Os9xgp-0.3beta Is Out!


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2003
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I'm stuck at work, it's a hot day and opensnes is out!! Can you lucky people who are at home let me know how it plays!!?

How does Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts run?

[EDIT] Everyone seems to be stuck at work like me!!

[Mod - Made into a News Zone post. Get it here: http://yoyofr.fr.st/]
Well I tried a few games, and there is next to no speed improvement @166Mhz.

Most of the games are still not playable with sound, just like with beta0.2 :(

It has a nice improved GUI though...

Well at least he said in the readme that the sound is still slow because it is still mixed with C and not with the assembly core, so there is hope ;)
Without sound there is a dramatic speed improvement. There is an auto frameskip option. A new transparency option. 16bit seems to make little difference on the games i've tried (almost no speed drop). If you play without sound (like I do) is release is perfect. Config files are incompatable with this version. Um....I think thats it. Plenty of bug fixes and new stuff in the readme. Only tried it for five min anyway. Check the changes file. Oh the fxe is around 200kb smaller. I gotta go play some more. Kickass release.
The most positive note about this release for me is that it is still an actively developed emulator and hasn't been left at the 0.2 stage. From what I've read it has had major work done to the main core of it... so the next releases will be the tweaking stage of development
Ok after another five min of testing, the auto frameskip is a little funky for action games and just not needed. Playing ff4 is great with auto frameskip. It's fair to say that without sound and 16bit most games are fullspeed at frameskip zero. with 16bit you may have to move up to frameskip1 or 2 but is still an improvement to games that refuse to go fullspeed at frameskip 9! Performance with sound is unimportant to me so I'm not going to bother. There does seem to be a minor improvement in speed with sound but I'm not sure. There are still little slowdowns here and there which are more noticable because of the increased speed. Will be back after an hour and more testing!

EDIT: Unless a specific game really needs 16bit your better off without it. The speed increase is phenomenal at 8bit. Full speed frameskip zero!!!!!!!!
I think it's very cool. I have a few games which were ALMOST seemingly full-speed with sound, and I had a few games which I needed to manually adjust the frameskip depending on the part of the game.

Too bad Yoyofr is busy, but someday maybe he can revisit OpenSNES9x someday. But if you flame him or this new release, he may never start working on it again. It doesn't take much to push a dev who put a lot of his free time into a hard project to just give up.
I haven't tested yet, but the alleged 3 MB limit may not be true, maybe. The readme mentions Chrono Trigger. I will try now.

Well, it loads. I don't have time to see how well it works right now however.
Hmm... I've got an idea...
Maybe we can open up a pool where everybody puts some "virtual money" in - and the coder(s) who release a version where sound is improved so it will work with fs1 or 2 with most games fullspeed (maybe also some more improvements, we can discuss about that) get the money.
The three main coders should also get something from the pool, as they already did a FANTASTIC work!!

- Nobody has to pay any money until the new release is there
- Coders (can as well be yoyo :)) can actually earn some money.

I'm willing to put up a website where everyone can make an entry how much money he'd be willing to pay for that :)

Imagine... if 500 guys donated 2$ each, that would be 1000$... not bad :)
hm, gotta have a look, how much money i got on paypal...

EDIT: too bad, just got 79 cents (62 eurocent that is) on my paypal account.

Well, i´d pay for a full speed SNES emu WITH sound (and a good compatibility (im not asking for Starfox/Starfox2 to run, would be nice though))
Thats not really going to work well. If a lot of people decide not to pay (you can't really put a gun to their head can you) then it will irritate everybody inc the coders. Donating some "real" money to coders is a better option.
forget vitual money, just get a GP32x paypal account which people can donate to and do it that way.

otherwise people would promise money but then not payup once the product has been released.
what about the transparency? i tried zelda fe, and on default settings the issues aren't gone. you can just fix it in the hack settings, but even there, there is no mode where everything is ok.

or have i overlooked a setting?
great release, there definately is a speed increase without sound (and i don't have sound on in any emu anyway, so). too bad i still can't get the movement range tiles in Front Mission to show with any of the transparency hacks... :(
NOOOOOOOO! so we cant play a tactical rpg yet... is mario kart playable at full speed without sound? can anyone test famicom war to test the transparency? who can open a compatibility list for this new version? thx, long life at the gp32