New Osnes9x Crashes


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
alright, long time listener, NOT 1st time caller.
been using Osnes9x for ages, just updated the new one today. it crashes, i overclocked to 156 (highest i can go). i tried 133, likewise. crashes on "loading game" on both...

i put everything in appropriate plz?
no, i had no crashes and i played it quiet a lot.

i guess, it's the most underestimated update for an emulator ever. without sound, very very many games are fine @160MHz with framskip=0

the only thing i had, is that the screen sliced in 4 pieces, but if you enter the menu and leave it, it's fixed. that happened more often in the 0.2 release.
I didn't experience any crash with 0.3, but I did notice some games are now playable (like Treasure of the Rudras for example)
Hmmm strange, I have been playing with that near everyday since release and its running brilliantly. With sound off it is sooooooo damn fast!

I know its the usual suggestion, but you are using fresh batteries right? oh and check your smc for errors, that might help...
you have to delete all the .sys files and cofig files that were saved from the previous version, then rerun it you should be fine.
El_Diablo posted on Aug 27 2004 at 11:03 AM said:
Hmmm strange, I have been playing with that near everyday since release and its running brilliantly. With sound off it is sooooooo damn fast!

I know its the usual suggestion, but you are using fresh batteries right? oh and check your smc for errors, that might help...

Fast? Are you crazy? If you mean that playing at 166 with frameskip and without sound it's fast, then you are blind man.
Release 0.3 run as slow as 0.2
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actually yes it IS faster, and yes that is without sound...which is actually pretty impressive. Lets not get ungrateful now B)

I can now play Unirally quite happily with sound off...goes like a rocket, Mario Kart at FS2 is also damn playable...Im pretty content.
i can run almost every game without sound and at 166 with full speed and with frameskip 0 or 1.
and that IS fast. in version 0.2 i had frameskip 2 - 3 in almost every game.
BIG thanks @ yoyofr
Seraptin posted on Aug 27 2004 at 12:02 PM said:
i can run almost every game without sound and at 166 with full speed and with frameskip 0 or 1.
and that IS fast. in version 0.2 i had frameskip 2 - 3 in almost every game.
BIG thanks @ yoyofr

yeah I second you on that :) Sensible Soccer is now extremly smooth with FS0 @160 Mhz wo sound of course, but many others are running now at FS0/1 while they need a mere FS2/3 to run on the old version!
so Yoyo made a really great job here :)
Bravo & Merci Yoyo :D
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For me OpenSnes9x is still unplayable.
I don't play with 166 MHz because GP32 is meant to be a handheld console that i can go with everywhere, not a device that runs out of battery an a couple of hours because of overclocking.
Nuak posted on Aug 27 2004 at 12:27 PM said:
For me OpenSnes9x is still unplayable.
I don't play with 166 MHz because GP32 is meant to be a handheld console that i can go with everywhere, not a device that runs out of battery an a couple of hours because of overclocking.

So you're saying that you want OSnes9x to run without overclocking at all? Sorry Im afraid no matter what there will be overclocking and no matter what it'll cause the batteries to drain faster. I OC to 166 with it and my batteries still last for a couple of hours(and my NiMH batteries last even longer than that).
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For me OpenSnes9x is still unplayable.
I don't play with 166 MHz because GP32 is meant to be a handheld console that i can go with everywhere, not a device that runs out of battery an a couple of hours because of overclocking.

There are soooo many things the GP32 can do at 133MHz or fact, SNES and Genesis emulation (and perhaps GBA emulation in the future) are the only exceptions I have found so far because of they are trying to emulate 16-bit consoles.

Everything else runs fine at 133MHz, so this just means SNES and Genesis emulation are (so far) the exception, not the rule!

Besides, at 166MHz on regular AA batteries your GP32 should last around 7 hours without a light turned on, and about 4-5 hours with the light turned on. Subtract an hour or two for rechargables. If you have even less then 4 hours of play time with rechargables at 166MHz, that's a sign your rechargables are getting near their limit.
just telling to people who don't know.

if you get a black screen after a while or when you start off a game,

turn on sound, restart game, get to 'ingame', save state, turn off game, restart game, load save state then blam! gaming goodness.
For me OpenSnes9x is still unplayable.

that seems somewhat extreme. the GP32 is an amazing machine and opensnes is nothing short of damn impressive. If you were expecting flawless emu at 133mhz on a system that has no special processors in it then you were expecting too much I think. I mean, my PC that was 133mhz (back in 1996) had issues running loads of snes games, my GP seems to run them comparably very well.
ahhh.. deleted files and it still won't load

just hangs every time "loading game"

will mess with it a bunch more when I get home, I guess

heh heh, nothing is easy...
Nuak posted on Aug 27 2004 at 05:27 PM said:
For me OpenSnes9x is still unplayable.
I don't play with 166 MHz because GP32 is meant to be a handheld console that i can go with everywhere, not a device that runs out of battery an a couple of hours because of overclocking.
Buy Better Batteries: 2300 mAh NiMH batteries last about ten hours overclocking and frontlit. Get two pair and a decent charger and you'll never run out of batteries, it's even cheaper than buying non-rechargeables every time
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i even want the opensnes overclocked faster
yes it does run a lot faster than the v.2 but so much speed would be gain if it could overclock to 200 or more
My minor gripe with 0.3 is the new delay in the intro and browser appearing. I'd much rather strip out the intro music and animation etc to make it snappier and possibly a smaller FXE. (Frodo has taken this route and I just reckon all emulators should let the games be the stars and not chuck too much eye candy in)

0.2 actually STARTS faster than 0.3!

Happy with the improvement otherwise...
