Finding Movie/clips/cartoons


Still Fresh
Sep 3, 2004
Where can i find trailers or cartoons or even short films/music vids to download for GP Cinema? I know everyone here seems to be able to convert files and make 'em themselves but i have all the technical abilities of a housebrick! It's better/simpler for me to download 'em, but where from?
There are a few places, such as GP Theatre (think the address is DoomPortables or something) but it's not got any commercial stuff.

GP32-Divx has recently closed down. is barely up.

Sorry, there isn't much to go on, and board rules forbid asking for copyrighted material. Sorry.
Oops sorry! ok then, i'll give converting a go,(but i'll try to find a program that is a bit less baffling to use than virtual dub,remeber,technical skills - housebrick).
So can someone list what the video files should be encoded as, ie bitrate etc please?
Is there a guide on how to encode them? If they encode, and are big files I will make enough to put on a DVD-R and send it to you, spongebue. I dont mind helping :). I just need to find a guide. What do you want, Anime, comedy, action? I am a big fan of Anime myself

EDIT: Oh yeah, if you dont have a DVD drive I will have to put them on CD-Rs. My internet connection is 4mb/s so it isn't a big deal to download

I will probly need a guide for encoding them from .avi files, and from DVD Disks. I have a small collection of DVDs
thanks for the offers to mail these, but I would appreciate it if you guys could email them instead. Abbibi (owner of set me up with an email account, which works pretty well (though one of Sam Fisher's videos didn't work <_< )

The address is is no more. Gptheatre is better so its gone now and won't be coming back. Atleast not as a torrent tracker.

My 9mb video has sent twice from my gmail account. I know it works as I re downloaded it and tseted it and it does. Its you email account that must be. I can send it to you through msn.