I'll Be Back Soon


Mar 19, 2003
About two years ago I found out about the gp32 and saved what little extra cash I had for a few months before going a head and buying one. I had it for about 6 months and then lost it one day while at class. It was in my back pack near the top and at some point must have fallen out. That was the begining of my final year at school which was an entire year that I was to broke to buy any toys and that sort of thing. I really really enjoyed playing around with my gp32 and have stoped by here to post and see whats going on from time to time ever since. I only had mine for a few months and was really pissed when I lost it. Recently I have finished school and have just started a really great job so very soon I will be investing in a nice new blu unit and I really can't waite to try all the new stuff I have been reading about over the past year. The few months that I had my gp32 I only really just got to try out a few programs and didn't get around to developing for it at all which is what I had really wanted to do all along. As soon as I get my new unit you can bet I will probably be asking a few questions in the dev forum so that I can get on the ball and start developing.
You will be developing? Cool! make me an Xbox emulator j/k :D

You will like the BLU, the screen is nice. You may like the screen so much that you will be glad you lost your other one.
How good are your coding skills? :P can you contribute to genesis, Snes, GBA, or Neo geo pocket? :P no pressure or anything :D :lol:
Axe man sorry to let you down but awhile back I changed that picture and replaced the photo of your beard with a beard of my own. Don't get to excited yet people, there is no way I can even try to create stuff on the level of yo yo or rlye those guys are nuts. Don't expect to see anything from me as a dev for the next few months. I'll play around with developing stuff for awhile and if somthing worthwhile comes of it then I'll share it but don't hold your breath.
angrypants posted on Oct 1 2004 at 03:19 PM said:
Axe man sorry to let you down but awhile back I changed that picture and replaced the photo of your beard with a beard of my own. Don't get to excited yet people, there is no way I can even try to create stuff on the level of yo yo or rlye those guys are nuts. Don't expect to see anything from me as a dev for the next few months. I'll play around with developing stuff for awhile and if somthing worthwhile comes of it then I'll share it but don't hold your breath.

Hehe - Inspired by someone? Or did ya have it before :P

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