GP32 screen not working


Grotesque Peasant
May 9, 2003
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My GP32 has broken now after a total 12 days of ownership. I received it from PlayAsia on the 8th, spent a week or so sorting out SMCs, MP3s and getting emulators to run, and then I used it for the first time properly on a trip to Sweden last Thursday.

After about 2 hours use, the screen froze (while playing Parasol Stars on GPEngine) and I had to turn it off and then back on again. When I did this I just a got a mess of black vertical lines.

I left it for a day or so and it now shows nothing at all when it is switched on, although I do occasionally get the black lines again.

It still makes all the right sounds and stuff, so other than the display, I think it is working okay.

Has anyone seen anything like this before? Is there anywhere in the UK where I could get it fixed? I am not looking forward to the expense and hassle of trying to send it back to PlayAsia and get a refund or replacement.
This may sound stupid, but you haven't mentioned doing it in your explanation.. have you tried new batteries?
Sorry to tell you, but Playasia does not offer ANY sort of warranty, so you won't be able to return or replace anything with them. Your best bet is to contact Craig at and see if he's willing to do anything about it. Frankly I think that the higher overclocked speeds on GPEngine should be locked any only unlockable if you know what you're doing, or at the very least accompanied by a warning message.
Thanks for the replies. I have tried new batteries.

I wasn't overclocking GPEngine as far as I am aware, but I did listen to some MP3's before using it and I don't know if perhaps they could of caused the crash.

Here is a strange thing I have just discovered about it, though. If I hold all the buttons down and rotate the joystick, the screen comes on and works fine for a few seconds before freezing up again.

I have also now found that giving it a hard smack against the palm of my hand seems to have fixed the problem! Frodo seems to work fine and I just tried R-Type on GPEngine and that played fine too.

I am begining to think that my GP32 is just faulty. I wouldn't be surprised if the screen locked up again if I tried to use it for any prolonged period of time. Maybe it is because I use the back light and this makes things too hot inside. The manual does warn about overheating.
WhizzBang posted on May 26 2003 said:
I am begining to think that my GP32 is just faulty. I wouldn't be surprised if the screen locked up again if I tried to use it for any prolonged period of time. Maybe it is because I use the back light and this makes things too hot inside. The manual does warn about overheating.
I'm guessing here, but it seems like something went loose inside. If you're not having any guarantee anyway and don't feel too nervous opening flimsy electronic devices, open it carefully and look around for something loose ;)

Seriously, what exactly does the manual say about overheating? Can't remember reading anything like that in mine, so either I didn't RTFM or it's a speciality of the FLU version, and I'd really like to know what and why could overheat there...
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It doesn't say much actually. Just:
-Don't use or store machine in direct sunlight.
-Don't use or store the machine near stoves, furnaces, or other sources of heat

and there is a nice diagram on page 8 telling you not to set fire to your GP32!

I think I have now got to the bottom of this and I just thought I would share it in case anyone else has the same problem in the future. It has been alright for a while now but last time the screen froze, I just applied some pressure to the grey plastic surrounding the screen and then everything was fine again.

There may be a faulty conection to the screen on my GP32 and I suspect this may have happened when the FLU was installed.

I think I can live with it though. Ho hum.
If applying pressure to the grey surround solves the problem, then it's a wiring issue for sure. Like you say, something probably worked loose when whoever it was installed the FLU. I've heard tales that the FLUs are installed in what you might call 'unprofessional conditions', what with people finding dust and finger marks on their backlit GP32s.

I've also heard someone say that the grey surround bulges out on the backlit GP32s.
Exact reason why I'll wait for a kit ...

They are very cheaply produced and badly assembled. Unfortunately quality control isn't as good as it should be..