Os9xgp-0.3beta Is Out!

sound is icing on the cake. not necessary though. especially compared to graphics (displaying properly), gameplay (speed being good) and control being correct.

hell it's got snapshot saves, what else can you ask for!!

looking forward to tooling with it tonight, i hope axelay is a good speed now!

if you want sound, i mean GOOD sound, play the actual console through your stereo like it was designed to - or on a less-taxed PC emulator at least. handheld, these days, you gotta compromise something. sound isn't a bad compromise at all!
I agree with DaveC, sound is the greatest about retro gaming, exspecially on the SNES.

I would go as far as saying the sound is 60% of the fun concerning old school gaming.

Btw are there any plans to update the PCengine emu? That one is really the best emu currently on the GP32... the sound on R-Type is nothing short of spectacular :P Savestates would make my day ;)
hey lizard808uk:

what do you mean for transparency hack number 4? You can view the text and the backgroiund and characthers too? I thinks thats impossible...! I can switch to off the bg3 on that 0.3 release and on the 0.2 release and i can view only the text and a black background!Let me know
Oh, by the way: Just tried Terranigma.
Works fine :)
The size of the rom is just above 4 MByte, so either my BLU has more memory than I thought (unlikely) or yoyo found a way around the 3MB limit (more likely).

So cheer up :)
an other question: now you can change the controller and the port.
but when i'm changing it (e.g. i choose the mouse) and when i'm looking into the gui again, the mouse isn't selected any more. when i'm chosing an other port its the same.
aren't this functions implemented in this version? gp32_console
Someone mentioned that the global settings don't save in the new version. I saw that too, so I checked the source. Apparently, it saves to gp:/gpetc/ so make sure you have that folder if you want to save your settings.
A little more digging in the source shows that there is no support for Mouse or Super Scope in this release. Sorry.
Fantastic news! We finally got another version of this superb emu (And only almost 8 months after the previous release)! Everything seems to be working great (Tetris Attack is now full speed without sound!). Still haven't tried Mario RPG, though.
Why hasn't Yoyo's website been updated with a news post and why isn't it (OS9XGP 0.3) in the downloads section on his site either?
i still cant run mariokart properly, i can overclock my gp32 to 160 with this emulator but mario kart is as slow as hell, how are people getting almost full speed at 156mhz!? and i have the sound off. anything im doing wrong?
ok. and i've an other problem with the version 0.2 i could overclock my gp32 up to 160mhz without problems. but now it have problems with this clockspeed.
sometimes it crashs!! is it possible that its not exactly 160mhz?
because i can't use a clockspeed over 160mhz.
it would be sad if i have to use now 156mhz. :(
and now an other question.
someone said that he hasn't tested mario rpg.
but i have tested it with v.0.2. the was the problem with the wrong controller!
the game is thinking that you are using a snes mouse and not the game pad.
have this been fixed in v.0.3? that would be great because i had this problem with kirbys fun pack too. realy want to play this game on my gp.
Azure posted on Aug 17 2004 at 07:59 PM said:
Fantastic news! We finally got another version of this superb emu (And only almost 8 months after the previous release)! Everything seems to be working great (Tetris Attack is now full speed without sound!). Still haven't tried Mario RPG, though.
Woot Tetris Attack. I spent so many hours on that game.

Anyway this is a great release. I can't believe people would even complain about no sound. You couldv'e had nothing, but yoyo decided to release it. I don't think that its the same as the old version this version is 10x better at speed.
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Contra 3 runs superbly now which is good, no real improvement as far as i can see with other games so far, mario world runs full speed but did anyway as far i remember mario kart still doesn't run full speed but i haven't messed with the frameskips yet so. Lovely update though. :)
Chrono Trigger settings for opensnes 0.3:

Hack Settings: Transparency hack 4, everything else switched on, except for fast sprites which is off. Also I have 16bpp switched on in video mode.

These settings seem to work in the Trann Dome, havent tried the others (havent got that far yet)