
May 16, 2003
Essex, England (Yes, England is a country)
I ordered a game for download on JoyGP ( and i can't download it because the site is too slow. I have 5 days to download the game apparently and I can't!!! :angry:

Everytime I try to download it just goes EXTREMELY SLOW and aventually times out. I left it to download overnight and got 1mb in 30 minutes and the game doesn't work because its not the whole file.


Is anyone else having this problem?

Doe's anyone know the support e-mail (because it's not on the bloody site) so I can send them a complaint demanding my money back or something?

:angry: :angry:
Sorry to hear it's not working for you.. you can probably try emailing Entware at (from contact link) - since they seem to be hosting or at least loaning a subdomain to the English version of JoyGP. I couldn't find a contact link on the main site.. there is the board though if you can post without taking 2 hours load time.
Aharding...Yes , definitely most unfortunate your situation is. (ok, now I am talking like Yoda.)
Anyway, Bada from Entware can usually fix whatever is wrong the the speed of the download or any problem JOYGP has with the server.
Bada, may be able to send the file directly to you, One time moviepark could not be downloaded for some reason and he sent it to me directly....maybe he can do it for you.
I admit that not alot of us have that slow down problem (at least not as bad) Don't try and get your money back, instead try and get Tomak direct via email. Good Luck (Do or do not, there is no try.)hehehee
sorry to hear about your problem
but i wont be to optimistic about what joygp will do

i purchased pinball dreams from them
at a time when i was upgrading to a FLU version
when it finally came
i emailed them my receipt and told them i have upgraded
but in a 3-line reply they simply said
one game per machine
cant (spell that WONT) help you

once bitten, always shy

read my gp32 writeups at Era/GamePark32TheNewEra.htm
try running it through a download manager, at least if it doesn't download you can set auto resume
Bada and JoyGP wasn't being mean or unjust. Think about it. If you ran that site...and someone told you they just upgraded there Gp32 and showed you "a receipt" how would you know it was really their receipt and not someone else's. Or if it was their receipt, maybe they bought it for someone else so THEY could get free games.
What I am trying to say is GamePark would lose a lot of money letting people "upgrade" their GP and download for free.

Now I am sure you really are upgrading your Gp32. I don't deny that. But from a business stand point can you understand how (if you ran the business) you would tend to lose alot of profit.
Ya, I dont use getright, but I used to and it works good

Also you can also use a good internet browser like Opera, it will block popup ads, continue from last save point (incase of windows error) and it has a built in download manager that can resume transfers. Its all I ever use.

I hope you get your download working before its too late
Nope getright don't autostart and I can't locate the url of the file because I think they have intentionally made it impossible - I really do believe I should have got a GBA SP now, may have cost a bit more but you can play games on it!!! :D :D :rolleyes:

**ADDED** If you hold ALT+CTRL to make getright get the file a shitty javascript message comes up that says "ctrl+alt disabled" fucking arseholes - it's daylight robbery.

If you want to do stuff like right click or keycombinations, use netscape/mozzila, they don't know how to disable it :) Also, just ask Bada because a manager won't do anything, after 5 days I think that they completley take it off the server, not just remove the link (how much space would it take, and individual file for each GP32 owner that buys a game?)
Mofokubik posted on May 26 2003 said:
jeez if you want the link and you cant right click all you have to do is view the pages source
How is that doing to help? You can't change the stuff on the server, and if you run it on the computer, I have a feeling that it will notice/not work especially in a "Secure Enviroment" anyways, Netscape is the bestest browser in the world ;)
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i have figured out a way to right click on sites that have right clicking disabled!!

all you do is move the mouse all the way to one side and right click and hold it down onone of these parts of the browser:


then move the mouse over what you want to right click on and let the mouse go!!!!

arent i clever! :blink: :lol:

i just tested it on joygp and the one on the scroll bar doesnt work but the other sucka worx!!! :lol: :lol:
NOTE: make sure the window is maximized before you right click on the left side or it won't work.
Nice, but you can still just hover the curser over the link and will display it at the bottom, and if its java script, you can just view the pages source with notepad.
Yeah nice try but the link is to a server side script that redirects your browser to the file you are downloading - it don't work :(


I think the problem is because im in the UK or something cause he was getting full speed. P.S. no it isn't because i've got a shit connection - i have 1meg cable.
TJFBryant posted on May 26 2003 said:
Bada and JoyGP wasn't being mean or unjust. Think about it. If you ran that site...and someone told you they just upgraded there Gp32 and showed you "a receipt" how would you know it was really their receipt and not someone else's. Or if it was their receipt, maybe they bought it for someone else so THEY could get free games.
What I am trying to say is GamePark would lose a lot of money letting people "upgrade" their GP and download for free.

Now I am sure you really are upgrading your Gp32. I don't deny that. But from a business stand point can you understand how (if you ran the business) you would tend to lose alot of profit.
you are right and have a point there

but also please consider these 3 points

1 i have purchased thousands of dollars in software
for the palm and ppc, but they have always allowed
me to continue using registered software whenever i upgrade
eg pocket dos sent me their software several times
each time i upgrade to a new pda.
JoyGP is the only company in my experience that
have not allowed me to do so

2 for crying out loud, all i asked was the same software
i paid $$$ for to be registered under my same name.
it costs the company nuthing - i surely will not buy the same game,
but will get lots of goodwill.
it is not as if we are distributing zillions of 'em on the web.

3 as more gp32 owners upgrade to the FLU unit
more people will be caught in the same situation as i am.
will they will willing to buy all the games they paid for
in order to use in in their new unit?
i do not think so.

i rest my case

as i said, JoyGP has the right not to give me a game for my new unit
but they also have the right to shot themselves on their foot
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