times I found enough bananas I was using characters unable to eat them... :'(
Did finish Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland yesterday whit 3:38, not 100 % but as is said this is something i can achieve later, this "Challenge" is only meant to finish the Storymode from as much Nintendo Jump and Run as possible..
Quite nice GBA Game, but i ditnt use that many Kirby Forms as possible, the Credit Animation where they dit show again all Boss Fights had some Kirbys i ditnt used, like Spikey Kirby..

As my next Game, New Super Mario Bros DS on the New 2DS XL fell on the time, when i have my test for the free over the counter drugs licence, i think after this game, i can give this whole Challenge a lot more time, as i dont need my weekend anymore for learning stuff i only need for this test.., so i can enjoy the Games much more..
I think as a second Challenge as i cant play the whole time Jump and Runs, i can try to continue my FS22 Unimog Projekt, the last time ditnt worked out that good but i can still try to play only whit Mercedes stuff (expect Combine Harvester, Forklift, etc as there wherend made back then from Mercedes), i saw even nice Sprayer Mod (Dahman Spray which was build whit parts of a MB Track)
As i have this Steamdeck, and i expect the Weather to get much more apealing for Out Door Play, i can try to have this in my Garden (whit powerbank)..
But this will start after my Licence was succesfull ..
I ordered the Cardridge Releases from Kirby and the lost land, and Kirby Return to Dreamland Deluxe, i will put them in my Jump and Run Projekt
But i think i will exchange them for New Super Mario Bros DS ..
I have still New Super Mario Bros 2 (3DS), and New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe (Switch)
Allthough im quite far on Super Mario 3D Land, i think i will switch to Final Fantasy III DS, as i played too much Kirby, Mario and Yoshi in the past, after this game i can continue whit Mario 3D Land as its the same Handheld..
so one time a JRPG, the other time a Jump and run
My first run was quite unsuccesful: I got an Game Over as I was entering the mithril mine whit Arc and Luneth, the skeleton enemy where much to hight..
so I think I have to start new on weekend..
No I went on a Dungeon I should not go whit Level 4, and I think I will continue today but whit a website open on phone whit a guide
For Final Fantasy X, 12 and Dragonquest 8 I have quite cool guide books ..
I just completed Wind Waker. Took me about a year. I was motivated by all these people on the other thread talking about completing games so i committed to this ueberhyped game. I think it's overrated. It's quite boring and repetitive. And short. And easy. But Links gameplay is absolutely perfect. As are the cell-shaded graphics. And the ememy "AI" .... They should do another game using this engine a la Majora. I think I'll play Metroid Prime next. I actually own it as well.


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Wind Waker is quite nice, dit test it on Steamdeck, Toon Link got quite funny expressions,..

Ditnt play much since i got this Ipad, allthough i have the New 2DS XL in the Bag i use to go down in the Garden..
but the last time i was on New Super Mario Bros 2
Famitsu gave NSMB2 36/40 it must be good
Famitsu gave NSMB 40/40 they must be corrupt
Its a cool game, if only they would not use this "Savegame only works one time" , but its allready better than on NSMB 1 where its only dit save when you beat a Castle, , also unlike Mario 3D Land it ditnt need the 3D Effekt, its just good old 2 1/2 D, ..