Clamp Down.


Jun 16, 2003
Visit site
what i basicly think the site needs is a clampdown on the forums.

its getting ridiculous, sigs that break the H-lock or that are massively huge. people acting like complete assholes for no reason. people constantly wanting for attention by giving themselves titles and the forcing them down our throats with spam.

there either needs to be more wise mods or, a brief nazi like "zero tollerance" period to give everyone a kick in the ass.

just have a look through the forums you'll see it for yourself.
By giving themselves titles do you mean things like "FAPPO" and "sexay fuck" or something else :P

The forums just going the same way as any other forum does when it becomes more popular. I think more forum mods are needed so things can be done faster, not better (although faster IS better).
Phil posted on Sep 19 2004 at 09:53 AM said:
what i basicly think the site needs is a clampdown on the forums.

its getting ridiculous, sigs that break the H-lock or that are massively huge. people acting like complete assholes for no reason. people constantly wanting for attention by giving themselves titles and the forcing them down our throats with spam.

there either needs to be more wise mods or, a brief nazi like "zero tollerance" period to give everyone a kick in the ass.

just have a look through the forums you'll see it for yourself.

Can you provide some examples? The reason I ask is that I check the forums about every hour or two usually. I must admit, I really have slacked off from "nazi mode". I mean, we're all pals here, so there's no reason to attack people for small mistakes.

And I just sent a warning to someone about sig size today.
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lock the chatbox. that is just a blatant ploy to get a massive post count. and i'll stop flaming people when people stop acting like idiots. im all for scene progression but the huge number of new members has really got to me. this board used to be the first thing i checked on the internet (even before email) and now i hardly post. people abusing the forums and using it as a blog site etc annoys the hell out of me
bringoutthegimp posted on Sep 19 2004 at 06:55 PM said:
lock the chatbox.  that is just a blatant ploy to get a massive post count.  and i'll stop flaming people when people stop acting like idiots.  im all for scene progression but the huge number of new members has really got to me.  this board used to be the first thing i checked on the internet (even before email) and now i hardly post.  people abusing the forums and using it as a blog site etc annoys the hell out of me
I love you too man. Yes, yes I do.

I say people who flame should be told to calm down or something :/
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yeah that was kind of a shot at you. you seem like a cool enough guy but blog sites really infuriate me. i didnt come here to read about someone else's life, plus you said you have your own, so put it in your sig and leave it that. also people having conversations on here are annoying too, use msn or write an email, dont pollute the board. thats all im saying about the matter unless someone trys to start something.
Thats why we have the chatboard :/. No one is reading my blog from here, is waaaaaaaay too personal (I know that seems unbelievable from the crap I post here but it is :s).
This forum is very unstrict which I find as a good thing. It actually just adds some fun to flame a flamer :).

I'v been on various other boards and the Nazi-like action they take there is rediculous. Out of 9k members 1k more were banned. I got banned for asking a mod if he knew C after he said Python was better then C.....
I'm with bringoutthegimp on this. If people act like retard morons, threat them like retard morons. If you refuse to read docs supplied with games/tools, if you refuse to read FAQs, if you refuse to check about site policies, if you are unable to use the search function, if you are even unable to read the post answering your question that was written 1 hour ago, you do NOT deserve to be protected by any community. And please. don't come up with the lousy "We all were noobs once!" excuse. Being a noob is a natural thing, but being a noob who refuses to get information on his own, without annoying the shit out of other people, makes you look lazy, lame, idiotic and egoistic (and probably even more adjectives).
don posted on Sep 19 2004 at 03:07 PM said:
I'm with bringoutthegimp on this. If people act like retard morons, threat them like retard morons. If you refuse to read docs supplied with games/tools, if you refuse to read FAQs, if you refuse to check about site policies, if you are unable to use the search function, if you are even unable to read the post answering your question that was written 1 hour ago, you do NOT deserve to be protected by any community. And please. don't come up with the lousy "We all were noobs once!" excuse. Being a noob is a natural thing, but being a noob who refuses to get information on his own, without annoying the shit out of other people, makes you look lazy, lame, idiotic and egoistic (and probably even more adjectives).

I declared once that all newbies have a 1 week "newbie protection" from the time they're registered. After that, we treat them as any regular forum member. I don't think we've been coddling newbies - it's been a long time since I last edited someone's post, for instance.

I still haven't seen any examples of issues that you felt were not dealt with properly. In fact, I haven't even heard of something you want changed, except locking the Chatbox. Furthermore, I don't think it's healthy to argue on this matter. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Yet the forum cannot be reshaped on opinions - if you want to convince us mods, you need to give us examples or scenarios, and your own ideas of what should have happened.
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This isnt about not reading manuals etc, its just people getting annoyed for no reason.

There is no reason to be annoyed at peoples use of the Chatbox. If you dont like that sort of thing, dont visit it. And who cares if people are using it to get a large post count. Its not as if anyone attaches importance to postcount.
i think someone needs to make some scientistic reports

"why do people get annoyed" (no, serious, not like 'for no reason')
"why can't people just ignore something" (i can't either :P)
"how to get someone who is lazy to read something as important as a FAQ"
Post counts really don't matter to me, or anyone else I know on here. It's just better to post in the thread rather than to make a new one in off-topic, and like these guys said, if you don't like the chatbox ignore it.
Post count was disabled a while back but really I dont think anyone who posts here regularly cares to be honest.